Question about russian women....

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by solar flair, Jul 19, 2005.

  1. Alekssandra

    Alekssandra New Member

    YA YA
    Don't even try to understand Russian women, nobody does understand us.
    We big tease. But i personally love to communicate. But our dear Russian mean are too protective they don't like to see us any other man except there selves.
    Plus if you didn' t recognize accent then she ain't Russian
    We have hard ass accent like no tomorrow.
    She might be Ukraine.
  2. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Our dear Russian men... where do I start. I cannot give up on them, because they are my own... they are me... but when you start talking about your own, you are in a whole different territory... which is ruled by your subconscious, not your reason... that's why I agree that Flaming does still love black women.

    Our men must learn to respect women. I've realized that it's useless to debate with someone who does not respect women - it is useless to try to convince them. Being a woman, you cannot change their mind. I've once discovered a website by a Rus. "psychologist", this website was claiming to be meant to help women. When I started reading the articles, I realized that they were nothing but condescending, "from God to worm" mocking "advice". For example, he was claiming that women spend 75% of work time on the web surfing self-help sites. I know it's not true for me, I don't use the web at work and work like a dog... I felt tempted to write to the author and express my indignation, but stopped myself. I felt a deep hurt... I felt betrayed... these are OUR men... supposed to love and protect us... respect us... and what is this? If a man of any nationality speaks degradingly of Rus. women, who cares. But Rus. men? :cry:

    Could this man attempt to understand that women have the right to do what they want and not ask his permission? That women are in fact individuals like men? But hell - another article on the Rus. web, written by a WOMAN, actually said that no matter what your achievements, you are "still a woman and nothing without a man". If we talk like that, what do we want from our men?


    I'll never give up on Rus. men. The little boys running around Moscow parks are future Rus. men. God bless them. I would like to share a little story I read recently, which happened in a small Rus. town:

    An orphan guy was serving in the Army, and when all the letters would arrive, there were none for him. Once, after all the letters have been picked up, there was one for his friend who didn't want it. The orphan opened it and it was a letter from a girl, with a picture. The girl on the picture was so pretty! He wrote to her and they started corresponding. Finally the guy went to visit her. He was walking through the woods, and noticed some boys playing with fire, trying to burn something. He didn't like that, ran to them and chased them from the fire, and at that moment the fire exploded in this face. He lost his vision for the most part. The girl did not know why he didn't arrive to see her. She now went to look for him, and found out about the accident. She stayed with the guy, who was almost blind. They got married and have a daughter. The guy never saw the girl's face. The picture she had sent, was not hers. The girl was homely, so she sent a pretty actress's picture. And the guy is happy that even though he lost his vision, he saved that of five boys.
  3. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    So, russian men do not know how to treat women either? It is like, if your black male or russian male you are shit out of luck, because no women will take you seriously, at least not from the start. How about the women? You talk like women have no fault, no blame, no flaw, no wrong. Since there is a good and evil, a ying and yang, a black and white; the men MUST be the evil one heh? That is the mentality of the world, because there is NO way a beautiful goddess of a women can be evil, she is an angle sent by the heavens. Well, in reality the most beautiful women are some of the most evil sons of bitches men can make. No matter what creed or hue she may be. Trust me, I know first hand.

    Did you ever stop to think, that these 'evil' men may have something to gripe about? Did you ever considers it?
  4. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I did not even expect such an undeep message from you. I don't think you've read my post attentively.

    Why throw such a fit? Get so defensive? I'm putting on the spot the men who do not consider women to be their equals. Do they not exist? Or do I have to immediately apologize in advance and say that of course not all men are bad and not all women are good? I thought this was understood. Come on.

    In my story I just gave you an example of two beautiful human beings, one is a Russian man and the other a Russian woman.
  5. roseveltfranklin

    roseveltfranklin New Member

    you said "our men must learn to respect women".....

    what a condesending attitude!! you actually assume the posture to "define" "your" russian men???? ...are you for real?????

    The real question is... did YOU read what you wrote????

    the sad part is that you dont even realize how offensive these very ideals can be to ALL men.
  6. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Oh well. I'm speaking from my experience.
  7. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    :lol: I admit that was a bit of an emotional response. men are use to the 'no good' speech, that women like to throw out there, to mentally control men. Women will act like they are little miss princesses, women are use to being put on the pedal, so men are now bringing them down a notch or two. I applaud russian men, the weed right through the BS, no games.

    My mentor was russian, i admired him, the toughest son of a bitch any man can see or meet. He taught me alot, about women and the world. I worked right under him, what I like most, he saw potential and respected me as an individual, not colour. But, the respect was earned, not given. Through hard work and dedication, loyalty, something women no nothing about.

    Men bring out the best in men, even though it is contrived as devilish. A women can bring out either the best in a man, or the very worst. Yes, when you mentioned the russian gent, you made no mention of what good he has done, to the couples who sought out his expertise. You only mentioned the negative effects in which it had on women. Dare I say that was a bit selfish.............well.............because it was. Women only see the negative of what men do, never the positive.

    As for the story. What I have gotten from it, was that a man has to be blind to appreciate a women, which is again total blasphemy.
  8. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member


    Women only see the negative of what men do, never the positive.


    Bit of a sweeping generalisation there! SOME women do, but not all of them. You can't judge all women as the same, you certainly don't like it if women do the same back to you.

    Fairness please!
  9. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    How dare you? Nothing sacred.
    I agree with you about my post, but will you stop generalizing. I thought you were accusing me of the "all men are bad" speech... :lol: I'm bored already.
  10. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    No. I was never accusing you of the 'all men are bad speech. Far from it. I accused you of just seeing the negative, without gathering all the facts. Which is indeed what you did, I also challenged your logic, the mentality of women of which they can do wrong. Something I like to call the "Miss Princesses factor." No doubt, your mother erected her esteem onto you. But, lets forget the personal attacks, and call a spade a spade.
  11. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    He taught you about women...

    No one taught me about men. Whatever I know, I learned on my own.
    My mother is very bitter about Russian men. But her views are hers, not mine. My mentor was my grandmother who was the most outstanding person I've ever known. Whenever I said anything negative about men, she would counter it with "There ARE plenty of good men! There ARE plenty of happy couples!"

    Maybe that's why I don't have rose glasses on, but I'm not bitter. Men haven't treated me too well in the earlier part of my life... I was even sexually assaulted as a child... when I met my husband, he made up for all of the negative experiences. If I didn't believe in men, I probably wouldn't have believed in him the way I did... but I moved on from the past and now am happy. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be married to a Russian... pure curiosity. But this thought never grew into anything more than a curiosity, because, in the words of my Rus. friend who married a Malian, "what difference does it make what color is the man you must feed at dinnertime."
  12. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Bit of a sweeping generalisation there! SOME women do, but not all of them. You can't judge all women as the same, you certainly don't like it if women do the same back to you.

    Fairness please![/quote]

    Well, I really do not care how women generalize men. But, when these women generalize they do it as if they are not flawed.
  13. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    Who are "these" women? We're not ll the same you know! And you choosing to generalise about us is just as bad.

    So be a good boy and don't do it again...
  14. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    These women happen to be the women who say all men are rapist, murders, savage, operate on animal instinct. There speech is ritten with flaws and contradiction, when men point out their flaws, he is labeled as a misogamist.
  15. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    When I say taught, he taught me about female manipulation. Even though his wife was beautiful, he treated her like crap, I also learned never to treat a women as he did.
  16. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    But, I starting to think women like being treated like crap.
  17. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    7Seven - Those women happen to be a minority and are best left under the rock that they crawled out from. Do not class us as all the same as it makes you no better then them.

    Whatever happened to individuality and diversity?
  18. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    It not about the minority, it is about observation of the obvious. If you are going to point fingers, perhaps you should look at one's self, that is all im saying. If you are going to say all men cheat. You have to ask yourself WHY are these men cheating? If your going to say there are no good men. You have to ask yourself WHY you can not attract the good men? Do you see what i'm saying now?

    It is time for women to stop blaming men for all the wrongs they may experience.

    Few people can be happy unless they hate or blame some other person, nation, or creed. What ever happen to just enjoying the sunset?
  19. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I don't understand the situation at all. He was your mentor... he taught you about female manipulation... treated his beautiful wife like crap... meaning she deserved it or not? if yes, then what went on? if not, then what made him your mentor?

    Anyway, I'm off to feed my hungry man. Talk to you another day!
  20. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    He was my mentor in business, but with women not so much. :lol: Perhaps, it is or was I should say, another one of his hidden messages. This being about women. As I experience different cultures of women I am starting to understand now. :lol:

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