Quick question for black guys.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Adolescent09, May 7, 2010.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Meagan Goode isn't that great of an actress. She has too much of hood vibe to her. Kind of like Vivica Fox.
  2. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Bad choices and a shitty agent. Not to mention not having a great acting coach.
  3. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I have to disagree with you....
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Exactly. To be honest there are few actresses who can play roles beyond their stereotypes.
  5. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    She's probably can't get cast for it. "Latina" from the American perspective generally means olive skinned. Shit, dark skinned hispanics don't even get any love in their own media. You ever see Spanish language television? Almost everyone on there looks white.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Based on what baby girl?
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Part of the reason I've never been interested in them outside of porn. They have more racial hang ups than we do.
  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I don't think she has a hood vibe to her....

    If you've seen her being interviewed, you'll see that she's far from hood.
  9. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I meant as far as her acting. The whole time she's acting I'm aware of her as a black girl acting. When I see Angela Basset I'm engulfed in her character. See my point?
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I have so much respect for you as a man. They really don't make them like you anymore.
  12. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Got it!

    Well, thats trained acting vs. uhh, beauty/appeal?
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok. I'll give you that one.
  14. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Angela is beautiful too...lol
  15. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    I think in the way of um...what's the word? LOL
  16. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    NO! Don't go there...lol

  17. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Angela has class. Meagan is the cute hoodrat type.
  18. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Andrae and I established we were referring to their acting.

    Like I said, I don't see Meagan as a hoodrat type - acting or not.

    Just my little opinion though....:p
  19. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    So was I.
  20. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


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