She's just terminally ignorant Jordan. It's been pointed out to her multiple times that we have active male moderators. She needs :smt100
I agree espy. I forgot Sir Nose too. My apologies. She is going to have to get up earlier and try a lot harder to cause a shit storm here.
Green Zorro is active too. Pretty sure Bryant and Jaisee are also Mods but they haven't been around much since I joined.
How many times have people told you that there are SEVERAL bblack male moderators on here??? You just ignore that because that doesnt fit your agenda and what you DECIDED you want to belive... You live in lala-hate land... I hope you nejoy your bitter company there. Well, this big, fat, bottom of the barrel, stringy hair - wed dog smelling ww is going to the gym... See you next time a boyfriend dumps your ass. We are looking forward to having you as a chew toy again:-D
They remain active, but not everyone logs in at the same time. Just as not all the female Mods log in at the same time. People come and go as they like, it's a voluntary task.
Well, since Jamiediaz went and got banned the thread she started went to poo. It looks like I started it when I just replied. Well, I could just ask webmaster to change the title of what's left to petition for petty to become ruler of the world. Better? :smt077