Pet peeves

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by justmel, Oct 4, 2012.

  1. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    That is there for professional reasons, not to be put up for an FALSE example of duckface on an interracial website. Mikey does not have much sense. He claims to want to be a professional some day - yet he is jeopardizing himself by putting his school and professors in the spotlight like that, in a negative light - not cool. I feel bad for the lady, and it does not shed a positive light on his professional character either. Mr. Researcher could have come up with ANY other example than an innocent professor from his own school. I would never have subjected one of my own professors or even one of my own bosses (no matter how much I dislike them) to such scrutiny, because I think it is NOT APPROPRIATE. But of course he could not possibly no that as he is socially without any boundaries or notion of what is acceptable in the real world/ crossing over onto online.

    For example, my private home phone number and address, was, without my knowledge (back in the mid 90's) published in the college phone book online with just MY name (not my husband's, so it looked like I lived alone), and a predator who loved to harass women by phone called me up and made me think he was going to break in to my house any minute and assault me in every way imaginable. Come to find out, he had terrorized college girls all over the United States this way. Girls jumped out of windows as far away as Oregon (I was in Kentucky), breaking their ankles, to get away from an unknown assailant they thought was just outside their door... I had run down down the street in abject horror, barefooted, to a neighbour's house and stayed there in my nightgown all day... Afterwards I slept with a gun under my pillow, on the sofa, with all of my clothes and shoes on, for several weeks until they caught him. Just an example of how nobody wants to be victimized by their information being misused from being online. You have no idea what I went through or what I imagine could happen from Mikey's drawing attention to his professor, so think twice before you criticize me.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2012
  2. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    You know? I really can't understand how, after you explain something to someone in plain English, they still don't get it.
    I field a kazillion calls a day and in a lot of them I have to say the same thing at least 6 times but differently every time.

    Recently, I got a call from a guy who kept telling me he had a MBP he bought in 2003. *scratches head*

    So I mean a PowerBook? No.. It's a MacBook Pro. *scratches head again*
    So I have him flip down the apple menu and give me processor specs.
    It's an intel processor..c2d...most definitely not a 2005 Mac.

    Then after going through a huge explanation about how more than likely its a network issue and NOT his computer we have this convo about this certain app he uses and can he use it on the iPad 3rd or 4th gen. He reads to me like 3 times the minimum OS specs for this app in which I tell him it's moot because that's for a computer.
    Will those specs (10.5 and 4gigs mem and Yada yada) work on an iPad.
    No. For the forth time, just, no.
    iPads don't run Mac OS X..for the 4th time...

    It is beyond a pet peeve and I always know its going to be a support fail because all these calls start the same way:
    I have a few questions followed by a totally unrelated ramble about the final point and the question: are you following me so far.

    Yes..I'm following YOU.. The relevant question is once I explain where you aren't following me, will you follow ME?
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member


  5. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    No..please make her stop trying all together.

    Can't sleep..scurred she'll nom me.
  6. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    No I think that's MOM language for "I'm wet - get me at the back door. My husband is a little dumber than me and won't know."
  7. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    On this vein - My pet peeve are cuckold white married couples looking for a black stud to live out their fantasies. It's sooooo fucking creepy. I don't understand how a white man can let a black man with a huge dick just plow out his woman or even impregnate her with a little baby (in some cases). It's just plain sick). I could never love or respect a wimpy little white guy who would let some great black stallion overpower him in that way. I would give my black king power in every way - to let him be the father to my child, to let him pour the seed into my body. To love my hear AS he is making love to me, not loving some poor pitiful cuckold white man - NO WAY. I do not understand these women. It has got to be about money. Otherwise I have no semblance of understanding. I have never understood money-motivated actions anyway.
    My parents question me every day, but I never question myself.
  8. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I remember Tamstrong saying something similar to what you said in a response to a post I made. Apart from this post I made that was deleted, do you think the future of my livelihood would be affected by posts I make on a forum with people that I'll never see and hold a low opinion for? (not everyone)

    Of course not. Maybe I made that post because of my perceived immaturity and I admit, I guess I made a mistake. Besides, I'll grow out of it eventually and most people are immature when they're younger. I'm sure you and so many others were too during your childhood years. You all probably feel excited to say that about me anyway. I know FG was. Also, I never said that I wanted to be a professional. I'm not seeking power from you or anyone else. You tried that already with the thread about yourself in the Internal Affairs area where you mentioned that you fell into a depression.

    In addition to what I just mentioned, you didn't say anything major in BrotherWise's Zumba thread. He posted videos of the yoga instructor having sex with a white male in his car. Someone looking for evidence in that case could find this site through searching.

    When people (like you) say things like that, I realize that I don't need nor desire for everyone to like me. If I were to see them face to face, there would probably be an automatic dislike anyway. I get along fine with people at my school and plan on having it at my place of employment. That's of a lot more importance to me than people that I can't get along with on the internet. I don't need to care about their opinions about me.

    Edit: Also, the ratings for that professor aren't that great either. One of the reviewers even said that she didn't understand the difference between 12:00 AM and 12:00 PM.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2012
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    The difference between you and I is relevancy. When I made the thread, the links provided were consistent with the thread itself. Hence why I've posted the links of her using a popsicle on herself and a video of her having sex with a patron. The article I've provided, if you bothered to read it, mentioned that she has videos of her doing this sort of stuff online. So, that's why I posted it.

    Keyword: Relevance

    And this is something you need to get across that thick skull of yours.

  10. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I thought Huntress told you to ignore me. You should listen to her advice.
  11. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I would, but I feel sorry for you.

  12. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Really? You said I make the whole black race look bad. I think my response back to you when you said that was that you probably didn't think highly of it to begin with.

    Man, you probably hate me more than you hate Iggy and I'm not even as offensive as he is.
  13. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Ehhh, I don't quite hate you. You don't deserve that.

    Do you need to be post-birth aborted? No way.
    Do you need to be gagged until you learn to communicate effectively? Yes.

    But hate you? Nah. I have pathos for you.

  14. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    The same could be said for the way Romney, Obama and Joe Biden communicate also, if you've even watched the debates. You've never told them to shut up although other people have. And again, your opinion doesn't hold a lot of value.

    Nobody's telling me to shut up when I raise my hand and give an answer to a question in person, it's only done online and from certain people.

    You have a bias against me because I'm a foreign black and your a native one. My mom's experiencing the same kind of thing at her workplace from other black people.
  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Assumptions of this magnitude makes me wonder a lot about you. I have no bias against anyone foreign born. I'm actually friends with a lot of international people from all walks of life and yes, that includes Africans and Caribbean islanders. I could care less about you being from the Caribbeans. I judge by character and content and so far, you've only shown that you're incapable of holding up a consistent conversation and it's painful.

    I guess with cybersecurity, you'll only hit the wrong information, which would lead to a communication breakdown, and then there would be a torrential shitstorm.

  16. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Prove it. Anyone could say anything on here. Doesn't mean it's true.

    Not everyone is offended based on how I talk and get my points across. By your logic, I'd have no friends because they wouldn't like anything I'd have to say, or probably even just me existing on the planet.

    And are you even employed? Do you have a job? I haven't even entered Corporate America yet, so worry about your own affairs before you worry about mine. I won't be screwing up in the workplace.
  17. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I do work.

    And no, you don't get your point across. You diverge from your original post and talk about something completely different.

    And I don't need to prove anything. You're more than welcomed to assume more nonsense. I'll just do you this little favor and ignore you since you cannot talk like a reasonable adult.

  18. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I'm sure there are posts here that prove that you can't either.

    And as I stated before, there are politicians that can't do it either, but you avoided talking about it, so you dodge my response.

    If I say "Majestic Saint, it's going to rain tomorrow."

    Am I not talking like a reasonable adult? Just admit it, there's a social incompatibility between you and me, and it goes beyond the way I talk. You, and people with a similar mindset to you didn't really like me to begin with.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2012
  19. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member




  20. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Now wait just a minute. K and I get along well and are uncanny in our ability to have like mindedness. He even complimented me on my pepper penis choice.

    With that said, I don't have anything against you.
    I don't know you and the things u post don't bother me at all.

    I do think that you are on to something about it being a social incompatibility. Just as in life that is lived in real time..some people will rub you the wrong way.
    I know there are a handful of members that I wouldn't want to know here or in real time and if I saw them walking down the street I wouldn't even know them.
    Sure some of them have different thoughts about certain things but the reality is that most of these members and I probably have more in common than not. And it's not that I can't let go of differences. For the most part..I have a minute and then I eventually get over it.
    But these particular members..I just don't really have any affinity toward them. I don't hate them. I don't not like them.
    I'm just straight indifferent toward them.
    I explained how this makes no I don't know them really.
    So yeah..sometimes you just don't connect.

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