wow...looks like those good ol' boys got their way
I was on the fence with the issue to be honest. Both sides had valid points, but going what I went through as a kid living in a white neighborhood, made me realize that they were going up against hatred the same way I was. A whole group being cast out and black-bagged because of the few who want to do harm. Then I seen the video with the white protesters, tormenting the black guy and treating him like a radical muslim...well that just made me look at the whole subject differently. It hearkened back to a time of 'white amerikkka'
Exactly my point. These people are no different than the so-called extremists they supposedly condemn. I absolutely abhor any individual who commits violent acts in the name of any views, but to view the attempt to construct a mosque on Ground Zero as somehow a victory lap dance for the terrorists flies in the face of logic. Besides, I thought freedom of religion and thought - something the Founding Fathers ardently fought for - was an American virtue?
well it just doesnt apply to people who aren't viewed as True Americans (people that havent been fully assimilated into American culture) ie Muslims. They look different, talk different, wear traditional's scary to the die-hard conservative. I mean fuck, look how they attacked the brotha with the Under-Armour beanie cap on youtube
Seriously,is it true that Mosque would be moved somewhere else? I know about the Koran burnings being stopped.
What about people like me who don't like the idea of a mosque being built there. I'm not racist I just think its poor taste. Its insensative. No one says they shouldn't have mosques. Have you guys heard anyone complain about any other mosques being built? No because most people don't care but building it there is problem and should be respected.,0,3976023.story [youtube]Q0m_7pc3b2w[/youtube] Man, you must not be following the national news at all because there are protests against mosques and incidents of vandalism against mosques happening all over the country. I'm still waiting on someone to explain to me why it's "insensitive" to build a Muslim version of the YMCA a couple blocks from Ground Zero when you take bigotry out of the equation.
This incident is more of indictment on Islam than anything else. If this small preacher burning a few Korans could possibly incite such furor and possible violence from the Islamic world...that the president on down ...has to convince this guy...then what does that say about Islam. No other religion would be paid such deference towards such a possible act. Respect their volatility I guess....
Not necessarily. You are, however, arguing for the appeasement of bigots with your opposition to the construction of Park 51. Oh, so you're not even going to bother addressing the links that I provided to refute your claim that no one else in the country is making a big deal mosques in their neighborhood. Honestly, I don't blame you for duckting like this. Your position is indefensible.
Agreed. I condem that crazy preacher who is hosting a bonfire....He is a whack job, and should not be gathering in Christ name to burn down another religion's Holy Book. But XOXO poses a good question tho, what is it say about possible violence from the Islamic world coz of one crazy preacher
Actually, it's an indictment of the American media for turning yet another totally insignificant story into an internationally reported spectacle. This lunatic's congregation consists of a couple dozen people. In no way did his announcement that he was going to burn a Koran on 9/11 warrant wall-to-wall coverage on all of the American cable channels which was in turn picked by news outlets in other countries. If CNN, FOX, MSNBC et al hadn't made it seem like this was at all relevant no one would have known or cared about it. The same goes for the debate over Park 51.
it's a 'he said, she said' game right now only time will tell this backwoods preacher had enough influence to make top commanders say 'hey now wait a minute buddy' that's some crazy shit right there
Well, you try to parse the truly significant from the media deemed significant and see if you can make head or tails of whats truly significant. If the media coverage of some crazy no-congregation-having preacher could induce waves of violence, then maybe some Muslims don't have enough discernment to watch the TV news and reason that no matter how much the hype....some obviously crazy preacher burning Korans really shouldn't upset me to the point where I have go kill a motherfucker!!!!!!
man that shit driving people's that easy move or not, that Preacher scored some points in the game, by drawing so much attention to himself. I think he'll end up burning Qurans and so will many other hard-line supporters (that's the gun they've been waiting years for), if those guys do decide to build it anyway this shit has more political flipflops than a Kerry run for President