Police arrest 16 in twisted gang rape of 11-year-old girl in Cleveland, Texas.

Discussion in 'In the News' started by ThePrince, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    usually for some of them it turns into a hatred for women by how they are treated by women growing up, thats not to say they should go around and rape and kill women, but it seems to be the reason for alot of them, some are just nasty evil men who think they can take any woman
  2. sockervadd

    sockervadd New Member

    someof them are raped as kids or some put thru some other trauma, and i often think the school or someone other shud have seen this while they grow up but the thing is it's easier to just look away

    and rapes and rapes attempts are soo common, personally I don't know one single woman who hasn't been tru at least sexual assaults... and that's just fucked up
  3. Nico

    Nico Banned

    HAHAHAHAHA did you really just bring up the American legal system? You think I care about our legal system in this argument?

    According to our legal system it's illegal(some places) to have gay marriage, but it's perfectly fine to have divorces.

    Lets not forget there were times when slavery and segregation was allowed and protected under the law. Well I guess you don't think Jim Crow laws were wrong....I mean they were the law right?

    Donte Stallworth only got 30 days for killing someone while he was drunk, and Michael Vick got 2 years for killing dogs(while it's perfectly fine to go hunting and kill other animals).

    So how about we leave the joke you call the "American Legal system" out of this?
    I'm talking about the basic human nature and condition that's been around for 1000's of years before America was founded.

    The Sheppard that doesn't protect his sheep properly is partially to blame when the wolf comes and has a picnic.

    Couldn't give a flying fuck what the American legal system has to say about this.


    lol still getting a kick out of you trying to insult my understanding of the legal system. I know it perfectly well, I just choose to have my own views and morals in life.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2011
  4. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I have been through rape more than once, and I can tell you that this discussion sickens me.

    Nico, not that you care, but your ignorant assessments of the situation sicken me as well.

    People like GarboGirl and I are everywhere. Shooting your mouth off like a ducks ass isn't going ro change the reality that RAPE IS WRONG. And you know what? It doesn't matter how old or young someone is... rape is a crime of violence and power- not sex. There's never a reason. Even wearing a short skirt is not cause for rape. Anyone who suggests clothing as a reason for rape is an idiot. What i wear has no bearing on what someone else decides to do to me. Fuck that.

    By Eve Ensler....from the Vagina Monologues

    " My short skirt
    It is not an invitation
    A provocation
    an indication
    that I want it
    or give it
    or that I hook.

    My short skirt
    is not begging for it
    it does not want you
    to rip it off me
    or pull it down.

    My short skirt
    is not a legal reason
    for raping me
    although it has been before
    it will not hold up
    in the new court.

    My short skirt, believe it or not
    has nothing to do with you."
  5. Nico

    Nico Banned

    Oh ok. So I said rape wasn't wrong? Please show me where I said that.

    I said rape wasn't a crime? Show me that as well.

    Who in the world here said anything about clothing? Can you also point me to that post?

    Your ignorance to what's been said in this thread sickens me.

    Like I said earlier, I think your own personal involvement in rape is clouding your judgement. Cause you're just throwing out random things that nobody even said.
    The argument at hand isn't rather or not rape is wrong and is it a crime.....the argument is rather or not a rape victim can be partially the blame.

    Now before you think about your personal experience and shout back "I was not to blame". Think about the girl in this story.....you know the one that we're actually arguing about.

    P.S.-I stopped at "the Vagina Monologues" lol....
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2011
  6. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    The original article mentioned her outfit. I stopped addressing you after I said you sickened me. You're a pompous jackass. That little girl could've been naked running the streets....no one...NO ONE should have touched her. The fact that you're arguing she should have known better pisses me right off. No one deserves to be raped...whether they are five, fifteen, or fifty. Sweet jumping Jesus!
  7. sockervadd

    sockervadd New Member

    actually her way of dressing was mentioned

    now none of us actually know how things went down in that specific case.. I mean maybe she looked very mature, I have seen 11 year old looking like 17, and in that case the dudes cudn't know she was a child, I mean how many ask for ID before sex?

    Now, does it matter if u have someone to blame or not? It wasn't her fault cus she IS a child, and maybe it wasn't the dudes fault either (even tho I think a gang-bang involving 16 dudes and ONE girl is a lil bit strange)

    my question is why does everyone focus on the rapist? shudn't the victim be in the center, I often feel we tend to forget the victim because we feel like we have to find someone to blame..
  8. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    i cant believe what im reading in this thread :shock:
  9. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    human rights is because of it, weather you are a rapist, child molester, terroist etc you will get the maxium support, you know over here in the uk something is being passed so that sex offenders can have their names taken off the sex offenders register because it violates thier human rights or something

    and was an outcry when the MPs were going to shake up how human rights were being dealt with in this country
  10. Nico

    Nico Banned

    lol oh....the original article.

    Still doesn't change the fact that your little rant had nothing to do with me.

    I'll say it again....

    I never said rape wasn't wrong.
    I never said rape wasn't a crime.
    and even though it was in the original article I never said anything about her clothes.

    So next time you wanna call me ignorant or a "pompous jackass", how about you do so because of what I actually said. Instead of brining up random things that I didn't even mention.

    "Dreaming_Blue you're an idiot.

    The NFL is in a lockout mode.
    MTV is showing Martin Re-runs
    Today is Tuesday"

    I mean that's basically what you just did to me. Called me something negative while brining up random stuff I wasn't even talking about.

    Now before you start talking about random things again I'll ask you straight up.
    Why are you calling me ignorant?
  11. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    This thread will not end until Nico declares that it ends.

    Might be best if you all brace yourselves for his replies.
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    they are gonna get turned out in prison....those nasty ass bastards
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    we need to tie their legs by a rope and tie to a helicopter. lower them down in a football stadium full of rape victims and family members of rape victims with sticks so they can beat them like a mexican pinata
  14. Garbogirl247

    Garbogirl247 Guest

  15. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Nico, you sick fuck, she is 11 years old, not fucken 25. If she was a twenty something year old college student who went to a frat house exposing her bubbly butt cheeks thru her skimpy daisy duke and showing off her round firm $ 3000 dollar boobies to tease bunch of testosterone driven horn dog football players, then may be, may be, you can place itsy bitsy partial responsibility on her…….. But she is only 11, you fucken retard. Most 11 years old are in middle school or grade school, they are just barely forming abstract thinking. But you dumb ass think she should have known better…. you douche bag porch of a monkey have an audacity to blame a fucken 11 yo who just got raped by bunch of unwashed sick jigaboos, are you fucken serious??? I don’t give a flying fuck if she was running around naked, finger fucking herself or shoving a dildo bazooka hooked to energizer bunny in her rectum, that doesn’t give them jungle bunnies a right to subject her ass to rape her.
    I have an 11 yo cousin who is in a middle school, if some sick degenerate touch her inappropriately, let alone rape her, I will fucken put him in a coma ville. For your own sake, I hope to God you don’t meet a 6’4 angry former college foot ball player face to face with this fucken attitude. You fucken retrobate, you’re a perfect example why Abortion should be legal, waste of fucken sperm.
  16. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    exactly, cant believe what has been said in this thread
  17. Nico

    Nico Banned

    lol "abstract thinking"......

    How "abstract" does a kid have to be to know to look both ways before crossing the street or to not talk to strangers.

    I will say this for about the 10th time now. This wouldn't have happened to most girls in this same situation. Which proves that people that age are advanced enough to understand the dangerous of this situation.

    Also are you gonna ignore the fact that this girl was "rapped" 2 times before this incident? Obviously this girl has some screws missing upstairs.

    Is this the "abstract" thinking you speak of?

    If so you can count me out....

    lol are you new to the internet? For the record nobody online cares about your physical attributes....

    Take a break, take a smoke or 2, think about how you just reacted, then come back when you're ready to talk like a civil human being.
  18. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  19. sockervadd

    sockervadd New Member

    If she has been raped two times before it is actually very normal behaviour, many rape victims put themsleves in that sort of situation i an attempt to be able to control it. Some just feel the need of reliving the rape, and many girls needs some more trauma to put themselves in shock so that their emotions will shut down so they wont have to deal with them..
  20. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    What a shame.....they look like such gentlemen

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