Women, why do you leave a tiny splash of water in the office water cooler, knowing it needs to be changed? Why not just drink the rest and ask someone to change the water jug? It's so frustrating when I leave my office to get some water...push the tap...for 1/8 a cup of water to come out. Then I have to put my cup down, remove the empty water jug, replace it with fresh one, wait for the water to get cold. I'm gonna put a hidden surveillance camera in the break room. Somebody is going DOWN! :smt067:drinkers:
Playa you ain't bull shitting drives me bat shit crazy oh man burns me up I even put a sign up, if its to heavy come find me, hell ask somebody , the old witches I work with does the coffee the same way
See... I always feel bad, interrupting someone with muscles bigger than my own (smile) to stop what they are working on to replace the water jug... I always ask, but always feel helpless. I remember one time trying to replace the water myself and made a big mess because I couldn't quite lift it high enough
This shit pissed me off to the point that I refused to change the water cooler, no fucks were given how fine you were you got the please look when I was asked to replace it.
Hey dere - I just want equal pay for equal work. Otherwise, open my ding dang door & change the water cooler bottle for me. :smt079 Thank you.
lol We've already had a discussion about your painfully short arms. :freehug: *See's you running for the elevator, stands in corner pretending I don't see you while watching the door slowly shut in your face* :freehug: