Poll about race

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Galiant, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    How many men or women here are mixed race?
  2. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Me, but not black and white - am other mixed "race."
  3. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    Can I ask what?
  4. babybro

    babybro New Member

    Me, biologically I'm native american, brazilian, and black, but seeing that I look black, I just call myself black, that's it.
  5. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Exactly what "mix" are you asking for?

    Im Heniz 57:)
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What race is Brazilian?
  7. babybro

    babybro New Member

    I'm not too sure, especially since my biological mom primarily looks black, but is half brazilian half native american so. But she says she's not black but brazilian.
  8. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    :-D It's similar to that 'murican race.
  9. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

  10. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I don't think in terms of race since we are all a part of the human race.

    I think more in terms of ethnicity or origins of ancestors. My dad's parents are straight from Germany, my mom is Métis (I think of myself as Métis - a mix of Native Canadian and European ancestry).
  11. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    I do not consider myself black, but as times change people are begging to realize that if your father is black and your mother is white, you are not black, but two or more races. I have quite a mixture in my blood, and saying I am black would simply make it easier for people to categorize me and others.
  12. satyr

    satyr New Member

  13. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    I'm willingpussian...

    We're a match made in the heavens
  14. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    Wow, so just two.
  15. 89sounds

    89sounds New Member

    im black & white
  16. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    and beautiful, that's in there somewhere
  17. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Not trying to rain on anybody's picnic or parade, but this question perplexes me... Unless I went to sleep and woke up in a whole new world, this forum is about White Women and Black Men... mixed, pure, light skinned, dark skin, pink, pale, or otherwise, this forum is about Black Men and White Women, however they identify themselves ethnically or inherently...
  18. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    You might be thinking too much. I asked who was of mixed race. There are far fewer light skinned bm men on this site than dark bm. I do not see why you would be perplexed. The question was straight forward, I wanted to see how many people where mixed on this site. I am one of the few mixed bm, and began to realize that I think most of the woman on this site, their first choice is a dark skinned bm, not light skinned bm. It has nothing to do with how people i.d. themselves. I was simply taking a poll because most of the responses from woman are to the dark sknined bm, eventhough some of the ww here say the like light skinned bm, I think they prefer dark skinned bm.
  19. 89sounds

    89sounds New Member

  20. Avia

    Avia New Member

    No way!
    I personally think that mixed (Black and White) (Especially with blue or grey eyes) are very attractive.
    If someone has a white mother and a black father, I really like it when their child looks "mixed" (Meaning you can see White and Black in them) It just has something beautiful to me. (Just as you can see Mommys and Daddys face in any child).
    However, my boyfriend is black and I love him because I love him. It doesn't matter what race. I didn't fall in love with him because he is black, I had no preference of any race. I have been raised very liberal and someone attracts me because of good looks/good style and most importantly good character and a happy/positive personality. The only reason I am on this website is because of my long time relationship with a black guy. He thought me a lot about racism and long stoy short- now I am on this message board!
    There are many cute guys out there that are white or of any other race :D
    So don't feel bad. Mixed people are beautiful maybe even more beautiful to most people because they are more rare and what is rare is also very interesting thus to most beautiful.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2012

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