In His Weekly Address, President Obama Calls for Fiscal Discipline April 25, 2009 8:25 AM In his weekly address today, President Obama calls for fiscal discipline and says his administration will eliminate waste and increase efficiency. "We cannot settle for a future of rising deficits and debts that our children cannot pay," the president says, adding that we must "recognize that we cannot meet the challenges of today with old habits and stale thinking. So much of our government was built to deal with different challenges from a different era. Too often, the result is wasteful spending, bloated programs, and inefficient results. It’s time to fundamentally change the way that we do business in Washington."
I just don't see how cutting $100 million from the budget is considered "fiscally responsible" when the budget will be more than 3 and a half trillion dollars
Nothing lasts forever, and the same should also go for this recession that this nation is currently in. A year ago many didn't even believe that Obama would even get this far. Just imagine if we know what we know now back then. I'm confident that WE as a country will dig ourselves out of this. It wont happen overnight and it will take a collective effort, we just have to be patient and I for one refuse to take a defeated attitude about it. See what you did, got me feelin all patriotic and shit.:smt003