Racial disparities with suspension rates in American schools

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Mikey, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Never noticed it in my school, but then again, even if I tried to notice it, I probably couldn't detect it because who honestly is gonna keep track of all those damn students and their suspension habits.
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You sound like you've been home-schooled by the way you're downplaying the importance of teachers and educators.

  3. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I wish teachers could just fire up and put hands on some of these punk ass students today. Some students are horrible to their teachers and love to e smart asses. A simple pop in the mouth won't solve anything but it would sure be amusing to see their disbelief.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Nah just highlighting how the administration doesn't allow one to teach. It allows them to train you how to throw back useless and outdated information but rarely how to think. Its sad that when you leave hs you don't have usable employable skills that you didn't have in 6th grade.
    And all teachers aren't great. In my experience its like most professions where people are in it just for a check. No everyone is trying to be Edwards James Almos from Stand and Deliver .
    Like I said they aren't allowed to teach because kids have too many damn rights and parents are fucking lazy.
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    two of the brightest mothafuckas in here with these posts

    id rep but I gotta spread shit around to perverted-ass dudes, that like to eat miracle whip from the crack of a girl's ass.

    i know in Killadelphia, just going off public transportation alone, i can say that these kids are completely batshit. Don't catch the bus when they get out of school either. You'll end up shooting those bad ass mothafuckas.
  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Miracle whip! :smt005
  7. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    typical poor welfare recipient response/ Always the victim:smt043
  8. lottie

    lottie New Member

    I would agree with the starting paragraph, teachers are under pressure to teach to the exam so that targets can be met. They require specific answers in a certain manner and it is easier to teach to the exam to ensure you are not deemed to be a failing school and to keep your job. The time frames given to teach the amount of information compounds the problem.

    Having said that, some schools are changing their outlook and promoting a vocational qualification whereby credit is given to demonstration of skills. This,I believe, is a better method of education to enable young people to be "work ready".

    Most teachers are not in it for a check, in fact the opposite. Despite the outlook of some parents, kids rights and laziness, many teachers realise that those students are still in the minority and that some students really do acknowledge the effort and time their teacher has put in to ensure that they have an education.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Sorry not just the check but the long summer vacations and other school holidays. Maybe I'm a cynic on this but I know far too many people who teach for that reason and not because they believe in making a difference in the lives of these kids who by the way for the most part would be the same kind of student no matter who the teacher is.
    There's a reason why teaching is of the top professions chosen by educated women.
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    teaching is silly with that tho

    the pay is whack in philly..the kids are some of the worst, but damn if they dont get more time off than anyone else.
  11. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    lol That's if you are quicker on the draw than those trigger happy mothafuckas.

    I do feel that most teachers start off with great intentions to change the lives of many but these children give them hell which changes their outlook overtime.
  12. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I don't think Asians get punished as much as Blacks,in fact they don't get in trouble at all since the Tigar mothers will heap a lot hurt on them.
  13. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  14. lottie

    lottie New Member

    Yes, the school opening times are certainly a consideration for many who have a family, as they enable them to work from home during those times of school closure whilst not having to pay out for child care.

    Certainly the personality and outlook of a student has been formed, and that is the same no matter what teacher they have, however like all of us, as individuals, we react and respond differently to given situations and manners, thus students prefer and respond better to a certain teaching style than others.
  15. lottie

    lottie New Member

    I honestly don't think some teachers are quite prepared when they start for the fact that there are some students who are "hell". One of the main problems about why teachers leave the profession is not these kids but the lack of support from management and development to deal with these situations. Yes there are always going to be those who need external help such as referral to psychologists, councellors etc.

    It is also increasingly common that a culture of bullying is in existance, and I'm not talking the students getting bullied!

    If you combine these factors with the amount of administration needing to be done, teachers are often exhausted which results in changes in motivation and outlook overtime.
  16. csbean

    csbean New Member

    Just to dispel this notion, I am paid for the actual time I work. My school district spreads my check out throughout the year and I am technically unemployed in the summer. Teachers usually cannot draw unemployment benefits because we have continuing contracts if we work in the same district. There are some special education teaching positions that are year round and are paid as such, about $2,000 more per year. In NC, some schools only pay teachers during the months they are working and do not pay them during the summer. It is a very agreeable profession for people with children because it allows them that family time. As someone without children, I've not been particularly crazy about the "free time" in the summer. I usually try to work summer school for this reason.

  17. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    SMH Alot of public teachers put up with much worse than this

  18. MixedCalifornian

    MixedCalifornian Active Member

    I can vouch that after recently graduating from a public high school in June. That public high schools are a joke in America, My high school pretty much did not prepare me for the real world or college.

    However the subject of the article is performance by race. Quite simply education is given more emphasis in white. and asian households. In Highschool my white friends generally got good grades and if they got bad grades they sure as hell didn't let their parents find out. While yes these influences exist in black, and hispanic households statistically not on the same scale.

    Public Education is primarily based on upbringing and influence in the household. Few teenagers have the maturity and self motivation to gain higher scores for themselves. Our school system takes a colorblind approach which creates a perpetual system which results in a huge grade/graduation gap.

    Privilege creates ignorance. In this system and our already segregated society white people often wonder "Why is it they underperform?" Even if they went to an urban public school themselves. Which reinforces the racist idea that "Perhaps people are just stupid" Without at all comparing the upbringing/household/differences in environment/income.

    Our politicians pretend to try and "fix this disparity" by simply giving more funding to schools. It only wastes money but they are aware of this and must play the game in order to make it appear as if they are trying to save our schools.

    Thats pretty much what the public education system is.
  19. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Huh? Are you fuckin kidding me with this shit???? Talk about making excuses.
  20. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Nah, alot of inner city youths do not have the positive influence in their life to push them to do better for themselves...their train of thought is if nobody gives a fuck about me, why should I?

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