Post here if you're race-specific in your desiring

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by SwanRider, Dec 13, 2005.

  1. blackmale22

    blackmale22 New Member

    i hope some day society can accept this one day. btw i feel atracted to white women, the strange thing is if i see a light skinned non-white (non-caucasian) women i would still find the white women on average far more beautiful.
  2. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Maybe society will accept bm/ww relationships completely and maybe they won't. It doesn't matter to me because I am most definitely attracted to white women more so than anyone and I know I'm going to marry a white woman. My current girlfriend I believe is that woman.
  3. beauty

    beauty New Member

    you have the right to your perferences. i too have a friend who feels the same way. she does not find blackmen attractive and i don't fault her for it. like her, you should only persue your perference which is whitewomen. i think it would be harmful to date one when you are clearly interested and perfer the other. if you don't perfer bw, then why persue them? the same with bw that perfer wm. what i dont understand is why blackpeople call each other sellouts for crossing over? more and more blackwomen are now crossing over as they should. i tell them hey the best man for you may be white or other and not black at all. it was thay way for my mother who did not marry a blackman. she was married to him until she passed away...that man is my father who passed away this year. my mother has been gone 26 years this christimas and my father never remarried as he said no other woman would do for him. he dated over the years, but nothing really came of it. the last 15 years of his life he was with this whitewoman and she stuck by him until he died 5 months ago. i would often ask my father why not marry this woman,she loves you. he would alway tell me that no other woman is better than my mother, i responded saying that while i understand that but mom would want him to be happy and in love...she is gone papa. needless to say, he never married this woman and for the life of me i never understood this. funny thing yesterday, my cousin told me that her attraction for whitemen is growing but she is doing all she can to fight it. lol. whitemen hit on her DAILY!!! but there is a couple of whitemen that i know well and are interested in her. i told her why fight how you feel. you never may be the best thing for you.


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