Never have I been taken aback by such beauty as of what I have seen today. I remeber all her features that struck out most to me. Surely, a hand crafted work of art. I have seen a many beautiful women in my time. I have traveled to many places, many countries, and experinced many cultures. But, never, never NEVER have i seen a women so beautiful. I know she felt me glazing at her from afar. Never have I been struck speechless by such beauty. The room was filled with a bunch of fake model wanna be's. Some asain, some black, some white. They all were what you call cookie cutter pictures. The men there were of course looking for a 'hook up.' The women of course, where looking to be 'picked up,' but not this women. No. In terms of phsycial beauty she was the MOST beautiful hands down. Like most things of this nature. The WM were there hitting on the asain women. The black there were hitting on the white women. But, this women she was standing alone at the bar. Her golden skin is what caught my attention of her first. As i glazed more thoroughly, I recognized her height. She had to be between 5'8-5'10. It matched perfectly with her long deep black hair, which came down just above her shoulder. As she turned around, I caught her attention with intense eye contact. There i noticed her grayish/greenish eyes. They froze me still. My palms began to become clamy. I started sweating profusely. Never before have i been so nervous. The bartender there saw our intense eye contact, and told me she was Perisan. After I made light convo with the bartender, when I turned around she was gone. The most beautiful women I ever seen pretty much disappeared right before my eyes. Never before have I saw an Arab women so beautiful. I guess I know now why arab men keep their women in cloths. Sigh..............I had to get that out. ERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Book yourself a ticket to Sao Paulo Brazil...Go to the Italian neighborhoods..You'll feel like a kid in a candy store.
NYC, Manhattan. Now as for the name of the bar, not to sure. It is one my colleagues frequent, they just dragged me along. They say i work too hard. Geezz, if they knew what just going on in my head. They would understand. :lol:
Ah, LA (especially Glendale and most of the 626 area code) is full of Perisans. Like I said and I'll say it again, beautiful women in Los Angeles are a dime a dozen and Perisan are no different... The sad thing is they tend to stick to their own kind.
Well, Persians are the original Aryan caucasians(though most people overlook it because of their complexions or a lack of study in genetics and history)and they are protective of their traditions. And being traditional is ok as long as it's not hateful. I don't see anything sad about it.
That pretty much says it all. I must admit I too have a thing for Persian women; they're so rare in CA.