Racism on the rise in Britain

Discussion in 'In the News' started by DenzBenz, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    A UK judge said that the revised BNP membership rules "still racist."

    Revised BNP membership rules 'still racist'
  2. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    It always happens but the general public in the UK and around the world don't know about the racist incidents cause the Brits are the masters of cover-ups.

    The British Tory government in the United Kingdom supported apartheid in South Africa and facilitated the sale of military arms to the racist regime in power. The Tories are anti-African, anti-immigration and anti-human rights.

    In March 2007, Barnet Tory councillor Brian Gordon was photographed "blacked up" at a fancy dress party which he claimed was a parody of Nelson Mandela.

    Barnet councillor Brian Gordon dresses as Nelson Mandela

    The Conservative party continue to enhance their reputation as unrelenting racists for internet images featuring a "blacked up" Tory aide and offensive anti-African slurs.

    Philip Clarke and Emma Pentreath: Tory, anti-African, anti-immigration and anti-human rights.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2010
  3. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    UK man found guilty of racial attack on African rail worker

    A RAIL passenger has been found guilty of racially abusing a ticket inspector at Elstree and Borehamwood train station. A jury at St Albans Crown Court found Charles Law, 50, of Stratfield Road, Borehamwood, guilty after he denied racially-aggravated assault at the station in July last year.

    Law is said to have launched a tirade of racist abuse against Zimbabwe-born Hilton Materke after he stopped him at the station's ticket barrier. When stopped by Mr Materke, who was working as a customer services and revenue inspector for First Capital Connect, Law is alleged to have grabbed him in a bear hug and told him he did not want a black man asking him where his ticket was.

    Mr Materke said Law called him a racially offensive name several times. Mr Materke said he had put up his hands to stop Law going through the barrier when Law grabbed him around the torso and started pinching him while still shouting insults. Mr Materke said Law continued to call him a racially offensive name. Law has been remanded in custody on the grounds that he could reoffend.

    Source: http://www.borehamwoodtimes.co.uk/news/5057856.Man_found_guilty_of_racial_attack_on_rail_worker/
  4. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    I came across an article a few months ago about a Sikh immigrant in England who was an ardent BNP supporter. He claimed that they were the only ones who were having an honest discussion about the evils of Islam. He also wasn't very fond of Black people. It really didn't seem to register with him that he, as a South Asian, was also considered to be an undesirable by the party faithful despite the fact that he isn't a Muslim.

    It was an amusing read. If find I can find it again, I'll post it here.
  5. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    This is terrible. I guess we dont always hear about these incidents.
  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Fascism is when business takes over the government.

    That's what we have in the U.S...and it's been that way damn near from jump.
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I saw on Pamorama during my stay in London of a hidden camera report on hate crimes in a British town. The Asian reporter was astonished of the brutality.
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    India is a sub-continent filled to the brim with brown-skinned white supremacists.

    They are truly pathetic.
  9. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's time for whites get beat-down in Africa...perhaps they'll think twice when they realize it's a two-way street.
  10. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I think some people dont realise that racism has the potential to affect all people. White people also live in majority black countries. So it is not in anyones interest to be racist.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I had to comment on your avatar. Very sexy sweetheart
  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  13. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    But not everyone is racist in their thinking. Otherwise we would not have sites like this one.
  14. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    This is mostly anti-Muslim/Arabs push from Europe's Racial Right which makes our Right look like complete loons (which they are) and to the far Left to our Democratic Party.

    With that said this type of nonsense is increasing. Look at the recent rulings against Burkas in France and Switzerland. This is mainly anti-Arab/Muslim ranting....

    This REALLY has nothing to do with Blacks (Africans) that find themselves in much of Europe though there is a backlash against them as well.

    In actuality the People are mad at the US for having lax regulation, Goldman Saks for helping Greece hide its Debt for example.

    Its really close to a time where your going to have to choose sides and places to live.

    Do you want to live where about 20% of the population are morons and could develop into violence at anytime? Or do you wanna live where the balance of power is tilted more in the direction of the people, there are fewer morons and those morons have no control over the politics or media?

    The choice is yours...
  15. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Ah American History, its littered with this information though you have to read between the lines. Corporations were largely responsible for sending the first settlers here to exploit the lumber and fur trades.

    Yes for the word JUMP, large multi-national companies have had no interest of the people at its core, only themselves.

    Its just about time for you to consider jumping ship...
  16. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    UK: 'Racist police officers single out black people for stop and searches'


    Excessive: A report has found the police use stop and search too often and unfairly target ethnic minorities. It said: 'The evidence points to racial discrimination being a significant reason why black and Asian people are more likely to be stopped and searched than white people. 'It implies that stop and search powers are being used in a discriminatory and unlawful way.'

    The draft said that in one year in London police stopped 195 in every 1,000 Afro-Caribbean people, 78 for every 1,000 Asians, and 49 for every 1,000 whites. It added that the Metropolitan Police carry out 71 stops for every 1,000 people in a year, but West Midlands officers run only 13 for every 1,000 residents.

    Independent research also suggests that stop and search is often directed impartially at people present on the streets. An influential study by Reading University academics in 2004 said black people are more likely to be stopped and searched because more black people are on the streets at night and in places like city centres where officers are likely to stop suspects.

    Source: Mail Online
  17. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Oh, yeah I remember him. here is the article. It would have been funny if he was joining to take the piss, but the guy seriously agrees with some of their polices. What an idiot!

  18. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Is that you in the avatar sarah23??
  19. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I personally dont think the Nelson Mandela thing is a big deal. I dont even think its that racist. As for selling arms to Apartheid government, well thats clearly wrong, but they were not the only ones. You will probably find the American government did it too.
  20. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    'A world of casual racism' exposed at British Airways

    Senior BA pilot exposes shocking cockpit culture of Britain's flag carrier

    A senior British Airways pilot exposed the startling levels of casual racism in the flagship UK company, which once famously claimed to be "the world's favourite airline." Captain Doug Maughan, who has 28 years' flying experience, including 15 years with BA, says that derogatory remarks about race by his colleagues are so common they are treated as normal.

    Mr Maughan, a serving pilot who captains BA aircraft to all parts of the world, has decided to go public with his complaints after struggling to persuade BA's management to take racism among its senior staff seriously. He has complained by email to BA's chief executive, Willie Walsh, but says no action was taken.

    The airline is already threatened with a boycott by Nigerians flying to and from the UK.

    He lodged his first complaint after hearing a senior training captain use the word "coon" during a training session on a flight simulator - but says that no action was taken.

    "There was the time when we set off for Los Angeles with a large party of Saudis on board, who had joined us at Heathrow direct from the VIP lounge," he added. "In the cruise, my captain suddenly embarked on an extraordinary rant about 'rag-heads'.

    Mr Maughan, who lives in Dunblane, Perthshire, was on another flight when a fellow flight officer complained that there were too many Asians in Britain.

    "What is common among white flying crew in BA is the use of mildly derogatory, sometimes jokey, language about other races, mainly aimed at black and Asian groups. Because it's so common, it's hard to tackle: it's...the norm and rarely even noticed," said Mr Maughan.

    Source: The Independent

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