
Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by leggybrooke, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. designer

    designer New Member

    Re: Trolls.WSD

    You mean the idea about making all members pay a fee????

    There was a forum I use to go to and you had to sign up and be a member just to look at the forum....

    As we have it now anyone can see us but if you had to sign up and logon, I don't know.
    That may cut down on some of the trolls.
    Maybe not.
  2. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    I think it might help to lock all forums but so far it hasn't stop any troll from signing up and posting so I think we can't stop the menace. All we can do is be alert without being paranoid and not feed the frenzy by engaging in a discussion (which is hard... I always want to say something... lol)
  3. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member


    :wink: Designer:
    Yeah, that one.My logic was simply that the more time and effort a troll had to go through to post, the fewer amount of trolls that would do so.
    I mean do you really think posters like Shenango(v1-4), Sentry, Oculus, would go through all of that just to post offensive material?
    Maybe some might, but most wouldn't bother.
    I have brought it up before, and what Chigirl posted is true as well about staying on the alert. Using the ! is a key tool also I guess.
  4. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

  5. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

    Re: Question.Trolls.

    I agree. I don't think that trolls would want to pay to spread their nonsense
  6. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    Sorry FSP, didn't see your question. It is a board for neo-nazi skinhead types, never dropped by but someone here posted that they had a thread over there linking to this board *shudder* FREAKS.....
  7. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    my god, I just looked at it and am sitting here with tears running down my face - that is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. The ignorance and hate absolutely radiates off that board - I seriously feel nauseous.
  8. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    I haven't read it for that reason, I would feel compelled to flame, it would enrage me to no end, and prolly give me a doozy of a migraine in the process. It's scary, those FREAKS exist, more than you think, and many of them are professionals, not just trailer trash.....
  9. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Agree you can't read that shit, it's not worth my time. But I agree with SheDevil, it is scary as well
  10. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member must be bad if AOL blocks the site as spam...i just went to try to pull it up and i get this box from AOL that says WARNING!! for your protection AOL is blocking access to this site...

    what a great way to start the day...that just gave me chills...good ones :D
  11. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    I think it's more scary to hear that kind of thing from a 'professional' than some redneck hick. It's much more expected from a hick. The worst part for me was how matter of fact everyone was.

    I do not understand why a person would want to live with so much hatred inside themselves, being mad and hating is not a pleasant way to live. And how could you possibly harbor such horrible feelings for someone you've never met and who has done nothing worong? And then to think that trash is being passed on to further generations...makes me question free speech.

    Guess a part of me is glad I saw it, there's no excuse for being ignorant when you're given the chance not to be - but I sure want to call my man and ask him if he's taking care of himself.
  12. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

    I just visited the site myself and totally agree ..... it is so sad that in today's world this kind of stupidity is still out there
  13. AquaPeach

    AquaPeach New Member

    What is scary is that, because they are professionals and obviously educated, they think they're perfectly justified in their beliefs because they have reached these conclusions through "rational" observation and thought. I did not read this forum, but i have read similar ones and it makes me sick to my stomach. :(

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