Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Makes me question the whole wedding ritual. Since when is love represented with material goods. How do you show your child you love them or a good friend or even a pet. Just some time and affection.
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    Son, we wearin 200 dollar Jordan's to job interviews
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Typical. Always looking for a handout
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    No, your girl will tell you upfront, "I don't want you spending all your money on a ring. Let's put it towards our future." See the dif with the girls you hold dear, vs the women who know what's important. :p
  5. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    They won't look good with my $50 suit that I got from the secondhand shop.

    I don't mind paying it back, even at those usurious Payday Loan / Checks Cashed spots.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    If you can afford a fifth dollar suit you don't need help dead beat
  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Lol damn
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    i told yall earlier. this is affordable and sweet
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  10. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Lol fuck
  12. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Breath easy NYC. The police aren't writing their usual quota of tickets. You won't have to be worried about being killed for small things.

  13. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    I completely agree...if you don't own a house then you shouldn't be wearing a big rock...driving a luxury car or carrying a birkin...
  15. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    I like houses.
  16. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  18. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    But I'm always looking for a way to get over on folks lol

    Cold, wasn't it? Lol

  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    UKVISITOR New Member

    Hi, anyone know how to pm on here. I'm new and this site is very confusing

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