1) Are you permitted to play Football (that's Soccer!!) on the Sabbath? I have heard some conflicting advice, but the only answer that seemed to rise above them all was, "Yes, so long as you do NOT carry the ball to or from the pitch". 2) I'm attending a Bat Mitzvah next month; any do's/don'ts that I, as a Non-Jew, should be aware of?? Thanks in advance!!
I had a jewish friend back in school. Just go there and be nice. people will know that u don´t know the customs and get along with it. Don´t fart and barb in public and don´t curse at people. Don´t throw any shit on them and don´t beat anyone up, when u are not attacked. did I forgot something???? yeah dont eat the green stuff out of ur nose when some else one can see it.:smt109
B.C. Says: Just be you I think you might be pleasantly surprised at the celebration party after the Barmitzvah, afterall Jews are humans and know how to party. With respect to football (not what you call football cos thats called Rugby in my view lol). According to the Torah/Tanakh one should not engage in labourious work or pleasure, therefore no you should not play football on the Sabbath. Also although Rabbinic Judaism allows one to go outside of the home on the Sabbath (to synagogue etc) there is a passage in Exodus which states "remain in your place on the Sabbath; personally I do not travel from my house/garden on the Sabbath day and I do not go to the Synagogue (the temple has gone and so in my opinion has the place of worship. I see no evidence of Jews ever leaving their place on the Sabbath only the priesthood to perform the daily service in the Torah). Hope that help you
Appreciate that mate!! There won't be a dancefloor though, I've checked...so no funky stuff-strutting for me. I suppose, if you class Football (that's what I call it too, see my sig!) as a labor-intensive pleasure, so too is missionary sex - and I know that's allowed !! It did, le chaim!!
1. Sorry to hear that, I see you said Bat (daughter/female) not Bar 2. I know you are referring to Football just having a giggle. Re Sabbath and footie, Some people get paid for football and that is work. Some people do it to get fit and that is exercise, could be said to be work (work out) also coupled with doing it for fun, Isaiah 56 discusses enjoying your own pleasure. Therefore in my opinion it is forbidden at the least due to these three reasons. Sabbath is a day to dedicate onself to G-D according to the Torah. Rabbinic Judaism (Talmud/oral law) permits sex on the Sabbath. However I disgaree with this and I have my reasons for this but will not go into it. My reasoning though: Again this is pleasure (the ultimate might I say) and putting yourself and the honey first. Also there is some other evidence in Torah such as, it puts you in a state of impurity and before various holy days one should be clean. That is my take, now as to sex and the missionary position this is according to Rabbinic Judaism, me personally I think it is up to the individuals although sodomy and such in my eyes is out of the question (not that you wanted to know that). If G-D did not want us to enjoy the pleasure of sex he would not have made it so pleasurable, it is just like meat if G-D did not want us to eat it, Beefburgers would not taste so nice. Glad to be of help. Peace once again.
Appreciate the reply. I know the Mitzvah for girls is less traditional, and therefore frowned upon. Is this the reason for the lack of dancing? Thanks to "A" for the nice rep...whoever you are!!