British family surged up racism at Florida hotel, demanded white staff. April 24, 2010 A chain of luxury hotels have restricted the entry of a British family in their resorts, after they requested to be served by white staff at a hotel in Florida. The family named Morgans reported of checking in to the resort on 29 February and their alleged demand was made on arrival to the resorts. The objection was raised by a Haitian-born waiter. According to the directions which were given by the Managing Director named Edward Staros, the hotel made an input in to its computers for record purposes and filled the data as to what is preferred by the family and what is not. The plaintiff, Wadner Tranchant, aged 40 has served at the Ritz-Carlton for a period of 15 years said, "The hotel instructed the serving staff regarding the stated prejudice of the Morgan family when they reserved a table in the restaurant". The lawyer of Tranchant is all set to take an action against the behavior as he has gathered a number of witnesses. Wadner Tranchant is still employed at the luxury chain and he demanded a compensation for the insult he has gone through. The compensation amount has been decided to approximately $75,000. The action has been taken by Wadner Tranchant on the behalf of the number of employees who were also humiliated by the family prejudice. Source: TopNews United States
They may have said something like, "I want white people to slave for me. Not these filthy minorities."
The British family, the Morgans, insisted they not have contact with dark-skinned people or people with accents. The hotel chain has banned the Morgans.
Having read this before, I have had some time to think about it. These people could have not wanted this waiter to serve them in particular so they said black or with an accent. If they had said I prefer a different waiter besides this one, they would have been in better shape. I hope that is the case. It would be odd for someone with an accent(british at that) to give request like that. Either way I feel bad for the business. They didn't do anything wrong. It was the customers fault.
I disagree. It's 100% the fault of the business. There's no law against an individual being an asshole and going, "Fucking Haitians! Bring me a Swedish waiter or you'll be sorry!" However, a business absolutely has the option to say, "I'm sorry. We don't serve individuals who wish to pick and choose staff based on race or ethnicity. You can suck it up or leave, but we cannot possibly manage your request." I don't know the details of the law suit, and I wouldn't hazard a guess as to exactly why he's suing, but I would like the full story.
"people with accents" ? What do they do when they travel around Britain, where there are many different accents ?
That seems unclear to me what the line of events were. Their complaints were made note of in the computer system. I assume they continued to be served, and I don't see why there'd be a lawsuit if the manager said from the start, "Folks, I cannot handle your request and you'll have to leave." I don't see the need for a "ban." They can either deal with the fact they'll have black staff or they can leave. I think someone at the hotel made a jackass of themselves.
The british couple said no one with funny accents. This includes the swedish. Who I wanted to get sued was the british couple.
If he had been employed there 15 years I imagine he was an excellent waiter who gave good service. I hope his replacement was a bumbling idiot. That would serve them right.
lippy would have loved to wait on them...bring them cold food...spill their drinks on them at the worst table...put ants in their beds...a little hair remover in the shampoo i would take real good care of them:smt003