People starving and being mistreated all over the world and in this country but people want to use their energy to complain about how KFC treats chickens. I lmao at that KFC video btw.
Please show me the order that Trump initiated the USDA website blackout? The person who oversees the USDA is STILL Tom Vilsack, an Obama appointee. ( if the Dems would stop grandstanding and approve Trump's choice already). So again why is Trump being blamed? I highly doubt the reports of dog-breeders in 7 or so States are Trump's priority and he spear-headed the removal of their Files. You're a lawyer, this is based on ongoing litigation. You know I hate the removal just as much as you but please lay the blame where it belongs and don't use it to further enflame the divide happening right now in the country, with your Pro-Obama, Anti-Trump stance, by exhibiting two radical leftists like Keith Olbetman and Rachel Maddow, whom both omitted full disclosure in their pieces. At least l used a neutral media outlet like the AP.
Not moving the goal post, fgs. Watch Olbermann's OPINION piece. He tries to blame Trump specifically and says it's because he never owned a dog.? Huh? Well using that logic, neither did Obama until the WH and furthermore he ate dog and continued to joke about it as an adult. Where was his outrage? Since this removal due to litigation was ongoing from the last Administration, why doesn't Olbetman disclose that instead of just blaming it on Trump, especially because Obama's Agriculture Secretary is still in office? Why not adresss him on the matter?
What are you even saying here. What "racists Whites put dogs before Black people". Name them. Show me the proof. A link? It doesn't even make sense!
You mean like the energy YOUR screeching lefty women in their pink pussy hats used to scream about wet dreams, blowing up the WH and their menstrual blood.. to Donald Trump?, while ignoring the blood spilled from brutal rapes and clitoris hacking going on all over the world?
Show you proof? Lol. Nah you can stay obtuse, you're funnier that way. Doesn't make sense? Since when do people feel a need for their actions to make any sense? How does your critism of Obama's actions as a child make any sense?
Hilarious when a Republican asks for facts since when do facts matter to them. Its all fake news unless it's said on Fox
Still waiting for all you all lives matter folk to show up at a refugee March or for heaven's sake please remind blue lives matter supporters that all lives matter
I'm not a lefty I just appear that way to you, because you're a far right winger. Feel free to ignore my moderate views because it's just more convenient for you to throw general anti lefty jabs out even tho you're not even touching my opinions.
Speaking of obtuse , it's the sudden outrage from Olberman and connecting it to him not having a dog? Catch up Beast. So really, its his actions that don't make sense - Obama ate a DOG, jokes about it, allows the AG GaG to foster and not one word. Catch up Beasty. Knew you couldn't provide links.
Not a far right me where I am? So because I want safety for this country, jobs for Ameticans, Legal residents and Legal immigrants? So because l support a 90 day moratorium on 7 hot-spot countries whose governments are in disarray and do not vet their refugees? These are my opinions and you can't box me into far Right status because of them, though you try.. If anything, you're so far left because you want open borders and potential terrorists to get soft vetting because of political correctness and pandering to the sympathy card.
Once again and for the last time, l repeat, l support BLM and understand their point. I do draw the RED LINE ( take note Obama and watch how it's done) at BLM members going on shooting rampages of innocent cops. Capish? Just as l do murdering rogue cops shooting dead black men for no reason. And you know it, so stop lying and acting obtuse already. Fact is, I care deeply about innocent humans and innocent animals. *On that note, you really should stop contributing to the enslavement, abuse, torturing and caging of animals, along with endorsing barbaric gestation crates. If you do not see the character of man is connected to the characters who inflict ISIS treatment upon animals and that is something you willingly support, you really can't speak on injustices. You are not superior to another's birthright.
Which BLM members go on shooting rampages? Try again miss. So hold on Obama treats animals like Isis does people? Did you take your meds today sweetie?