Racism and sexism: how are they different?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Nerdy Girl, Aug 21, 2011.

  1. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    The average in the United States is 3 women a day.

    It's not inconsequential. That's the DOJ statistic, look it up if you want to. One third of the women who are murdered in this country are killed by intimate partners. I do not believe that one third of the BM murdered in this country are murdered by the police.
  2. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    I've always seen the parallels between sexism and racism. It's one of the reasons that I always thought IR couples would feel a kinship, as WW would understand the nature of prejudice and how historically it has affected and shaped the lives of BM and WW.

    The distinction I see is the difference between how we, as BM and WW view this issue, and how society at large treats both groups. I believe that societal influences, based on the motivations of WM, served different purposes. In the case of sexism, it was a means of control and a denial of equality.

    IMO, racism served a very different purpose, and was much more insidious in application. The original economic interests of WM drove racism that not only controlled, but denied liberty and often life. Since that period, I believe the emphasis has been directed toward denying equal access to power, which implicitly and systematically affected education, equal justice, voting rights, job attainment and development, economic development, and other areas of life.

    I'm not suggesting that women are immune to discrimination at this juncture. Obviously, on many fronts, from career advancement to crimes against women. But, I believe that racism has and continues to be an issue that more negatively affects the lives of Black Americans.

    For me, it's not a matter of who's more oppressed as much as recognizing and acknowledging the reality of life for both groups. Beyond that, we still have to go forward and find a way to continue to live and love in spite of those differences.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    And what does this have to do with sexism?

    Are they killing their biddies because they're women?

    Ur reaching big time
  4. Nerdy Girl

    Nerdy Girl New Member

    I've always thought the same thing - both groups have experienced "othering" by society in a way that WM have not. In theory, one would think that this would contribute to greater understanding based on some degree of similarity in experiences.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011
  5. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    This is why I often look at sexism as an issue between white men and white women, black men and black women and the issue of racism is between blacks and whites.

    I mean think about it how many black men have spent their time oppressing white women and vice versa.

    As pettyofficer mentioned "he'd be more interested in the oppression of non white women, then we can start seeing eye to eye"

    Just because a black man is a man, doesn't mean he benefited from the social constructs that benefited white males.

    Just like many black women today echo the sentiment that modern feminism served to strengthen white females but left them behind in the race.

    The experiences of white women and black women in this nation are vastly different.

    The experiences of black men and white women are vastly different

    The experiences of black men and white men are vastly different as well

    So looking for parallels is indeed shortsighted.
  6. JennyArt

    JennyArt Restricted

    I remember viewing white nationalist sites to find out what made them tick. Anyway, while there I viewed the women only section and there where 10's of threads, 100's of pages and 1000's of comments all pertaining to white nationlist women complaing that their male counter parts didn't take them seriously and the constant ignorance to what they have to offer. There place was SOLEY to stay at hom, have 5 children and make sure they're home schooled.

    It seemed that even in the "white pride world, wide movement", white women are seen as less than.

    On another site there was complaint about men sending inappropriate messages to female members.

    Ooooohhhh what a funny world I live in.
  7. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I read through this thread. I see some parrallels, but also some glaring differences. In many ways white women in America are treated like queens socially, as was pointed out. We are not the viticims of hate crimes like BM are, and we do have priviledge due to our skin color, when we play the role that we are suppose to play in society.

    I think ALL woman are judged harshly about our sexuality, as men want the woman they are with to have NEVER been with another man, while many of them want to spread their seed far and wide.
  8. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    You tell me. Why are they killing them? Control. And underlying that is the idea that it's a man's right to control "his" woman.
  9. Nerdy Girl

    Nerdy Girl New Member

    I think that's a fine idea. There are many lovely Asian women in the world, but I think you'll find that they also have ideas....
  10. JennyArt

    JennyArt Restricted

    Isn't there a difference between black men and black womem?

    You must see that life iseasier for a black male than a black woman.
  11. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Second wave feminism was indeed guilty of being a primarily middle class white movement. It left behind both women of color and poor women, and did not do enough to address the issues they face.

    Third wave feminism has tried, sometimes successfully and sometimes with pitiful result, to remedy that. It's a valid criticism of the way feminism has operated.

    Just as the class issue is certainly a valid criticism of the civil rights movement.

    No one's perfect, we're all reaching to try and make a change. It would be nice if natural allies could work together. Feminist and the LGBT movement have been able to do some work in this area, as there are distinct connections between the discrimination gay men face and the discrimination women face, and obviously lesbians *are* woman. For the most part.
  12. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Bingo, Jenny.
  13. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    And that right there? Sexism.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude you saved me from writing a lengthy and disrespectful post but this sums it up. Like I said before the OP needed to consider the audience in which she was presenting this too. Like Americans talking about unfair wages to a bunch of third world sweat shop workers. Sure the Americans have it tough but I'm sure the sweatshop workers aren't the ones to present that problem to.
  15. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Well said swirlman.

    What I think we can both agree on is "white male privilege" has fucked us both, BM and WW in American history.

    That is one thing that cannot be denied. They are the one's that stood to gain the most and lose the most by acquiescing 1 inch of those social controls.
  16. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, for these men it is all about control over women as loyal property to them.

    Listen to how they speak about preserving white culture, like they are vanguards and lord overseers of social dictates.

    What they mean is preserving white women and white male privileges for them, the status quo of historical American society.

    It should not shock us and only stands to reason that any man that sees another race of people as less than would see women as less than, it attests to their own personal character or lack thereof.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'm going to break this down as easiest as I can. Privilege implies advantage and access and while I can understand that ww in this country don't get their fair share at work but at least you're allowed to work. BM are the highest demographic of the unemployed. BM are more likely to arrested for things they didn't commit. BM are least likely to advance within a company even more so than ww. So again I ask what privilege are we enjoying? What do I have access to that you don't? What advantage do I have over you?

    Can you see why its frustrating when you bring up male privilege to men who don't take part in that privilege. White men are the only ones who get that and to be absolutely fair only the ones with means fully enjoy it.
    You may not experience of the advantages of being a male but you sure as hell get the advantages of being white which is more than I can say for us.
  18. Nerdy Girl

    Nerdy Girl New Member

    I'm not writing to please anyone, especially you.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    white people, male and female, still hold the reigns to many institutions in this country, from congress to business to education, and co-benefit as a result. hearing about 'sexism' from ww makes me fucking laugh. never talk about sexism in the company of a minority woman, because then you'll see how tame and restrained we were actually being.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Never said you were but to answer your question you would have needed to speak to wm about sexism since bm don't have the political or social power to prevent or oppress anyone.

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