Pet Thread

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by csbean, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. csbean

    csbean New Member

    Have we ever done a pet thread?

    Pet(s) name: C. J. (Short for Colleen Junior -my name is Colleen)

    Interesting pet stories:
    I got her from a pet shelter. I walked into the room and she was the only kitten who ran right up to me, while the rest cowered in the corner. She only grew to be only about 5 lbs. so everyone thinks she's still a kitten but she will be 4 yrs in a few months.
    When I got her I lived with my ex. He was beatin his meat one afternoon and she jumped on the bed and took a swipe at him! Eek! Love the Ceej.


  2. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    Ok here my Pets

    My cat her name is Saphira she is just only one year old still a baby will grow very big.
    I got her from a lady that breed this cats for 10 years also the lady is a vet so told me a lot about the cat that was importan.
    anyway this photos are just before xmas and the fur not long cuz did cut it not long ago before i took the pics (btw i don't leave the cat to be on the table but it was for the pic )

    Also i have a parrot i named her Roze just because of her colour and when she feels like it does talk lol

    and 3 fish named Steve, bob, and tod and they are silver sharks

    Here the photos

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  3. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Dog (Jack Russell Terrorist) named Sammy
    Cat (Tabby) named Lucifer
    Bird (Cockateil) named Juggy Gales
    Fish (Beta) named Bartholomew

    I would love to post pictures, but I'm lazy. So I did little smilies that look like them instead.
  4. kneegrow

    kneegrow New Member

    CAT named Bobo
    all black with yellow eyes

    he's da bomb, and i'm not a cat person
  5. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    I'm very cat person myself!! I got five cats. Hopefully, one day, that I can adopt dogs.
  6. Athena

    Athena New Member

    My baby Athena:



    Doing what she loves best:
  7. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Not sure how to post pictures, but we have two dogs (Loki and Reece), two horses (C.T., and Merlin) and twelve chickens. They keep us all very busy.
  8. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Aw, she's beautiful! I love dogs, but I can't get one because my cat has jealousy issues :p
  9. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    I have one cat called Baby. He's the most miserable animal living. He's so spoilt and so loved but I think he hates us all.

    When he's being sweet.

    And his normal self.
  10. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Lol Trust you to have a Cat thats more the Witches Familiar type. :smt005

    Tell your over indulged cat we all love his pics, im sure he will take it as his due.
  11. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    We had a cat and a dog, but we had to get rid of them because they're not allowed at our apartment complex. Our next apartment will be one where pets are allowed
  12. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I had to laugh out loud at this pic. Such a typical cat face :) Thank you for sharing these, they remind me of my two kitties who've gone to "greener pastures" full of catnip I'm sure.
  13. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I live with a super annoying jack russel terrior which I dislike immensely and has cured me of any desire for the future ownership of pets. :)
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    That's what you get for naming your cat baby, baby


  15. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    She's gorgeous!!
    Also, I love the names of your fish :p
  16. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    aahahah. U must tell the compete names! It's more fun!
  17. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Here is Bubble: Svveet version


    and gangsta version :D

  18. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    damn,,that looks delicious.......remind me to never come to your place, cuz id cook that thing in a hurry

  19. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Aw Bubble!! Is he a he or a she? I've always wanted a bunny. I think my cat would eat it though.
  20. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    no problem, i've never thought of inviting you.

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