I swear to god, this country is going to implode in "political correctness". Where does it stop? This thing is so silly to me, why did he have to leave ("voluntarily") the olympics early for this?? http://espn.go.com/action/snowboarding/news/story?id=4929399 For people that dont care to click on the link Scotty Lago won a bronze in half pipe and took pictures of a girl nealing below him kissing his medal at around his croth area. Im sorry, I dont see a problem, the dude is like 20ish, young and got a medal and got caught up in having fun. The woman seemed to have fun. For this, he cant partake in the celebration I think he deserved to be a part of. I swear, the political correctness in this country has bugged me for a long time but this... seriously????
I agree with you FG, it's not like she was sucking him off in public. It's a stupid photo, that looks 'compromising'. He voluntarily withdrew though, so who knows if the Olympic committee would have made an issue out of it or not. Were I him, I would have waited to see what they did.
Yeah, me too.. Im sure he got pressure, but its so sad that he is getting "robbed" of the celebration of a lifetime for a silly photo. I think political correctness should be politically corrected :smt009
I know that people see them as representing the US, however that doesn't mean they have to be perfect in every regard. I also don't think it entitles people to be privy to every little detail of their lives. He won a medal, he was out celebrating, leave the guy alone.
Well, they're definitely something worth talking about. I could see how they would become viral in a matter of hours. Scandalous? Maybe. (Depends on what you consider 'trashy' and 'innocent') I don't find it offensive but it wasn't a "good-look". Some look at the medals as representing the nation, thus, doing something like that with them immediately after being awarded is somewhat of a 'dishonor'.
Yeah, there was just no way those wouldn't make big news. I don't tend to try to apply 'trashy' or 'innocent' to anyone other than myself. I guess I just think I'm never in a position to judge anyone for anything they do. But I agree they probably don't convey a message of integrity to a lot of people who look at them. I get what you're saying LA, and I know that's how a lot of people view the medals and the games, but I just don't ascribe qualities like 'honor' to a piece of metal. It goes deeper than that. The photos in no way impact his honor, nor diminish his accomplishment IMO.
Agree, nor do I think the public have any business poking into what the athletes do on their spare time unless its criminal or really dishonorous etc. They have to be allowed to be young individuals who do silly things. This wasnt dishonorous in any way.The dude spent a lot of time preparing for this and a split second sillines should take that away? I honestly think that political correcntes has gone completeky awry... but again, its the media spinning thing for the sake of publicity.
...is what it all boils down to. Something provocative happens, and now every one puts in their 2 cents.
No actually dishonor is probably the correct sentiment for the way most Americans view that LA. So you had it right the first time, but then you usually do.
under normal circumstances i would agree that any media hype for such photos would be ridiculous buuuuut... this is the friggin olympics. The Games used to carry a lot of weight around the world. and thusly, the athletes were on their best behavior to avoid such "scandalous" activity. slim was obviously just enjoying the third place finish and being young in the big crowd. i was even thinking as i watched shaun white slaughter the competition, "do these guys realize the scale of the olympic games or is it just another tv appearance to them?" they're so young and in a sport so young in the games, it's a little different than the experience and dare i say "respect" that another athelete may carry in an event that has a long history and following. (i guess for the winter games a good example would be like downhill skiing or something) idk, just a thought
lippy sees both sides...he is a kid and just celebrating his bronze...unfortunately the rest of the world is watching and i'm sure they see him as an example of our youth in the usa...we wonder where other countries get their perception of the states:smt115 this too shall pass... edit: at least he is celebrating i can remember many times watching the games and having other countries win a bronze and refuse to even stand on the platform...at least they can't say he is a bad sport
this may be derailed slightly. in relation to the photo, i don't see what the big deal is. it's young kids being young kids...no harm, no foul in my opinion. i worked for an american company while i lived in the uk. i found their political correctness suffocating. i had a fantastic relationship with the 2 men that i worked directly for. one day the president of the section that we worked in overheard my boss who was the vice-president call me sweetheart and darling. she pulled him aside to talk to him about sexual harassment. i'm still stunned to this day that a conversation would have to be had about such a ridiculous thing.