they keep trying to outlaw them and familiar organisation. they always get through claiming the constitutional right of free speech. and the same government that is *trying* to outlaw them claims there is nothing to worry about them. needless to say, but noone will admit, there is streams in those who have power to decide about it that dont want them to dissapear or/and think it s easier to keep them under control if the do what they do in public rather then undercover. in my eyes thats wrong, but you know how politic goes... it s good to know ppl that know ppl who know ppl. the mistake is to think you dont have to take them serious. germans would do better to keep closed eyes open.
Very good points. Folks need to always keep in mind German history and the rise of Nazism. One can never say never, since it has happened in the past and the world saw the consequences. Always have to be vigilant even with these seemingly nutty fringe groups that espouse the notion of better than others based on ethnicity/race/gender or whatever else conditions they may apply in making such claims..
Saw the video and wasn't even impressed, she looked like a dead fish in the scene, its mostly a bunch of white guys in the scene and you could even see the cavities in the back of her mouth during the cum swallowing scene, bleh. Nothing special here at all. Not even a good actress. Boring. Ironically the only time she was really screaming loudly in the scene was when the black guy was doing her doggy style.
I didn't want to taint my FB page with filth, but I did leave her a message: "Did you know that racism is a mental disorder?"
Funny how this doesn't surprise me.From what I've been hearing, German women have a thing for dark men anyway.Poor bootleg Nazis probably mad at the women in their homeland getting some Black
I don't why they would call her racist.From what I've been hearing, alot of the pornstars who don't bang Black guys on-camera are doing it off-camera.
There are white women pornstars who dont have sex with blackmen in porn movies but in secret they have black boyfriends.In such cases it could be their fan base is consisting of mostly white guys and such they fear low patronage when they engage in sex scene with blackmen.
Nobody takes these neo nazis seriously.There are even quite a number of neo nazi men who have black girlfriends or latina girlfriends in secret and come out in the open saying how they hate blacks and can stand them.So go
lol says who? The porn industry is all about the money and a porn star doing blacks is doing it for the money and because of love.
You can't conflate dating with sex for hire its a job. How would you like being told no one wants to work with you simply because of your skin tone
:smt025:smt025:smt025 It does sound fucked up when you put it like that and since porn is a form of employment, it does give pause about discrimination in the employment field of it that would have big time lawsuits were it any other arena of employment. But given the shady nature of the adult industry they tend to get away with it.
Since I don't know any porn hoes personally, including the ones who avoid BM, I can't say 100% either way if their racist. However... I think dismissing something as simply a preference is rife with problems as well, since it could be a RACIST PREFERENCE. It's really just rewording a sentence in this case. Taking a racially biased statement and adding the word "preference" to it. For example... Mr. Redneck- "I don't want to work with your black ass." Me- "Hey man that's racist!." Change that to... Mr. Redneck- "I PREFER not to work with your black ass!" Me- "Ah, well I guess that's just your preference. It's all good." Similar to- Someone PREFERRING not to live next to someone whose Asian. PREFERRING not to serve blacks in your diner. Neo nazis PREFERRING blacks not be alive and breathing. etc. Cab drivers PREFERRING white only passengers. Preferences are fine and people are entitled to them, but if those preferences are based on RACE, then one must at least account for the possibility of said person being a bit racist IMO.
BTW, for the sake of this discussion i'm using the word "racism" in it's common usage which may not be the proper dictionary definition. I realize people often interchange the word "racism" with "prejudice" which may be a more textbook accurate term.