Question for Tucker

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Pinnacle23, May 16, 2008.

  1. Pinnacle23

    Pinnacle23 New Member

    What is your experience with/opinion of bipartisan relationships? I know that most in this country are successful because the man and the woman simply don't discuss politics. But many are successful because they each respect one another's opinion and are genuinely interested in adult discourse with one another. I've found that the base requirement is that both people MUST be open-minded. My wife and I have found many common ground areas, but still, of course, have some touchy issues we simply cannot see eye-to-eye on. It's one of those agree to disagree cases. But overall, and this will sound really strange coming from me...I think her liberalism brings out the best in her, just like my conservatism brings out the best in me. Some of the reasons I'm so in love with her, incidentally, are because of some of her liberal traits. I'm very attracted to conservative women, but there are also things about liberal women I really really love and that appeal to me at my core level. Obviously, I'm not a fan of their politics, but certain character traits I've found to be appealing because of liberal thinking. She has even defined me at one time as being "politically conservative, but a liberal thinker".

    I digress and reiterate, what is your experience with/opinion of bipartisan relationships?
  2. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    personally, because political issues and views are integral to my life, i the person that i date, marry, should share the basic same view but doesnt have to agree on every issue--as long as we agree on the most important)pro life, traditional family, religious liberty, low taxes, limited government and non governmental education)

    but i am sure there are tons of couples in this country that dont have to share the same views, i just personally could not

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