This is the guy immortalized in katt williams' comedy routine about the guy with artificial legs (po' lil tink tink) beating out other athletes on the track field. Here's katt's routine: Anyway, I think this guy is going to get off, even though neighbors heard him and his girlfriend arguing for hours before he shot her through the bathroom door. I hate to take joy in this guy's fall from grace, but I also know that people are always pushing the notion black men are violent in relationships, and yes, that image affects the "stock" of black men and our social mobility. :smt018 The image lives on, in spite of the fact that there are numerous high-profile examples that ALL men (including white men) can be violent in relationships, this time, po' lil tink tink.
The media tries it's best to make blacks, especially males, look bad. They're so quick to show the world a black man gone rouge but so slow to show the world any black people going against injustice. I think american society is desperate for a "villain" and blacks are what they want to play as the "villain"
This fool claims he 'thought' his GF was in bed next to him(??) when he got up went to the BR with his gun. BULLSHIT. If you're in bed with your GF and think you hear a stranger in your house, who doesn't tap their partner to wake them up and say you're gonna check shit out?? Blade runner has anger management issues and killed his chick because he could.