Philadelphia - Keepin It Gutter as Always...

Discussion in 'In the News' started by pettyofficerj, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  2. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Thank God her and the baby were okay and that she got his ass....
  3. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Good, sweet justice she delivered to that piece of lowlife. She fractured his tibula in two places with her martial arts training and the cops came and found him on the ground screaming in pain.

    Bet he thought a pregnant woman was an easy mark, he found out differently and the hard way, put paid to his 19 year criminal career for a good while :D

    Glad she and her child was okay throughout the whole thing, think they said she had a broken wrist, but that was the extent of it.
  4. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    You darn well this story is completely fabricated in an attempt to discourage petty theft on public transportation. A pregnant woman, who just happens to be a martial arts expert, not only chasing but disabling a career criminal of 19 years is the stuff of Hollywood.

    I'm surprised at you, Petty!
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    not as surprised as the guy sitting in the hospital with a broken tibia, after robbing a fat pregnant housewife

  6. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    Good point!

    "A former professional race car driver turned car thief is chased down on a 10 speed BMX bike by a 80 year old determined not to lose her precious 1982 Toyota Corolla. Details at 11".
  7. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    Good to see you Facebook!
  8. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    To paraphrase LL Cool J, "I can't live without my facebook"!
  9. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Well considering the CBS 3 HD logo was emblazoned on the story, would be a real con job to pull that off. :)

    Don't sleep on those women with martial arts training, they won't hesitate to use it at the slightest sense of threat. They take those training for just such occasions that they encounter scurrilous characters.

    LOL, too true.
  10. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    Or to keep in line with this thread, "Mama Said Knock The Thief Out"
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    one of our assistant jiu jitsu coaches is a bad ass purple belt, and runs circles around everyone on the mat.

    while we focus on strength and size, she dominates with speed and technique. She's about 5'5, 120-130lbs too. I remember seeing her roll like a cat with a male blue belt a while back..poor bastard was my size (6'2, 215..common thug profile) and never had a chance. Of course at the end of the day, I asked her how much could she bench, and she couldnt really give an answer. Still got her beat in that department:smt038
  12. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    My nephew is a martial arts master, who has his own dojo specializing in southeast Asian martial arts. He's in the martial arts Hall of Fame, and teaches only teachers. His wife is a woman he met while studying in the Philippines, and she's a tiny, tiny woman, I think she barely clears five feet. She can keep up with him, and I've seen her take him down on occasion. They regularly spar, blindfolded, with knives.
  13. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, this was a good outcome, but ill-conceived. It wouldn't matter if the person was a martial arts expert, a man or a woman. She put her baby and herself at risk, and to what end. She ONLY ended up with a broken wrist but it could have been a lot worse.
  14. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Man I hate Philly, should just nuke that place off the map.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    cant remember if I seen blindfolded sparring before, but I have seen Mas Oyama stop a sword with his barehands before. Anything sharp gives me the willies, but it all comes down to focus. They teach weapons at Kung Fu schools around here, but id be too afraid id maim or get maimed. Think i'll stick to rendering people unconscious......:smt079

    yeah..i was concerned with that too. Id think a woman in that condition would put the baby first, and not risk retaliation. It's a phone after all. She fucked her wrist up after fighting with the guy, so eh...

    the cellphone snatching around here is the truth. I was at a main terminal up here waiting for my bus, when two young ass mothafuckas nonchalantly approached an older woman (55+), snatched her phone and ran like deer. Funny thing about it was that 5-0 was parked in their jeep joint like 100 yards away, and gave chase as soon as the lady started screaming. One of the boys melted into the neighborhood, but the Septa cops did catch the other one. My ass wasnt playing hero with formal fighting training or not. You really don't know what mothafuckas are carrying on them. If cops are getting blam-blam while chasing suspects, what the fuck you think is going to happen to me.
  16. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    See, this here is a damn shame! How are we 'sposed to rise as a people when ain't tryna protect each other's cell phones? If it was me, I would've shot their asses. I got the biggest gun in Rancho Chokamunga. Shit, I'm the king around here.
  17. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

  18. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Good ending but she risked her child's life for a cellphone. She just as easily could have went down that stairwell and got greeted by a shank.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Fights are really unpredictable. If she would have got stabbed in the belly, people would have said how stupid she was. I guess the snatching triggered an adrenalin rush, which made her give chase without thinking about the possible outcomes. You train to fight in controlled environments, where all rules are laid down before hand. On the streets, it's a different story. This is why martial arts are thought of as self defense to be used only if you have to.
  20. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Worse yet, if you pay attention to his list of past indictments as they scrolled down the screen, you would see that he had one for carrying a concealed weapon. Depending on how far along she was in her pregnancy, she could easily have fallen and hurt herself based on the change in her center of gravity. There were just too many things that could have gone tragically wrong versus the injuries she actually received in the altercation.

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