Radio Host Compares First Lady Michelle Obama to 'Chewbacca'

Discussion in 'In the News' started by MYXER, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    It makes me think of when they used to say Barbara Bush looked like George's mom. Now that was funny because she did. Sorry. :p
  2. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You're missing the point. People in the public eye often get made fun of because of appearence. They use to make fun of the way Barbara Bush looked too. What actually sold me on them just making fun of her looks was the guys wife saying she looked like a linebacker. She does have some what of a manly upper body but the point is public officials and their spouses have always had jokes about their looks floating around. We can't demand equality and then get pissed when we get it.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thank you someone gets it
  5. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    The linebacker bit doesn't bother me at all.
  6. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    DK I know you're all heated up from that other thread, but you're missing MY point here. Racist and sexist talk is never acceptable, regardless of whether the person is in the public eye or not.

    Generally, it's women who fall into the category of people whose appearance gets ripped apart, and done so in a way which attacks their femininity. Mrs. Obama & Mrs Bush right here in this thread, Anne Coulter (and you don't know how it sickens me to have to defend her on anything, but attacking her perceived femininity is out of bounds - plenty of substantive issues to go after her on).

    You passed over my comments in the other thread, but I was *not* the one hitting on you there; in fact my perspective was somewhat different than you assumed.

    I just don't think it's appropriate to make racist comments about anyone, nor do I think it's appropriate to make sexist commentary. Go after people for what they DO or what they BELIEVE, not who they are

    I have huge issues with the people running for president on the Republican side, but I'm not making fun of Herman Cain for being black, Michele Bachmann for being female, or Rick Perry for his blow dried coiffure. I go after them on the issues, because they are all fundamentally stupid as a box of hair.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I didn't think it was racist or sexist and keep in context who said it. A shock jock not Diane Sawyer. I guess its better if people stop talkiny that way no one gets offended.

  8. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Why don't YOU just stop talking? That would be a great start.:D
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    naw she is far from ugly. she is no halle berry but ugly ? naw partner. G bush's mom....she was ugly but maybe that is because she was up in age at the time I saw her. GB2 wife was alright.

    I gaurantee you if we went in on the rights first wives on their radio they will be up in arms
  10. dafty pukk

    dafty pukk New Member

    Good point, but Wookies aren't monkeys and they're fictional.
    They look closer to Sasquatch and Bigfoot from myths. was wrong to call her Chewbacca.

    Maybe Lucas provided an out for bigots.

    "She's a hairy....Wookie...from the deep dark jungles of...Kashyyyk!"

    Yeah, I'm a geek.
    I know where Wookies come from.

    - Daft
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    calling her chewbacca was a compliment

    at least he got to fly in starships and carry a cool weapon

    smelled like a buffalo's ass but that wasn't so bad
  12. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

  13. qnet

    qnet New Member

    I can't help it, that Coulter statement just makes me laugh, knowing your political views. :smt043 Anyway, I wish I could rep you but, I have to spread it around first, well said.

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