Pres. Obama vs. the Birthers: America's Racism Rears It's Ugly Head Once Again

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I would agree you based on generally what you've said. I also agree with what you said in bold, but my parents would disagree. They would think admission revolves around primarily your grades and test scores.
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    The more you talk UnChosen about politics in this matter, the more you come off as being another misinformed person who simply act on emotion and not with his head. There are a few problems with your statements:

    1. Show me anywhere that there's a person who goes by the name Barack and is associated with any terrorist organization or name? In fact, he mentioned that Barak is a Hebrew name as well as an Arabic name.

    2. Indonesia is a Muslim dominated country, yes. But, it's also fairly secular under their laws. You can't associate radicalism with one religion since all religions are guilty of their radical means.

    3. His classmates and teachers DO remember him. But then again, if he stayed in Indonesia for a short while, how can you say the majority of people would recognize him until he becomes President? It's like you trying to recall your classmates after 20+ years.

    4. He's addressed his relationship with all those people you've stated, except the fact that not once did anyone claim he was associated with Ted Haggard. That's a completely different person altogether.

    5. The Birther Movement started simply because he's "too exotic" looking. So when he ran for President, of course these imbeciles would try and discredit the guy if they can't find anything wrong with him in his personal life. Thus, they sought at his name. If anything, these people have a mental disorder.

  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    My sentiments exactly! And I hate saying this, but not everyone on these boards are politically astute or aware of everything that's going on around here. They either listen to soundbytes or bits and pieces of political channels.

  4. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

  5. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I meant his last name, my bad.

    Dude, when Obama run for senate I lived in Chicago, voted for him for US senate, as well as the white house. I donated money to his campaign & somewhat worked for his campaign so I can see someone who look like me in higher office, went to his Grant park chicago address in election night, I kinda read his two books, I know ppl from his church, U of C, Harvard, etc....... so don't you tell me that I don't know about politics when your ass is sitting in Lil ville Katrina and have not stepped a foot in chicago.

    Again, I still stand by my statment, his team should have done much more to get handle of these problems much early on, period.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2011
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude he shouldn't have to produce shit. He is the President of The United States Of America. That use to mean something. I have never seen even a senator or congressman get openly disrespected as often as Obama. Your argument was he should have produced his birth certificate to shut them up and his legitimacy was with his mother period the end. His mother was an American citizen born and raised here as was his grandparents. According to the law of the land if your parent id from the US then you're a US citizen. You're a born American.
  7. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    A fool like you that worships politicians JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK shouldn't be trying to diss someone's intellect.

    Obama doesn't give a shit about you.....DUMMY..
  8. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I never said there is no racial under tone by the birther movement. Yes, there are plenty of Americans who hate him due to his skin color. When you blk in this country whether you're in top college or top job you have to work twice as hard to earn any respect, period. That is the nature of the beast, by virtue of this fact his team should taken care of any issues that would caused a bumpy ride. If Trump is leading some of the polls, it is because of BO's team has not done their job well.

    Obama's presidency the worst thing to happen for race relation in America, especially for blks.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You think so? I think it provides an opportunity for a lot of us to be honest with how we feel about certain shit and stop pretending everyone gets along.
    Its April of 2011 I could care less if Trump is leading, he's a joke and as much as America is entertained by him they won't vote for him in the end or he'll withdraw. One thing I've learned is you don't make that kind of money without skeletons in your closet and I'm sure dude has graveyards.
  10. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Trump will not win, in fact, I doubt he will seriously run. He is a wishy washy media whore. I agree he prolly has serious skeleton. In fact, I don't think he has released his financial statements and tax return. He has been bankrupt b4, I am not even sure whether he is still broke or making money, trust me he is got skeleton.
  11. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I still stand by my comment that people here are not as politically astute. Just KIND of supporting him and knowing people from his church don't mean you have a lick of knowledge in politics. Everything you've stated is very irrelevant and for you to make that quip about Louisiana makes you even less of an intelligent person in this discussion.

    Understanding politics, in a nutshell, requires the basic knowledge that you can't treat everything like a two hour long movie and expect changes to happen in an immediate sense. If you really bothered reading both of his books, you'll understand that he's pragmatic and a realist. This is a checks and balances system, not an authoritarian government. He can't get legislation done exactly the way he wants, especially when we're dealing with a center-right nation and Congress being purple in the political spectrum. However, his efforts, by far...he's done a whole lot more than one would expect and that's keeping a realistic outlook.

    In short, his policies (though not perfect) with the help of Congress, helped paved the way for the future. And these situations such as gas prices, deficits, etc...he's doing the best he can and he's coming out better than say...some other Presidents in the past.

  12. z

    z Well-Known Member

    we are talking about his team handling about his birth certificate and other personal matters, who is talking about his policies in this thread?

    BTW- The meaning of the name Barack is Blessed. The origin of the name Barack is African

    You are talking about the alternate spellings: Barrack, Barak which are form of the Hebrew name Baruch.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2011
  13. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    I was watching CNN yesterday and the reporter was saying a poll had been done and quite a substantial number of people in America believed obama was born outside America.Jesus Christ!!! are there so many dumb people in America? or are they so gullible they swallow what Rush Limbaugh and his ilk push down their throat. This is madness
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Let's kill all this noise right now.,_Sr.

    His parent's got married before he was born making them both US citizens when he was born. His birth was announced in local Hawaii papers. If they really cared about the legitimacy of his birth that would be sufficient. But BBW said they can't stand the idea of a black man running things and are looking for anything to discredit him. Before you chime in Flame I know he doesn't run anything but from the pov of the complainers he does.
  15. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I dont think his dad was ever a US citizen. I beleive he came to this country with F-1 student visa. I am not even sure if he ever got the green card before he left the States.... he was a Kenyan citizen.
  16. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Not necessarily his Dad was a foreign student from Kenya hence he might have been a green card holder not an American when obama was born but the bottom line is he was born in Hawaii . I think some (dumb) Americans think Hawaii is in japan or some part of Asia. smh
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You marry a US citizen you become a US citizen especially back then. There was almost no red tape then.
  18. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I am not 100 % sure but I don't think so. This was 1960's and very recent, I am sure you have to file paper work, meet residency requirement and so forth before swearing for citizenship. I do not think Barack senior was ever a US citizen, I could be wrong tho but don't think he was.
  19. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    To be more precise, but thanks for the heads up anyway:

    And secondly, we've already addressed that matter regarding his information on another thread, showing that he did prove he's a citizen of the US during the primaries. In case you forgot, these dogmatic morons have this thing called ignorance and they relish in that because of a deep seeded neurological disorder. The hostility and scrutiny this President has been put under for so long is VERY inexcusable on the behalf of the moronic people he's representing.

  20. z

    z Well-Known Member

    This, we can definately agree on.

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