Say that again please for all the individuals who seem confused as to how the economy got where it is today.
Let us clear stuff up here. Fact: congress has done nothing but fight President Obama for 3 years. Opinion: that sucks. Fact: they will blame Obama for the mess were in (look at Ryan's "super" budget committees antics (fact) which isn't super at all (opinion) Opinion: staunch tea party members think that's great (opinion) See the difference?
From the thumbnail I caption it thusly: Now, now...calm down. The ass raping WiLL hurt..but only a little bit (mitt) This ass raping is going to hurt like a bitch. What a sucka (Ryan) That's as much as you're gunna get from me. I won't watch these monkeys in action. It's bad enough I get it thru osmosis.
We shouldn't really call it trickle-down for them because there's no one above them for it to come from, lol
Right. But using the phrase "trickle down" is sooo fun. I think we should rephrase it like this: Golden Shower on the lowly economics.
In that instance: I rest my case. Some y'all seriously need eye surgery if you can't see the motives of why they pick who they pick. First maybe black president? I see you and raise you the first female VP.
Speaking of eye-surgery...'re no better than those who said "First maybe Black President...Try to better that, McCain." According to your patronizing, it's all a game. And if it is, then show ALL the cards, ok?
Yeah....sorry we can't all be literature scholars from Harvard at 6:30 in the morning. What other cards would you like me to show you bliss? YOU bring up Hillary, who is an attorney and has worked in politics for like, ever. Then YOU bring up palin who "governed" AK for like, 2 years and whose whole foreign policy was based on the statement: I can see Russia from my back yard. Come on! Really? Fucking Sarah palin? That's what you come back with as a serious female candidate from the repub side? You might want to see all the cards.. But before you ask to see others you might wanna invest in a better quality deck yourself.
Do you live in the US Bliss? Be serious. They no where near opposed Clinton like this and I do think if Hilary won shit would be different. She had enough experience to get more shit done. I doubt she would have wasted so much time trying to get along