Random/one-off celebrity WW/BM IR Couple pics

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Bliss, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Sorry, but it just doesn't work out like that in our real world. If you refer to women having multiple white boyfriends who cheat on them and yet still date white boys you are for the most part talking about WHITE women. Mathematically speaking it is natural for white women to more on from one white man to the next despite dealing with betrayal just as it is common for black women doing the same with black men, Hispanic ladies doing the same with Hispanic men, etc. Its a numbers game and for the most part people date/marry within their own racial group/community. When members of either sex is cheated upon they don't normally move on to someone of a different race, they just find a new partner within their race. Granted African Americans are routinely shouting on twitter shit about "I'm gonna get a white girl' or "I need to try a white man" after they are betrayed but by and large African Americans still move on to someone else of their race/ethnicity too.

    However if you are a person of one race who has been repeatedly cheated on by partners who were all of a same different race, then you may start to form somewhat prejudicial opinions about men/women from that different race. Yeah, it may not be fair but it is a sort of natural reflex. Its a very human coping mechanism. This can especially be true if that different race has been subjected to so much unwarranted racism and prejudice over time that negative stereotypes have formed against them to begin with. Black people get tagged a lot with negative, racial baggage. Plus in this case if you are a white woman continually being screwed over by black boyfriends/husbands, why not stop and go back to the presumed, society-dictated "default" male companion for white women: white men? Chances are at the very least a white woman can find a greater pool of eligible men who have better jobs, make more money and come from stable two-parent homes if they look towards the white pool. That may sound controversial but its just plain facts. It doesn't matter to individuals how it got to that point that white men have such a leg up; all that concerns individuals in the dating game is that white men have those advantages.

    Now some would say that its about sexual attraction and if a woman has bee loving, say, black dudes all along why change? Well, people evolve. And if you are a woman who from teen years to your late twenties have been drawn to types of guys you found cool, after enough years of disappointments with such dudes you may grow to a point in which you start finding other qualities attractive. Qualities such as reliability, maturity, groundedness, financially security, faithfulness. Such things may be boring when you are very young and in your lust stages but they can become powerfully attractive and even sexy traits as you get older, particularly for ladies who want to settled down and have kids.

    Anyway the point is this Pennant guy is an idiot who didn't appreciate enough what he already had.

    No, they don't do something that stupid. They ain't African American women. They just stop dating black men and move on to white guys, Arabic men, Asian males, etc.
  2. AtomSmasher86

    AtomSmasher86 Well-Known Member

    The biggest mistake he made was getting married. He wasn't mentally ready for it, If I was a big time athlete/celebrity personally I wouldn't getting married until many years after I retired. For a athlete that could be in your 40's, but actors a lot of the time are late bloomers (gaining recognition wise) so your heyday of popularity maybe much later...so marriage could only be a possibility in your 50's-60's, or never at all.
  3. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    Yeah I know, because white dudes don't cheat...Right?!...LOL
  4. AtomSmasher86

    AtomSmasher86 Well-Known Member

  5. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

  6. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    You're right; it definitely doesn't tend to work that way. My point was only that it speaks to some level of prejudice. And to be clear, I'm not even saying it's entirely without explanation. It's just prejudice. The people of differing color get disparate treatment based on their color. This is a pre-judgment, hence my claim of prejudice.

    And we also agree that this guy was an idiot to cheat, for multiple reasons.
  7. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I hear ya.
  8. AtomSmasher86

    AtomSmasher86 Well-Known Member

    From the looks of it they might actually be an item with all the photos/videos they've been in.....also from the looks of it, his twin sons (who are significantly lighter skin than himself), may have been from an interracial relationship (allegedly the twins' mother was Italian):

  9. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah his twin sons are biracial. I posted about them in "Celeb IR family" thread in the past.
    Last edited: May 28, 2019
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  10. AtomSmasher86

    AtomSmasher86 Well-Known Member

    At least his twins didn't inherit his facial genes....I remember reading a comment describing that he looked like Nightcrawler after speed-balling meth and crack!
  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Okay I think these two might need their own thread because I just checked their twitter and IG and he posted this video on his IG of him rubbing her up and down and he even kissed her in this video.



    And just now she posted that she will be in a 3sum with him on that cam porn site camsoda with a pornstar!

    https://www.instagram.com/p/ByENlB3l5dO/?igshid=4g8bw1dbv95z - https://www.camsoda.com/daniibanks
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Did I miss something? Is Danii IN the porn industry?
  12. AtomSmasher86

    AtomSmasher86 Well-Known Member

    1.) Nothing of his bio says he's Middle Eastern Ancestry.
    2.) He's from a predominately Black part of Michigan (Flint, MI).
    3.) Apparently he's biracial, his father is Black and his mother is White

    " Kyle Kuzma Bio (Ethnicity, Age)
    Kyle Kuzma was born at Burton, Michigan on the 24th of July, 1995 and given the full name, Kyle Alexander Kuzma. He is biracial and holds an American citizenship as his biological father is of African-American ethnicity while his mother has her ancestry traced to Ukraine, England, and Germany. The last name Kuzma is a popular surname of the Slavic people which originates from Russia. The name is particularly more common in the Slavic countries like Hungary, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Slovakia.

    Similar to many of the other NBA stars and up-coming players, Kyle Kuzma is a part of a multiracial Lakers locker room that includes Lonzo Ball, Jordan Clarkson, and Larry Nance Jr.

  13. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    But a name like Kuzma got me into looking into his background a couple of years back. His father is black and he bounced, so he was raised by white mommy in Flint, Michigan. He has taken on her name as his surname.

    Seriously though did most of you guys not grow up in black communities that had very light skinned people who didn't look Nubian? ;)

    By the way on reverse side....this chick he is with is also of African American or African heritage. She is mixed and thus that disqualifies this couple from this thread (I know this thread was initially meant for BM/WW but it has pretty much become one for BM dating non-BW). Too many times people here don't seem to recognize when the women "have some black in ''em" as well. Come on, fellas. With a last name like Henry she would have been the first one I suspected if I hadn't known Kuzma's ethnic background already.
    Last edited: May 30, 2019
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  14. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

  15. AtomSmasher86

    AtomSmasher86 Well-Known Member

    The article is dated, but that's beyond the point, and is neither here nor there.
  16. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    New York Jets C Jon Harrison and his girl Mackenzie Rose
    Going through her instagram these two appear to be so in love with one another so many pics of them together getting close. Apparently they met online two years ago, he went flew all the way out to Reno to visit her and they have been inseparable ever since.
    Last edited: May 30, 2019
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    She reminds me of one of those hot tatted big boobed white girls that usually be into skater boys, rockstars and drinking. lol.

    Cute Couple. She is really gorgeous so it's only a matter of time she get labeled his 'IG Model GF'. lol.
  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    70 year old Bryant Gumbel and his wife Hilary

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  19. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    I think Josh Hart is biracial too, and all of there moms are White.
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    In light of the horrific attempted murder shooting of Baseball star, David 'Big Papi' Ortiz, in the DR, here he is with his lovely wife,Tiffany. They have two children together and live in Miami.


    His shooters were caught -- two cops -- who are saying they were hired by a Drug Lord who believed Ortiz "was screwing his wife'.
    Let's hope for Tiffany's sake it's not true.

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