Racial disparities with suspension rates in American schools

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Mikey, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2011
  2. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Oh boy, here we go again with the victim mentality smdh
  3. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Well, do you agree with what this guy says? This was a comment from the article on the site.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2011
  4. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Didn't read it but I attended public schools and the black students wild the fuck out all the fucking time. Getting suspended or even expelled is a badge of honor for many of them.

    Suspensions are fucking retarded in this day and age. These parents don't give a fuck so most of these kids look at suspension as a day off to do whatever they please.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Typical white trash response.
  6. csbean

    csbean New Member

    Whoa okay as a teacher at a school with 98% black student population I will give my two cents. I cannot vouch for the students in DC, but I will tell you about my experience in GA. I've taught at the same school for 6 years. Last year, I was working a door at lunch duty where my job is to ensure students stay in the lunchroom until lunch is over. A student I did not know was trying to leave and I reminded him he had to stay in lunch the duration of the period. He grabbed my arm exclaiming "move bitch" and shoved me out of the way. Last month two female students were skipping class in the hallway. I was standing in my classroom doorway with my back to the hall when one female intentionally shoved her friend into me, laughed, and ran down the hall. Both of my incidents were caught on video and my second incident resulted in a workman's comp claim because the way the female ran into me messed up my shoulder. The young man from last year was expelled and the two females from last month were suspended.

    Other student/teacher negative interactions include a male student choking a female student, a female student punching a male teacher, a male student threatening the life of a female teacher. There are several other incidents like these. The teachers span age/sex/race ranges. We have weekly fights between students of both genders. Two years ago a male raped a female student in a vacant classroom.

    An advocate group for African-Americans in our area conducted a "study" similar to the one mentioned in the article. It had similar findings and caused our board of education to deny several applications for student suspensions. Because the bar for poor behavior has been set high due to violence, incidents like students cursing or verbally disrespecting teachers are typically unpunished. We are not and have not suspended students for "bullshit" reasons. Our school appeared particularly disproportionate concerning black students being suspended but of course, 98% of our students are black and all of our administrators are black!

    Do not get me wrong- I genuinely like most of my students and most of my students do not behave this way. The students who injured me were not even kids I'd ever had in class. However, our schools enable students and permit this behavior and bullshit studies like the one in the article are skewed and misreport information. I can see that many of my students learn this behavior from home and we've even had parents who've come in and tried to fight teachers/principals/students!

    I know there are schools somewhere where perhaps there are mixed black/white populations and perhaps racist white administrators. I've not yet worked in a school like this, and I am just sharing my particular experience. Ughhh....this is why I will soon be leaving this profession!
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    For the people who frame this a "victim" mentality has not encountered racism. White kids get away with a lot of stuff and if they are supended those children had pushed the envelope. The Black kid gets suspended from minor to major offences.
  8. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I remember that I was in a math class and early in the school year, a black student got into a verbal altercation with a teacher, who was a white male. They argued for about 5 to 10 minutes. Afterwards, the black student switched out of the class and got a revised schedule. Regardless of the teacher's race, a high fraction of students who had him didn't like him. The teacher's name was Joshua Mize.


    With what's going on in your school system, I'm appalled that black men and black women are acting that poorly. Also, I did not create this thread just to "bait" or be immature or cause trouble, but to open up discussion to something that really shouldn't be ignored or swept under the rug because it's bringing down the integrity of our race and damaging the black community. The release of these studies also makes me wonder what the university/college atmosphere is like if the data for the K-12 system reveals these issues with the students. Do the same people act up in colleges and universities also?

    Agreed. To an extent, whites get a pass/second chance, but we can't say the same thing about Asians in K-12 schools. Here is a quote from "Soulstranger" on the site. I commend his words and urge others here to agree with me.

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2011
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This sad but so many teachers feel the same. Teaching is a joke profession. If you can't control your kids throw them in a group home and call it day. Good students shouldn't lose good teachers because assholes can't be controlled.

  10. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I told my son this.....If you get in trouble as school, if you talk out of the side of yoru mouth, of you get sent home or have to get into the principles office for ANY REASON its going to be me and you..

    ..your job is not to try to fight the system, that MY job. Your job is to study, and move forward. We need to take that stance, YES we know the deck is stacked a against us, but we need to also take ownership of ourselves. If you know you have a harder shake why would you do something that makes that shake even harder.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Preach brotha preach!!!!
  12. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Hats off to you lady.
  13. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Man I'm in ATL about 6 times a year.............I hate going there. I swear
  14. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Let's focus on the Black children doing well, they don't seem to be getting enough attention.
  15. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    After pondering about this for a while, here is my opinion about it. It's affecting me so deeply which is why I had to create this thread. I believe that the system is stacked against us (generally) and the teachers/administrators in the school systems are making us more vulnerable to more serious punishments, in addition to black people screwing up in school, generally.

    I read the article and comments several times yesterday. The article even stated that one of the black kids faced a multi-day suspension over taking a second dessert for lunch (in addition to the one that he already had). Even at my old high school (Reservoir) the suspension rate there ranked higher than other schools in the county. I can't remember what it was by ethnic group, I just remember that the rate was higher than other schools. Teacher turnover was also high at Reservoir. Also, there was a thread on here about another black kid facing a suspension because he commented that his teacher was cute. Black men and women literally have to walk on eggshells because if they have one small gaffe, it's a precedent for suspension and/or explusion from schools. It's a reason why not enough of them can get beyond the K-12 system and have upward social and economic mobility. Colleges could also question whether or not they should admit the student if the student admits to having a suspension on the application.
  16. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Disagree. Teaching is a great profession. A lot of them are underpaid imo.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Really? What are teachers allowed to teach? They have to be glorified babysitters now.
  18. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    gawd i'm agreeing with this cat..........again.

    Teachers are greatly underpaid for what they do.
  19. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Good old fashioned American racism:




    These videos to me, while not exactly scientific, are prime examples of the type of mentalities that contribute to the disproportionate punishment against minorities in this country you see the the education and judicial system. And not just that, but preferential treatment for whites aka white privilege.

    Don't just watch how the Black males are treated, watch the reactions to the white males.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Moral of the story
    If your black you better not even look like you're stepping out of line.
    White people can do whatever they want
    White women will be helped to do whatever they want.

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