Bud Light apologizes for their Labeling...saying their beer "removes the word NO from your vocabulary for the night' http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/04/28/bud-light-label/26532085/
The NO could mean anything as alcohol makes people do shit they normally wouldn't But....everyone's offended these days and well rape IS a big issue where drinking occurs so Just change the label and keep making millions is what I'd do
That's actually what others are saying -- what you said. That it's not gender specific. How many tattoos are gotten drunk? l think Bud weren't even thinking of rape possibilities in the least, but maybe more sex between a couple losing their inhibitions.
Seriously dumbfounded. But those days were different. I made a thread on old sexists Ads..curazzy what some said in em.
Yahoo's CEO Marissa Mayer's once-favorite Yahoo executive has suddenly lost a lot of his power. Yahoo senior vice president Adam Cahan used to be one of the most powerful executives at the company.. ..and he was in charge of Yahoo mail. Which has sucked balls the last 2 years. And why so many of us jumped ship. Hopefully his replacement fixes it. Cause it wasn't broke 2 yrs ago. Cahan, btw, sounds like an ass.. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/mari...-lost-a-lot-of-his-power-2015-4#ixzz3YkwkyRHO
Bill cosby still walks around a free man (and gets standing ovations at current shows) and you can't believe a corporation used this ad?
DJANGO UNCHAINED' ACTRESS ORDERED TO APOLOGIZE TO COP She Accused of Racism http://m.tmz.com/#Article/2015/05/0...-apologize-cop-racism-daniele-watts-plea-deal
Idiots like this don't help at all Shame on her for trying to take advantage of some real life plight
Been watching an old TV series l'd never heard of before called, Love American Style'... it's a sitcom about romance, relationships and marriage, made in the 60's(?). Anyway...it has different actors and storylines each episode. What l have deduced thus far is ..no IR couples (only bw/bm ww/wm)...and while the black characters are close in age and attractiveness, the wm are mostly older Jewish men with young gorgeous Swedish looking or Raquel Welch looking beauties. And these women routinely lust after them. Oh to be in control of the studios and sitcoms back then....all their fantasies playing out through the lens.