Like Arch I do hope you are playing devils advocate. Until you have a child, you can't know the feeling of having him/her hurt or in danger. To imply the life of a ferret is at a par with a human baby is silly. And yes I am a total animal lover. Had lots of pets and have one now. All kinds of animals snap in extreme and sometimes not so extreme conditions.
I just think that blaming the ferret would be like blaming the baby for having fingers in the first place. It's stupid. I'm not happy that the ferret was killed by the dad because the parents fucked up. And I'm very sorry that the baby lost his fingers because his parents fucked up. And I don't feel any sympathy for the parents at all. I really believe that with just the smallest dose of common sense, this whole thing could have been avoided so I feel that they deserve whatever emotional turmoil and whatever consequences they get for their thoughtless stupidity.
I share the same sentiment with the exception of the ferrett. *My parents had animals when I was growing, up I never understood even then why people feel the need to keep pets, moreover, indoors. * I hate the domestication of dogs, cats, parakeets, rabbits, etc. *No animal was meant to live their life indoors period, or pent up just outside your home, so sad. *And what makes it worse are people that humanize animals, especially dogs, they drive me nuts, they treat them like small children. * Most every owner I know over feeds, feeding them people food like it's nothing. *Most people food is way over calories and fat for animals. *An animal should left outside, I don't want to be at your house told to move to the other end of the couch to make room for Fluffy, Muffy, Roxie. *Also did you notice that a lot of people name their pets with something that ends in ie, or y so they can talk in that high pitch voice when they attempt to call their animal that doesn't listen, over to them.
I have never understood having rodents or snakes in your home. They hardly are smart enough to return love. My dog eats once a day and is not spoiled. Yes his name ends in Y because it's an Irish name and I am part Irish. I don't talk in a baby voice to animals. Not my style. He is also good protector/watch dog so he does have a "job". And in this case I Do blame the ferret. He did it.
One of the biggest mistakes people make with pets is projecting human traits on them. No matter how domesticated or well-trained a pet is, it will still have animal instincts.
Ben was a paid actor. And forgot to say thanks this is playing in my head over and over now. [YOUTUBE]nIVcdx5je-o&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]
I had to re-enter the debate to present a final persuasive scenario:………….If a toddler left alone in a room away his parents; extended his greasy meat flavored fingers into the face of any domestic family dog ranging in size from a Maltese to a Greatdane,…………. the dog, undoubtedly, would lick the fingers and even hands thoroughly,....... but would stop short of breaking the infants skin,…….. Not because it could not consume the flesh, but because as an evolved domesticated pet, it would take time to discern that the child is an extension of its human master…….not the same could be said of a pet ferret, mink, or raccoon…..
I have a cat right now. His name ends with an A, heh. He was a stray kitten knocking on death's door. I don't feed him people food, never have and never will. The only time I remember ever talking baby talk to him was when I asked him if he was ready to go get his nuts chopped off at the vet. He's also an indoor cat, but I don't think he minds since it's all he's ever known. He's fed, watered, sheltered, comfy, entertained, and receives affection. I think people like to keep pets for the kind of companionship a pet offers. They do have health benefits. They help relieve stress, depression, high blood pressure, etc, or so I've read. And as long as the pet is treated right, I'm sure they don't mind. And my kitty always comes when I call him.
I respect that. Wow, that is something I would luv to see for academic purposes, as well my own interest lol.