Racial disparities with suspension rates in American schools

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Mikey, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'd rather my tax dollars went to helping him not incarcerate him ya dig.
  2. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    EXACTLY. Motherfuckers on here are full of excuses.

    Abide by the law and do your fuckin homework and you should have a decent enough life. Waaay too hard for some people to understand lol.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I forgot it was that simple. You guys need a banjo and a show lol.
  4. Iggy

    Iggy Banned


    And while I respect TDK as a poster, he does have this huge paranoia that the white folks are out to get him and fuck over the entire black race. Its sorta funny how he complains about white people having it so easy all the time yet worships the ground white women walk on lol.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It's not white people that I'm paranoid about. I'm a paranoid about a system that has a long history treating people differently solely based on race. Do you think I'm making it up or it never happened?
    Are black people getting beat in the street and having dogs turned on us no. But are there clear discripancies that I can't ignore. Like why are bm twice as likely to be unemployed? Do you really think its because we're twice as lazy and/or twice as unmotivated?
    Why is it that black men are arrested and convicted at a much higher rate than any other race. Look at death row convictions. Why are black men many times more likely to actually get death for the same exact crime that a white person does. I'm not saying its all bad and I'm not saying some individuals create their own shitty situations but there is clear and unequal treatment out there.

    And to be clear I don't worship ww, I love dating them and being with them but they are just people nothing more nothing less. I just find them most attractive.
  6. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    I tried finding the article that compared earnings, but can’t seem to find it anymore :(. It said that white men earn more than black men… but since they were talking about incarceration and all, white men make the “most”, then black men, white women and black women.

    (This is close though: http://www.brynmawr.edu/socialwork/GSSW/schram/westernpettit.pdf )

    This article ^ shows that if a white man and a black man were incarcerated, both would still have a tough time finding jobs even at the margins of the labor market after release. Although, the white man would still experience slightly higher job stability.

    Some do create their own shitty situations, agreed. I can see the racial inequality though, it's not one "silly" little article, it happens all the time (same with gender, and socioeconomic class, really). Seen it a lot in my studies at school, being a criminology student in DC and all. We went to the Jessup Correctional Facility, and even the deaf inmates we met were all black, *ponders*

    Here in Newfoundland, there's a really low number of minorities in general, 98% of the population's white. It seemed that every time my ex would take a trip to Canada with me, immigration was always more harsh with him. I'd be pulled over by the police for something they'd let others do at least once per visit he made.... only ever pulled over when the ex was with me. Granted, I still have a spotless driving record, but they still pulled me over so many times only when the ex was there... really made me suspicious of the system, especially here. :smt009
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Interesting. Thanks for posting this love.
  8. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Do you links to back up some of these claims? I'm not saying you're full of shit but I would like to evidence of this.

    I think a lot of black men bring a lot of problems on themselves simply because they dont give a fuck, have no guidance and because of that it adds up and makes the statistics look much worse.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Black men unemployment rate. As recent as last month


    Prison stats:



    Arrest Stats:


    http://www.drugpolicy.org/docUploads/Targeting_Blacks_for_Marijuana_06_29_10.pdf (very interesting I suggest you read this)

    If you don't mind me asking where did you grow up and what did you study in college?
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    get the yard sticks out, boys

    we got ourselves a contest here
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Just trying to educate my friends fam:cool:
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    my current employer wouldnt hire me because im black

    and college? pfft they turned me around as soon as they found out my people was from Africa
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I've tried to be patient with you but gloves off now. I put up credible links from government or government cited sources that I know you didn't read because you don't miss a chance to spit that horseshit. Stop fucking flapping your gums like a two dollar hooker and actually back up your claims son.
    Show us peered reviewed studies(I know you don't know what that is google it), something other than the old tired "black people need to get their shit together, they need to stop being lazy and actually work"
    You're new name is Uncle Ruckus... no relation.
    What happened to you? Did you get jumped as a kid by some hood dudes and never got over it? I know guys like that. One situation where they got sonned has skewed their entire attitude towards black people unfortunately most of those people are white. What's your excuse?
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Serves you right blackie lol
  15. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Thanks a lot for the links, I appreciate you gathering all that info up and I'm gonna definitely look over all of it. As far as more blacks being arrested, well I do think our drug laws are complete BS (weed should be legal). however, these fools knew (or at least should of known) what they were risking when they were in possession of narcotics.

    As for me, I grew up in a suburb in & around Phoenix AZ and I went to a Pac 10 school (on a athletic scholarship for bball) so I was definitely lucky in some ways and was fortunate to grow up in a nice area with two parents. However I would also like to say I worked my ass off too. That scholarship wasn't handed to me on a silver platter, I had to work my ass off to get it.

    I do still think there is problems that especially black males face such as racism, poverty, no father figures etc but instead of making excuses for it, we should be encouraging these young brothas to overcome it.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude you won't hear a disagreement from me on the fact that most men in general need to get there shit together and me more responsible about the way lead their lives.
    My entire issue with race relations and the way black people are treated, men in particular, is completely unfair and unjust. Like the whole thing with arrests and drug possessions and criminal records. Most kids mess up when they are young its part of growing up. There are plenty of times where I smoked weed when I was in hs but I was lucky enough to have a basement or friends with guest houses and/or basements for us to hang out in and do that shit when our parents were at work. I was doing the same exact thing that other kids in the city were doing but I wasn't forced to do it outside because of living in small living quarters or having parents who were constantly out of work so there would be someone home.
    And as a result I didn't get a drug conviction record that would keep me out of college or getting a job or being able to rent a place to live.
    It seems like a lot of these are thrown into the system at an age where they don't know better and kept away from other people who could teach them as a result of having to survive amongst other incarcerated types.
    I'm not saying people can't make better choices but when the deck is stacked against you its not a small task.
    Basically this country seems to ask black people to operate at the same level as everyone else with shackles on their feet. The requirement and conditions aren't the same for everyone.
    It would be like your coach demanding that you score 25 points a game just to be on the team while the other players are only required to make 10 and if you some how only make 20 you're punished for it by being thrown off the team. Then you lose your scholarship and then you end up leaving college to end up working in some dead end job. Then you have people looking at you like you're some lazy college drop out.

    I agree we need improvements but I don't like when dudes like you petty and paniro act like its just a case of black men not having drive or motivation to do the right thing. The system is against us from birth unless we're lucky. Check out the stats and let me know what you think.
  17. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    lol I wouldn't go that far but yeah life isn't fair homie.

    And I did sorta chuckle at your response in regards to those poor inner city kids not being able to have a proper place to smoke lol:smt042 Come on son. That shouldnt even be a legit concern. These fools in the projects should flat out know better and should know that the po po is always gonna be around looking out for them. My advice to them wouldl to flat out just NOT SMOKE period.

    And there is a good amount to blame on black men. Over 70 percent of black kids are raised out of wedlock. That means most of these young mofos will never have a father figure. Thats squarely on black men right there.

    I just read the other day that a NY Jets' player(Antonio Cromartie) has 9 kids with 8 different women. He is only 27. That is fuckin disgraceful.
    There is an epidemic going on in the black community and it needs to fuckin stop.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    My point for bringing up the weed thing is to illustrate that these kids are being arrested and convicted for the same thing kids in other areas do. Every kid experiments with drugs when they're teenagers and its unfair that they're being targeted. Especially at an age when kids are prone to making mistakes.

    As far as there being less fathers in the home for black kids a big part of that is because black men are twice as likely to be unemployed. If you have no way of earning a living what would you do? You'd steal, rob, and sell drugs like a lot of these guys do. A lot of it is being irresponsible but don't dismiss the impact of unfair drug laws and hiring practices that corner a lot of black men into these cycles of crime and unemployment they can't seem to get out of.

    There's a lot of wreckless sexual behavior with white kids too but its never seen as a negative. Its fucking glamourized like with that show teen mom. Besides that's one idiot football player most black men don't do that because if we did we wouldn't be the second biggest minority in the country now.
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    We need to reproduce more

    tell them boys to wake up and smell the coffee
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You know what I agree. If blacks become a real minority in this country like the Native Americans we are going to become invisible even more so

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