Post here if you're race-specific in your desiring

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by SwanRider, Dec 13, 2005.

  1. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    another thing is that there are alot of negro/black people who have such an inferior complex, they have to have a different name every 10 years--its part of the slave mentality for many. Negro is fine for me.

    also, like kwanza they had to have a holiday that looked like Christmas(a religious holiday) and Hannukah(another religious holiday) and squeeze it in with it, perhaps if kwanza was in the summer, like my gullah festival, i would celebrate it, but not now with it seeming like the whining second fiddle holiday
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I'd say my most favored kinds of women are Latin/WW. Oh, can't forget about the 1/2 black; 1/2 white women either.
  3. Silvercosma

    Silvercosma New Member

    This should be nominated for the post of the year! :D
  4. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    oh yes biracial girls are soooo hot too, and Latin women, i guess now my favorite!
  5. mosiah1

    mosiah1 Member

    I will date women of all races, but I have to say that physically overall I find white women and Latinas sexiest (at least most of the time). But the strange thing about me is this: When it comes to dating black women, I prefer the dark skin and brown skin ones over the light skin sistas. My last girlfriend was a light skin bw, but almost all of the ones before her were either dark or brown skinned.

    I am one of the few men who has never been all that crazy about Haile Berry. There is no doubt that she is a pretty woman, but deep inside, she doesn't move me nearly as much as a Gabrielle Union. And Gabrielle Union doesn't turn me on as much as Monica Bellucci or Charlize Theron. The strange thing about it is that many light skin black American women are the same complexion as brown Latinas, but I'm much more drawn to hot Latinas than I am to most black women. Is there something wrong with me for feeling this way?

    I want to add that there is much more to a woman than her outer beauty, but since this thread is talking about the physical, I've let my comment go off in that direction. Honestly, I don't hate my sistas and there are quite a few of them that I think are fine, but I no longer feel as bad as I used to feel when a sista isn't interested in me. In fact, since I've joined this site, I've observed that some bw wonder why I have not made moves on them like all the rest of the men they meet do. They are used to being the centers of lustful attention but now I look for more than just the typical big butt and a smile.

    I doubt that I will ever be one of those "exclusively dating one type" guys, but it seems as if most ww I know have more depth and variety in their conversation. With ww, you can debate and agree to disagree at times. But, judging from most of my personal experiences, bw tend to want to dominate the conversation and will take it personal if you debate their points of view. I like to debate but I hate to argue.
    "Back then they didn't want me; now I'm hot, they all on me"
  6. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    me too, I am attracted to the dark skinned women when i am attracted to BW. I like african women or carribean, most american black women i am not intellectually, socially connected to. I love latin and southern european women also
  7. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I find women of all races beautiful but like most of you guys would figure out from my posts, i find, without a doubt, i find latinas and white women the most attractive and sexiest. When it comes to dating black women, i prefer the lighter skinned ones over the dark-skinned ones. Thats not to say that i dont find them beautiful but thats just my preference. I would get moved over someone like Beyonce or Ashanti than over someone like Nia Long. And Beyonce or Ashanti wont turn me on as much as a dimepiece like Eva Mendes, Jessica Simpson, Eva Longora or Sofia Vergara.
    And i have to say i agree with Mosiah when he says there is more to a woman than outer beauty and the big butt. I personally have certain other criteria for liking a woman and the most important include similarity and complementarity, familiarity and propinquity, reciprocal liking and perceived fallibility. Attraction is all to do wth the positive reinforcement and cognitive similarity we get from the other person. I dont mean to go on a bw bashing thread, but i cannot get any of these things from black women. From white and latina women, a big yes. White and latina women i've been with are all about sharing my passion for life, fun, being behind me with regards to everything i do, respect me as a person, and are willing to be reciprocal about everything. I have been in a serious relationship with only one black woman in my 22 years alive but i have had flings with a handful. I would be far from exaggerating if i said they're similar.
    I have mostly been strictly into whites and latinas all my life and i would prefer to remain that way. I dont have a resentment towards black women but ww and latinas seem a lot more approachable, respectful, ambitious and honest to me. I can have a mature, simple coversation with a ww or latina but with bw, i find it difficult. Black women are less appreciating of my options in my life, my hobbies and interests and what not. I find it extremely hard to form a relationship with someone with whom i cannot be compatible with. Black women always want to prove they are right all the time, are very loud, less appreciating and grateful and all of that. I am far from soft; i am just a peace-loving young black male. I can be extremely difficult for the individual who poses a threat to my happiness and well-being but i believe in live and let live.
  8. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    Amen Cuz, the latinas like eva mendez, maria conchita , eva langoria

    the best!!!
    dang we might need a brothas love latinas site soon
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    ( First and foremost I'm basing all these opinions on experiences and personal perceptions I have on BW. )

    I honestly can't say that all BW are the same but, for some reason many of them have these feisty attitudes. Like, some of them will be nice and whatnot when they are interested in you and want to get to know you, but when you really get to know some of them, they want to act like major bitches when they're mad. It's like, yea, I guess black women deal with a lot of negative bullshit in America like any black person would but it seems like some of them have this "snap back" attitude sometimes when things don't go their way.

    Like, they're quick to talk shit sometimes. I can't say Latin and WW or any race of women for that matter doesn't do it, but I've noticed many black women do it. Like it's cool or something. I dunno, it annoys the hell outta me and just makes me not want to get too close to them as friends. I mean, yea, I've met some really nice BW that treat me like I'm a man and not something that can be chewed up and spit out if I cross their fine line between pleasing them and not pleasing them because "all black men should treat BW like Queens." ( or so some pro-black people say.)

    I mean I'll treat a women like a Queen, if she treats me like a King, it's only fair. I'm not down with that kissing her ass just because nonsense. I think many times, the attitudes BW have towards me REALLY turns me off most of the time. I would think they'd be some of the most understanding women I'd meet being that they're black as well but in many cases, they aren't.

    And arguing, OMG!. what is it with black women and always arguing, being loud, and having to be a year-round diva like that shit is soo cool or somethin. I dunno, I'm sorry if I offend any BW reading this, but I'm speaking from the heart whether it's accepted or not. Like LaydeezmanCris was saying, sometimes WW and Latin women show more sensitive affection to their men. I can't speak on behalf of ALL WW and Latin women, but I've noticed in many cases that they tend to be that way.

    And then BW wonder why BM don't want to be with them and take the "other" kinds of women instead. I bet if more BW started being more involved with men of other races, they would soon realize it's NOT only some black men that have these common gripes about BW. I'm sure men of ALL races would agree to an extent. It just seems too many of them are not appreciative of having a good black man, so they will shit on the situation(relationship) whenever they want to, expecting that the man will stick around and tough it out "because he's black and strong and can deal with the stresses of this world like he always has". That's bullshit!

    Sorry for venting on BW so tough, but I had to do it, it was only a matter of time until I spoke up. Now I'm not saying black women are lesser than any other race of women, but when I'm not even really attracted to many of them in the first place, and then they want to get nasty with me when I don't deal with the shit, it's only natural for me to part ways and find happiness with someone who will be compassionate, understanding, and just as sensitive as I AM to their needs. I mean, I'm not a mean guy in any way, nor am I a push-over (because I won't stick around to be treated like crap, or kiss ass). Like Cris, I'm just a peace-loving black male that is open to all sorts of cultures and peaceful ways of life.
  10. infiniti

    infiniti New Member

    I have pretty much the same opinion as LaydeezmanCris and the other guys sharing similar ideas. The truth is that when I came into the U.S, I didn't quite have a preference. It was in college that I really started to realize that I am not attracted (generally speaking to bw in America). While I do not try to generalize about all bw (this would be stupid as my mom, sisters and several family members are nothing short of amazing), my statements are based on what "I" have experienced.......

    In College, I was one of the top students in my department. While most black students there would sit in the back at lectures, I sat in the very front row and usually asked several questions during the course of the week. I immediately bonded with students that were as enthusiastic as I was. Needless to say, the vast majority of these students were white. So academically speaking, the people I studied, and discussed any sort of intellectual matter with were white (except for another black friend of mine, but he feels the same about this issue).

    I remember trying to interact with bw on a social basis. It didn't take long for me to find out I am nothing close to what they were looking for. To them, I was a quiet, soft and uninteresting nerd. Out of frustration one day, I asked a black girl was she thought about me. She said " I think you are gorgeous, but you need to toughen up a little". I immediately asked her what she meant. Although I can't remember all the details, I will give you an idea... She talked about how well I do in school. She even asked me 'how many black folks do you see asking questions like you in class". She proceeded to talk about how I don't baggy pants and shirts. She went on to talk about how I speak. To her, I was a black guy trying to sound white...."How could you even trust white people", "do you think you are better than other black brothas", and "you will always be black to white people" were just some of the advice she gave me.

    While I appreciated what she told me, I was also somewhat hurt. I just couldn't realize why people can't understand that being black does not correspond to a specific behavior. I of course had black friends, but these fellas were going through the same things that I was going through.

    College was also where I had the chance to actually interact closely with white women (I just realized this is exactly what the KKK people were trying to avoid). I had seen white women, admired some of them, but I just didn't have the chance to be with one closely(not speaking sexually here. I mean something as simple as looking someone in the eye while talking to them e.t.c) So to be honest, my first interaction was primarily based on attraction for what I perceived as "whiteness". I have been good in sports, school blah blah, so I didn't associate white with being superior. It was however strange, and that novelty somehow felt good.

    Needless to say, I met a girl through one of my friends. I thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever met. She was 5'6, had long dark hair, light olive skin, and the greenest eyes I had ever seen (You could actually see her pupils as they dilated or constricted. It was so cool) . I did not fall in love with her, both I lost total control of my emotions. She had so much control over me that I became angry at myself. I was raised to control my self. I could she just come here and rob me of my dignity? I couldn't stop thinking about her. I went to a top University that had a very conservative overtone (even if it were unspoken). Trying to get an attractive girl like that is difficult. Add that to the looming societal pressure, and men....It becomes even tougher. I eventually worked up the courage to write her. I gave her a note saying " I am the guy you met the other night through blah blah at blah blah. I couldn't stop thinking about you and would like to know more about you. Call me at ##### if you are interested. The note was given to her as she was heading out of a big lecture hall. I scrambled to get to her, gave her the note and watched while she read it. She smiled at me and walked away.

    She called back the next weekend. She said she is very shy, but just wanted to see how I was doing. I invited her to a local restaurant and she showed up. It is very hard to explain the quality of the conversation I had with this girl. We touched so many topics that we completely lost touch of time. We left the restaurant and went to a garden kept by my school. We continued talking until about 2.a.m. I was exhausted, yet I didn't want to let her go. Eventually, I walked her to the door and said good night. Over the semester, I became emotionally attached. For 2 months, I did not touch her (Not even a kiss). I realized that the desire to be with her and feel her presence puts my sexual desires to shame. I didn't want her to think I just wanted her for sex, so I restrained from initiating anything. I wanted to let her do that. One night after having dinner (this time at the school's dinning hall) she unexpectedly said " I would really like you to kiss me". I looked into her eyes and did just what she asked for....... She became my girl friend. She transferred to another University during our senior year. (we kept in touch, but the stress of furthering my education and getting things together outside the college bubble made a long distance relationship difficult). We talk every now and then, but we are not committed.

    It was after she was gone that I started to realize my preference for white girls. I went out on a date with a couple of bw, but we didn't quite connect. I realized that the conversations were not as nice as intellectual as I am used to. My peace loving behavior was sometimes perceived as being soft. For some of the bw, I realized that the attributes ww found attractive in me (my true self) were the ones the bw (I went out with) wanted me to change. Over the years, I fought the idea of having a preference just to make myself feel better. The truth is, a ww will catch my attention long before I notice any bw. I have denied this over the years, but I think it is time to come clean. I don;t know why but I think I am solely attracted to white women. I see attractive women of other races all the time, but they seem to have no effect on me. The funny thing is that while it all started for me as just sexual attraction, it has now gone much deeper than that. Whenever I imagine going down the aisle with someone, it is always a white woman. whenever I am feeling lonely and in need of affection, my heart yearns for a white woman. I really can't explain it. Something about white women (something more powerful than the white skin and long silky hair) really gets to me.
  11. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    infiniti, thanks for sharing such a personal and great experience, i truly enjoyed it and can concur, i had many experiences equal to that. thanks buddy
  12. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    To infiniti, SoCal, and tucker,

    Be on the lookout for any trolls. They'll overlook these sentiments in a heartbeat.
  13. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    for sure. cant get enough of those sexy mamis. but hey, not to take the hype away, this is a bm/ww site so i gotta give the props to the fine white ladies. :lol:
  14. D. White

    D. White Member

    And Me Too. nothing more to it than that.
  15. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Wow, it was great reading the replies from SoCalValleyGuy and infiniti. Well, my eyes were reading through this post, i finally realised that this is indeed a small world. We definitely have had similar experiences in life.
    I hope you guys wouldnt mind me sharing a few of my experiences. Not because i have anything new to say but i just feel i should.

    Like SoCalValleyGuy has said, all these are just personal experiences and i, under no circumstances, am making no generalisations. Without a doubt, not every black woman in the USA is like this because my mother, my two sisters, my aunts, female cousins are all fantastic young black women. So it would be rather unusual if i made such a far-fetched statement like that.

    In my lifetime, i have always lived in multiracial environments. Like i have said in previous posts, apart from the USA, i have lived in the UK, Venezuela, Canada and my beautiful motherland Nigeria. All of these places have been very culturally diverse so living and mixing with people of different customs and cultures is not a novelty to me. Along the live, i have picked up customs from every one of these places and put all of it together, you have me; a very moral, tolerant and learned black male.

    The truth is, when i finally cameback to live permanently in the USA which was in the year 1998, i came back as a very open-minded, experienced person. I was only 15 years old at the time but i was full of life experiences. i had no particular preference at all. But when i started school back here, i found that i was a lot more attracted to white and latina women. I always have been since i was little but like you can well imagine, they were just ordinary feelings. However, since i came back to the USA, i just didnt feel attracted to bw. I went to a very white-majority high school. Not particularly racist but the majority were whites then hispanics. So racial diversity was not as much an issue. Like you can imagine, most of my friends were whites and hispanics. I mostly hung around with white and hispanic girls. I got on the school bus mostly with whites. I played sports a lot so i came in contact with a lot of white girls. I had few black friends and they were mostly males. I didnt get on particularly get on with the black girls because they believed i was a Tom. But the thing is that most of these girls were just not the type of girls that interested me. They seemed a little promiscous and absolutely had no goal in life at the time. They were vain, greedy and very bad-behaviored so i decided i wanted to come in little or no contact with such people. They had a very attitude that i hated and seemed to want to be with me because of greedy reasons. but to these girls, i seemed "arrogant", "tightened-up", "uncool", "nerdy" and they saw me as the biggest sellout. They used to call me "white-girl lover", "latina-crazy" and "coon" as well as other derogatory terms. I did bother me at first but a few advice from people around me helped. I paid no attention to any of that and just acted as myself. In no time, none of their words bothered me. I went to my high school prom with a white girl, a girl called Mandy whom i loved. She had blonde hair, blue eyes and was slim. I loved her a lot and we still keep in contact with each other. She now lives in Los Angeles and we visit across the coast a few times.

    In University, i would say things got even worse with black women. Throughout my college years, i always managed to be a great intellect in every aspect of my education. I was among the top students in Law and i also took psychology, Spanish and Latin. i excelled in these fields as well. Now on my campus, there are a great deal of blacks but females make up for the numbers. There are huge numbers of blacks, whites and most importantly, hispanics. In my classes, most blacks mostly sat together at the back and on the edges but i mostly sat up front with the other people and they just happened to be white females. We were all enthusiastic about what we were doing and always were focused. We, as long with other people, formed study groups. The group consisted mostly of girls; hispanics and white. They were a few white guys and two black guys. Well, the other guy was mixed so i really was the only black person. But that didnt matter at all.

    A few times, we studied with other people from other departments when necessary and they were also white and latin needless to say. So, i always interacted with whites most or all of the time.

    Getting on with black women was always a nightmare. I never got on with them with the exception of my girlfriend Eva's best friend who is Haitian and a girl who also takes psychology with me as well as a few other black girls. But these were only a handful. Most of the black women were very rejecting of my behavior and beliefs for reasons anonymous to me. To them, i was a very cocky, spoilt and brainwashed black male. They hated everything i did and i never even bothered to worry. I loved who i was and always will so i didnt change for nothing. They always said derogatory things whenever i walked by with my female friends who were white or latin. One of the most surprising was on one occasion when a black girl walked up to me and told me to my face what a disgrace i was to black men. I asked her why she said so and she said everything. I dont "speak black", "act black", "i stick my black dick in white and spanish hoes- that was how she put it", " i ignore black girls and spend my money on non-black girls". She also said i was very nerdy and thought i was smarter than everyone else because of my grammatical structure. She said i was typical of the house negro who, when he gets a few dollars, bags a white woman as his social trophy.

    At the end of all this, i only laughed and answered her that there is no such way as "acting black". I dont need to act black, i already am black. I also explained to her that being black does not mean playing loud music, going to jail, gang-banging, dressing inappropriately and what not. There are the positives like proving the critics wrong and becoming successful. I went on to tell her that i hang around with the right kind of people so their race is of no importance whatsoever to me.I had black friends as well but i still let everyone be their own person and not let personal issues conflict.

    So to speak, in college, i had a huge interaction with white women. Most of my friends were white and hispanic females and we used to hang around each other a lot. It has always been that way with me so i didnt see it as such a big deal. I slept with a lot of white and latin girls (no pun intended here :lol: ) and had a few sexual/romantic encounters with them. I also excelled at basketball, soccer, table tennis and track so there was room for contact as well with the beautiful white girls.

    I have only had one serious relationship with a bw and it was the worst ever. She was very greedy, materialistic, insatiable and very stressful. At first, when i met her, she was very nice, polite and tolerant but little did i know that she was pretending. From past experiences with bw, i had a general idea of their behavior but i thought things might be slightly different at this stage. Boy, was i wrong!!!!!!!

    When we first met, she was so romantic and loving i committed myself to her but after some time, i sourced out she was far from who i thought she was. She started to show me her true colors and she did a very heartbreaking thing to me. She withdrew the sum of $6,000 dollars from my bank account on the very last day i saw her. It was not heartbreaking because it was a huge amount of money but it was heartbreaking because the money belonged to my father. He sent me on a business trip and i had to deliver the money to him a few days later. I had to make up a story to tell my dad but i'd tell you that incident caused a huge disagreement between myself and my father. He does not know till today the real details and i swear i never will tell him because i'd look like the biggest loser on earth.

    i have gotten over that because it wasnt the end of the world. My dad didnt ask for the money back which i was thankful for but since the day, i swore never to deal with bw ever in my life again. I never saw this girl again and quite frankly, i am not mad at her because from her, i learnt a lot of lessons. I learnt that whatever you would never accept at the end, dont accept at the beginning. i have moved on to bigger and better things but i cant say the same for her for many reasons i decide not to talk about.

    I have met and dated a few white and latin women and they're the complete oppposite. Very caring, loving, respectful, peace-loving and a lot more romantic. They've had flaws too but on the whole, they've been wonderful women. Currently, i am dating a beautiful Cuban/Dominican queen whom i love with all my heart. I love her like i've loved every single white woman i've dated because she loves me for who i am and is the greatest woman in all aspects. It was since i quit bw that i realised that white and latin girls would always be my option and i would be interested in at least 15 white or latin girls before i think of even 1 black woman. Not just for sexual reasons but for just them being them. I only believe that all the black males who are going through drama with bw should not stay in a relationship that would hurt them but come out and explore the beauty or IR dating. Nothing compares to the white woman at all!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    Are you joking? That's disgusting, you shouldn't be with ww if that's how you feel. That's racist.
  17. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    that is pathetic and the reasons for not supporting IRs but some. that is a person with low self esteem who has so much hate that he has to do things out of revenge and lot love for the woman. he is truly jealous of wm, and should be on the other post

    I could care less what wm think of IRs, this is our relationship and we dont do it because of or inspite of whte men
  18. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    White men don't own ww, so by fucking a ww the only person you're hurting is her, not the wm.
  19. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I'd like to think that any white MAN wouldn't give a toss, although an immature boy might have a problem with it. If I ever found out that was a reason that a b/m was sleeping with me, I'd cut his nads off.
  20. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    Good girl. Then give them to next years "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here" contestants to eat!

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