Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by Newpowermoves, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    The name of this thread tells you all you need to know. Give me your best pick up line or icebreaker for meeting a member of the opposite sex.

    Depending on the setting, my most effective icebreaker is "Do you have any idea where I can get a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich around here?". The most common reaction a laugh followed by them saying something along the lines of "I haven't the foggiest idea". Then I'll follow up with "ok, what about good bowl of cereal? I'm thinking Captain Crunch with the crunch berries". I say this with an almost complete deadpan expression (think Leslie Nielson in those Airplane movies) but they generally know it's meant to be funny. From there, it's pretty much all improvisation.
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    LOL!! At least those aren't cliche!

    I actually had a guy say to me once, "you don't look like you're from around here".... :roll:

    I don't have pick-up lines. I'm usually too shy to say anything. :oops:
  3. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    lol...i love pick-up lines. they make me laugh!! :smt042

    the really hilarious ones are the ones that are just so straightfoward - it kills me. i'll be curious to hear what some of these dudes got.... :smt047
  4. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    You're married, but if you approached guys in the past, I want to hear what you've said too.
  5. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    lol....i've never really used pickup lines....i just like hearing what dudes come up with. :wink:
  6. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    p.s: and then i respond accordingly...hahaha! :p
  7. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Yea some of them are totally hilarious :)
  8. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    I am too shy to use pick up lines. :D But a few months ago I was on a date and came out of the restroom and another guy hit on me and gave me his number- i found that quite bold!!!
  9. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    Wow Shyandsweet! That only happens to fine women, so you must be breathtaking :D

    But I'd do that too once I observed how you two were interacting. If there were signs that you two were in a long term relationship (hand holding, flirtatious touching and kissing), then it's a waste of time. But if it appeared that you two were on a first date, then you're fair game as far as I'm concerned.

    I've never done it but it's certainly not out of the question :twisted:
  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    About a month ago, I was driving on the expressway and some guy pulled up next to me and started smiling at me. He started to creep me out a bit, and I realized I was "boxed in", so at the first opportunity I got, I sped ahead. The guy caught up to me again, and motioned to his left hand ring finger. I laughed and kept driving. He caught up to me again, so I put my left hand up for him to see there was no ring, and then sped up again. Needless to say, he caught up to me again, and blew me some air kisses, then he waved to me and exited.

    I just laughed and continued driving to work. It did make my day, though. :D
  11. funkyspirit

    funkyspirit New Member

    Last summer I was at the petrol station filling up my car, when a guy in the car opposite mine approached me after I paid and asked if I accepted compliments. I smiled and replied, "Sure," and he told me how damn sexy I was! I laughed in surprise and thanked him, returning to my car. He then asked my name, but again I just laughed and shook my head, getting in my car and driving off.

    It made me feel great, and where I might have otherwise felt it was sleazy, it actually felt respectful and quite charming that he checked it out first by asking. For me, it would have felt better if he had just left it at that (or even have given me his phone number so as to leave it open for me to respond if interested), rather than pushing further.

    I thought about it later, aware that when he asked my name, my instinct was to just leave. I couldn't work out why, as asking my name seemed pretty innocuous, but I realised that the bottom line was that I didn't want a man that goes around hitting on women at petrol stations! (And I'm not so foolish as to think that I'm the only female he's ever approached like that!)

    So that was one line I liked. The "line" I used on the father of my children was to stand on his foot before the party ended and say provocatively, "Don't go home yet!" and just turn and walk away! He didn't... and we stayed together for nearly 18 years!

    Another line I really liked was, "You have the kind of eyes that you look into and just can't look away!" Corny, but it sounded sexy and intense to a 16 year old!

    For the most part - at least for me - I think lines don't work. Eye contact and smiles are much more effective, especially when you tune in to where the other person is at and respond accordingly. Attunement is completely where it's at for me!
  12. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

  13. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    "If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"

    You guys dont think thats a good one? Then forget I said that...
  14. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I've not really gotten too many pick up lines, though I've had a few (thanks to spending time in bars and pool halls here in Houston, and being young and sorta single -read:almost always alone-). Some annoy me, some make me laugh, and some creep me out.

    Case in point: Creepy. I get this one a lot, because I walk almost everywhere since I don't have a car. A random guy (mostly older, as in a -lot- older, and always hispanic or black) will pull up beside me as I'm walking, or yell at me from a gas station as I pass "You need a ride?" "You want a ride?" "Hey mami, want a ride?" etc. I generally shake my head and say no thanks, even when the guy is soooo hot (there was one guy...omg. Nice car, gorgeous smile, nice clothes..) because I just don't do that sort of thing. Way I see it...if I guy is just gonna ask some random stranger if they need a ride chances are he wants a "ride" in return, and sorry, but homie don't play that game. Besides, I like classy guys, and classy guys don't try to get random chicks in their cars!

    Case in point: annoying. A guy at a bar asked me to play pool with him. No real line involved, wasn't too pushy, seemed kinda nice, decent looking for a 40 year old...but he failed on the most important part of charming a woman: the follow-up. He didn't speak to me again even though he saw me at the bar (it was my regular hangout for a few months) many times, and never called even though I gave him my number after he schooled me in a couple games of pool...

    But then I heard back from him about a month later through a txt message on my phone, where he repeatedly asked me to "cum c" him, even -after- I told him I couldn't remember who he was. So he reminded me "Brock, w met @ thbar. cum c me pls?"

    Gross. Suffice to say I stopped responding, and he never contacted me again.

    Case in point: funny. I had an African employer (old, sleezy, and just plain creepy. He was my "boss" for a day, and no longer, cause I didn't wanna work in an apartment in the ghetto for a guy who watched porn and drank tequila and constantly fucked my "coworker" in the next room while I actually tried to do my job and type up paperwork....long, interesting story, but very very weird) anyway...so he asked me once "You have any black in you?" and of course I responded with "no"...so he was like "Want some?"

    *rme* it was funny because it's so cliche. I still think it's hilarious that he actually tried it.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    well, regardless of whether or not it fits into the category of "good," you are going into the right direction. Verbal communication is a major step when it comes to finding a potential mate. So many people are afraid to say anything, or do anything, and end up not reaching their full mating potential. Plus, you have to remember that many people have different personalities, so a line which may come off as cheesy and corny to one woman, may come off as kind and sweet to another woman, who is looking for someone to talk to.

    As for myself, I don't have pickup lines (lines committed to memory, with the sole intent on sparking some level of interest, within the opposite sex). I only had one female use a pickup line on me, as far as I can remember also. I was at the supermarket, in the self-checkout line, when a girl (yes, she was white ) asked me if I was doing anything for the New Years. We were both in the line, and she had a friend with her. I guess her friend provided the extra "ompff" to get her to crack on me. Other than that, I haven't had too many girls using verbal pickup lines. They resort to other means of flirtation.

    like staring, cracking a cheese (smile), gentle bumping if i'm not paying her anymind (and it works, because If I didn't notice her before, I will notice her after she makes physical contact )
  16. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Petty, this is the longest post I have ever seen from you.

    Your last 20 posts combined are not this long. lol.
  17. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    If you're in a club: "Hi, would you like to dance?"....if she says yes....dance a little, talk a little then maybe....maybe buy her a drink if there's a good vibe. Flirting is fine by mix it in with good conversation.

    In a library: "Excuse me...what book are you reading?"....can be effective if you read often because you'll likely know the author regardless of who she's reading....not as effective if you're not a big reader.

    Compliment a girl's outfit....but be careful because she may think you're gay :idea:

    Pickup lines work if the girl is checking you out first and she's clearly interested....if she's not staring you down...play conservative...unless you are ultra confident in your looks, dress etc.

    Write down your interests and go to places where people are doing things you enjoy. It makes your interaction more natural and less forced.
  18. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    isn't that from an old country song?
  19. RealDre24

    RealDre24 New Member

    Well I've never really used pick up lines..simply because I could never remember how they go. And I felt a bit too shy to ever use one cause I would catch myself laughing at them before I ever fully got them out. But I do have a story as to how I met my Emily.

    We were both in college. And we had this massive physics final in like 4 days .We had a study group me, her, and about 4 other people. So we're in the library studying away. I mean we are up on "student cocktails" which if you've never had one in college is coffee, ephedrine, and mountain dew mixed together. Talk about being wired?

    So it's getting late about 3 in the morning. Everyone else done either left, or completely crashed out on the couches. It's just me and her now. And we had been friends for a good while...bout 8 months. And I have feelings for her, but being shy I'm not saying nothing. Strictly, incognegro on this one. So I'm like I'm about to go back the dorm crash, I'm getting tired. She's like wait wait wait...I'm having trouble with infinite time calculations...(great turn on ain't it, just something sexy about woman and her quantum mechanics)....so I stay for a bit. Well this bit, turned out to be 4 more hours. It's now Sat morning. She's thanking me for staying helping her out...and I say well I'm hungry I'm half dead but...I need breakfast.

    We decide to go to IHOP since it's right across campus. And somehow we got on the subject of relationships, love, and trust, and all that stuff. And it kinda slips out that I would love to have a girl like her. First, she doesn't say anything..which I'm thinking I'm now sitting here naked. She's caught my rouse. Then her response was, "Well, why go after a girl like me?." She pauses...and then goes "When you can be with me?"....Your one of the smartest, nicest, kindest men on campus men I know. She begins to tell me that she's been wanting to ask me out for a long time too..but wasn't sure because I never showed any type of I guess interest in her like that...I told her I was too shy to ask before.

    She thought it was sweet, and there was making out after that...and been together ever since.

    That's just my little story.
  20. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    ITA...petty is getting WAY too deep 4 me. :D

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