The British tabloid News of the World published a photo and story Saturday showing Michael Phelps smoking from a marijuana pipe nearly three months after the swimmer wrapped up an eight-gold record haul in Beijing. Click the link for the entire story: :smt025
I know it's not banned. :weedman: "News of the World said the picture was taken during a November house party while Phelps was visiting the University of South Carolina. During that trip, he attended one of the school's football games and received a big ovation when introduced to the crowd. While the newspaper did not specifically allege that Phelps was smoking pot, it did say the pipe is generally used for that purpose and anonymously quoted a partygoer who said the Olympic champion was "out of control from the moment he got there." The party occurred nearly three months after the Olympics while Phelps was taking a long break from training, and his actions should have no impact on the eight golds he won at Beijing. He has never tested positive for banned substances. The case is unlikely to fall under any doping rules. Phelps' main sanctions most likely will be financial -- perhaps doled out by embarrassed sponsors who might be reconsidering their dealings with the swimmer. "
With his physiology, dude probably inhaled every single molecule of delta-9-THC and then some. I mean look at the picture. Damn, playa!
I think this story is really sad. God, we're such hipocrites. It's JUST a joint. Man, i see if it was some performance-inhancer (like he needs it)... But no, I'm proud of ya boy. His sqeaky clean image in the media made me think he was a dork.
I remember thinking to myself I kno Phelps smokes weed. The guy listens to Weezy and Jeezy to get him ready for swimming. He just proved me right. My Stone-dar is up. I kno a pothead when I see one.
lol Should we not be more interested in who snitched and sent the photo to a paper/website, or are we that interested in the lives of celebrities? Whoever did that needs to be knocked out
That is exactly what happens if someone listens to this crap constantly, it is more destructive than people realize.
stop hatin on wayne and jay and everyone else in the rap game lol you act like it rap fault for him smokin, its his damn choice he's a grown ass man, besides he more of a hero now because he can blaze a little and still come out lookin liike a god,lol
Eh, while I tend not to care one iota about celebrities and their mischief, I agree with part of what you said. The squealer does need to be clubbed "Untouchables" style. But I also believe Mr. Phelps is receiving treatment that's far too forgiving for my taste. Consistency is sorely lacking. Replace Phelps with Lebron in that picture and I dare you to tell me the reaction would be the same.