Question? Why do ww women like black men when they get older

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Rocket, Jun 11, 2008.


    JAYMAY New Member

    My Experience

    Met White Women from all over the spectrum, financially and socially; can't generalize much about why. But I've always preferred mature white females who are strong-willed and independent. They're more fun.

    Interracial sex/dating has that edge to it sometimes; one can tell when she wants to bed you as an social experiment. Having a varied background, from being a bouncer for topless bars in my college days to swinging w/ secretaties and wives at the firms, it's helped me appreciate how different females are, no matter their class backgrounds. Uptight Mormon girls who needed privacy to let loose, the conservative businesswoman who wants to experience the atmosphere of the "lowlife" bars and after-hour clubs.

    Many reasons why the WF might be under you, but if she's enjoying it and you're enjoying it, sometimes that's enough (and sometimes not).
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2010

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Nicolette Sheridan is in her mid to late 40s and i don't care what anybody says but if a white female tourist decides to sow her "wild oats" in Africa with a black man and she looks like Nicolette i will JUMP on that opportunity.
  3. jnick57in

    jnick57in Member

    I tend to agree. I'm totally into black guys now and wouldn't even consider going out with anyone else.
  4. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Well stated.

    I love me those secure, confident, intelligent white women that are all ladylike in the day and a freak in the sheets at night.

    Something about that to me is so attractive. To know this woman who is so refined in public is so in tune with her desires in private.
  5. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    All I do is keep it 100.
  6. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

  7. LillyBeth

    LillyBeth New Member

    The reason why I find black men attractive now but didn’t in my youth is simply because my tastes changed over the years. When I was young I was very punky/gothy so liked pale and pasty punky/gothy men, then I liked bikers (and I never met a black biker). I rarely met black men so the opportunity to date one just wasn’t there. Then out of the blue I met my now BF when I went back into education a couple of years back and really liked him (thought he was cute too!) But it wasn’t until (please bear with me here because it sounds stupid, and I’m normally so level-headed) I had a dream where a black guy was looking out for me when I was being hassled at a party, that a switch flicked in my head. From that night I started to find black men more attractive than white. From my mid 20s I’d always preferred dark haired, olive skinned men so it’s just gone up a notch I suppose, LOL. Anyway, I’m really glad as I’m now with the best BF I could wish for and we are planning our future together; he’s beautiful inside and out :smt060
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    how old r u now
  9. LillyBeth

    LillyBeth New Member

    A young 43.
  10. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Here we go again...

    Your advanced degree didn't teach you everything. Certainly didn't teach you how to think like a white woman.

  11. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    I figure at that point they don't have as much to lose. Their parents are either dead or too old to really matter. Men aren't coming after them like they used to when they were a few decades younger. So after their looks and bodies have gone down, they've popped out a kid or two, gone through a divorce, and are basically at an age when they say "Well it's not going to get any better, might as well enjoy myself" ya they'll go after Black guys.

    I'm not saying this applies to all white women or even most, but I've always been very put off by white women who had absolutely no interest in Black men when they were younger but after they get older and their stock has gone down, suddenly they don't mind slumming it with some brothers. It's like we weren't good enough for you in your prime; you didn't want anything to do with us but now it's okay for you to be seen with us?? Sorry but older WW who suddenly develop an attraction for BM in their later years, I'd stay away from.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2011
  12. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Have any of you guys who think like this, ever considered "lack of opportunity" as a viable reason? Even now, I do not meet many single men much less single black men in the course of every day life. And I live in a more diverse environment than I did when I was dating the first time around. I, for one, have never considered BM to be "sloppy seconds" and I really resent it when people assume that to be the case with older white women.

    How about older BM, who dated and married BW and then suddenly begin dating WW - oh wait, it's because they're desperate and/or not picky so they'll get with anything that moves. Did I get that right?

  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    it's all about the social circles you run in

    if you hang around white women with advanced degrees (say you're a doctor for instance), you'll increase the likelihood of dating and/or marrying one

    it's that simple

    why do you think people have been saying for years and years, that once we get some education we leave bw for ww?
  14. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Well like I said it doesn't apply to all white women or even most. BM I've seen who don't date or marry a WW until later in life (and this is purely an assumption on my part) I assume would have been willing to date them in their younger years. If they haven't already. Honestly I don't think younger Black men have as much of a problem dating white women. Nowhere near to the extent that younger White women do when it comes to Black men. Not even close. Which is all perfectly fine. It's not a competition. And people can be with who they want to be with for whatever reason. But I've never really heard of a BM who wouldn't date WW when he was younger but then out of the blue decides that he's into WW and it's okay to be seen with them.

    And hell I could be completely wrong. But white women in their 40s and 50s who are suddenly down with BM after a blackless existence their entire lives are red flags to be avoided. I see too many WW who would not deal with BM when they were 8s, 9s, and 10s but when they drop to 4s, 5s, 6s, and 7s whether due to age, weight, altered socioeconomic status or whatever suddenly they're down with the brown. Hell one thing I have personally seen a lot of is overweight WW who go for BM only because they know many WM won't go for them. Many will outright admit it.

    It's like BM are expected to be there to pick up the leftovers after WM, and many LM, have gotten their fill of the main course. Sorry but I just find it offensive.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i find that suspect as well

    definitely red flag

    same as the ones who decide to go black, after divorcing a white guy
  16. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    It would behoove you to find out WHY a WW begins dating BM before discounting them.

    And, for the record, I am an older, plus-size woman and, if anything, my "stock" has gone up. I am less selfish and superficial than I was when I was younger and I'm more open-minded, experienced and certain about what I want. My partner's happiness and what I can contribute to it is as important to me as my own. I look to give in a relationship rather than just get. Lessons learned through life experience. And while I may not be young and slim any more, I dress well, I'm trendy and keep myself nicely. I think I would be an asset rather than a liability, all things considered.

    If you judge someone solely on outward appearance, you are missing the real value of a person.

  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lmao. You crack me up Ches. Why are you trying to defend your worth to someone you don't know. Truth is the things you value aren't what we value sorry. At least not to the same degree. Anyway let the man have his opinion and find someone who shares yours. But on a side note you do see his point right?

  18. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Glad to know I amuse you, TDK. And you share your opinions, why? Do you think everyone agrees with you and your view of women? Think again.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think more do than don't and I think more do than admit it publicly. Keep lying to yourself it appears its done wonders for your dating life. Let longnthick know I said good luck with you lol.
  20. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    You'll have to tell longandthick that yourself. I look for more than that when choosing dating partners, so I won't be replying. I just threw that out there as one of the more entertaining things that show up in my email.

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