Poor whites in South Africa

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Raul Sinclair, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. jaylon

    jaylon Member

    the US is just as corrupt as some african countries....heard of madoff?....
  2. jaylon

    jaylon Member

    i wouldn't waste my time explaining the history of oppression by european powers towards that uninformed frenchie......she won't believe it....
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2009
  3. jaylon

    jaylon Member

    you white people always tell us "negroes" to go back to africa...

    thats all right according to you, but you get bent out of shape when someone like me tells the truth...and you don't want to accept it...
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    give this thing a shelf-life of say, 2 days, before it gets tossed into the deletion section...
  5. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    Didnt want it to get all controversial. I just thought it was ridiculous that the lady paid alot of attention to the whites and didnt care for the majority who are in poverty(kind of like what that guy she interviewed said.)
  6. Machiavel

    Machiavel Active Member

    lol, there's no need for it to be deleted. Actually I think it's a good topic where we can exchange point of views, information and also opinions. If we could just avoiding becoming emotional, I think we could continue the discussion in a civilized manner.

    What is called "colonialism" is merely a euphemism of what really was an organized "genocide". Actually, colonialism is nothing more than the hostorical continuity of slavery. Slavery was men exploiting other men for free and forced labor, and colonialism was the exact same thing. The only difference is there weren't any massive deportation of Africans during colonialism.

    Unfortunately, Eurocentrism and most European academics institutions make sure that the general sentiment is the "It was Africans who sold other Africans to Europeans" and that colonialism was mission to save and "civilize" Africans. You would be surprised at the staggering amount of Europeans who actually believe those absurd things :D
  7. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    Well here it matters from what political side the people come. When they are more conservative then this view is right. But Europe also has a strong left movment and there this view is not shared.
    I also don´t think that this view is very popular in Germany, at least I don´t see many people thinking that. ( Except my mom, but she is from Poland)
  8. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I havent heard anyone here aski ng you to go back to Africa !!!!!!!!
  9. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Yes, this is true.It may have been the prevailing view at that particular time but I dont think Europeans think like this today.
  10. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Yes we are aware of the exploitation of Africa by major European powers in the 19th century.
  11. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  12. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

  13. spinnaz

    spinnaz New Member

    you cant apply the same suggestion unless black people created a system of aparthied in europe and then were now suffering following the demise of such a system. Africans in Europe have not claimed European land as their god given right.:rolleyes:
  14. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Anyways, this is now histort, which we cannot change.
  15. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I feel sorry for any person who lives in poverty and doesn't wish to do so. Regardless of colour, race, gender, no person should.

    South Africa is struggling under the shift between Apartheid and equitable governance. Look at the South in the USA - there are still divisions and issues there and slavery "ended" 150 years ago and Civil Rights have legally been in place since the late 60's. These systems take time to reverse. Attitude, probably longer still.

    The current government seems to be turning a blind eye to increasing levels of mismanagement and corruption. Unemployment is excessively high - somewhere around 60% officially - large swathes of the population are uneducated and people are still angry. Given these facts, it's surprising that things actually aren't worse there. If this was the case in any country, things would be difficult.

    South Africa is also one of the most successful African countries and seems to be suffering from unending illegal immigration - adding to its already bloated unemployment issue.

    I understand the desire to say "serves you right" to any Afrikaaner now suffering. It is tempting, no doubt. But at what point is equality achieved and is it no longer "serving them right" and now just a social issue? That attitude will achieve nothing. The Afrikaaners need to understand that things have changed - for the better in the long run - and not blame other people. It's sink or swim now more than ever, but now there is no-one to save you if you sink. No doubt you will all disagree with me - no problem - my opinion stands. We all need to move forward together.

    If the ANC really want a "post-racial society", then they actually need to stop defining things around race. They are obviously not going to and, therefore, it is not a "post-racial" system. I agree with the reporter - don't make assistance about black or white - make it about need. If indeed 95% of the people in need are black, then it's effectively the same result, but appears to be more equitable.

    And coming from a person who is not ethnically native of the country I was born in, telling people to go back to Europe is the single most idiotic and useless thing to say. Like it or not, the past is the past and history can't be altered. History is a string of distasteful events. As a global community, we should look back and say "that wasn't right" and move forward in a different direction, learning from the past. Unfortunately, that's not very easy.

    I was skeptical when Zuma was elected - mostly due to the evidently dodgy court case - but if indeed he is improving things and is more effective than Mbeki, then I only hope that he doesn't get drunk on power and that his political term is positively reviewed and socially successful. He really needs to ensure he has decent people working with and for him, stamp out the nepotism and focus on efficient and effective governance.

    A good friend of mine just came back from visiting his family there. He sounded happy and optimistic about it, a change from usual, so I really do hope things are picking up. I would think that foreign investment, wealth and job creation, investment in social services and broad and effective education are the necessary tools - probably for any society. I also think that some more effective border control will be needed, as the more successful SA becomes, the more it will draw people from neighbouring nations where there is no progress.

    my 2c this morning

  16. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    End of thread.
  17. supertype

    supertype New Member

    well the african immigrants in Europe and america are for a good part citicens in they'r respective countryes. Just as the Afrikaans in S.A. So yes it is thei'r country to.

    So the the white population in SA can choose to emigrate (as many people do) they can choose to stay and fight for they'r cause (just as many people do) or suffer...preferible in silence, as many people in the world do.
  18. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    Well said and rep given.
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately. :neutral:
  20. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    We can not change history. better to look to the future. In Europe too there has been mant historical wrons, even greater than slavery. But we dont keep talking about it.

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