Pass for white?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, May 30, 2008.

  1. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    YOUNG??...and i thought you were one of the "smarter" white women that date interracially.....guess i was wrong eh?
  2. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    lol, bmj!

    i think you're on to something. :wink:
  3. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    no shame in being young...we all start there. :D
  4. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    True,,,,,,i'd rather be young than an old white woman

    Theres nothing worse than watching a new line of wrinkles crack through the skin of the yes,,,being young is good,.,,,dont you wish you were young?...with smooth skin and firm bosoms??
  5. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Yeah,alot of the girls are gorgeous

    Black/Danish chick


    Black/Italian chick


  6. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Sounds interesting, I'll check it out. When I took Religions of World in college, we went into Hinduism and different types of yoga in a bit of detail. I was surprised to discover that the New Age movement of today derives many of its ideas directly from Hinduism.
  7. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Oh my God, it's a stranger :lol: :lol:

    longtime no see, I would ask how you been, someone beat me too it already. I hope all in all you are proud of where you at in your life now though. I never heard of white people doing it, I hear them mostly saying mixed people are black. Thanks for the input on the subject. :wink:
  8. mynameismyname

    mynameismyname New Member


    As I said in a previous board, I really respect and agree on many of your views. Sadly, my posts were removed (too bad because I really liked what I wrote) for some strange reason but I really would like to keep the conversation going with you.
  9. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    The strange reason is that you were reported to the moderator and he banned you, as he does when he sees it fit. Hopefully he won't do it again.
  10. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member


    New Age beliefs most definitely have Eastern roots. That book is very interesting, a good read. I think the website Eye of Horus sells it. It is Vedanta Hinduism which is very different than other kinds.

    Yes it is a shame that thread was removed. I liked what I had to say too, and I think differing thoughts should be out there.

    I am kind of ticked off that it was taken down.

    You come off strong but so do some of the other guys here like dj4monie and bmj.

    You are passionate about the subject as am I. The only "abuse" I read was getting too personal with superchic *shrug* but this place is not a democracy, live with the moderator's opinion on what content people should be allowed to see or leave.

    I'd like to know why the thread is completely gone and not quarantined or in the scheduled to be deleted thread. I would kind of like to copy my posts for future use other places! I guess my opinion is not appreciated! Since this is obviously not the kind of board to get so political, but wait isn't there a section for

    Maybe I'll ask the mod if i can get back my stuff.


    Yes I am proud to be where I am but I will say this is no way an easy road. People act so strangely to me and my husband. But he and I are super tight, we don't need the rest of the world. Our house is our island. All the haters can go f8ck themselves :twisted:

    I don't wish I had chosen any differently and couldn't imagine life without him, so yeah I am extremely happy and feel lucky that I got such a great guy!
  11. KSP

    KSP New Member

    I am mixed black and white (Black father/white mom) but I look white. As a matter of fact I have gotten into verbal fights with people both white and black trying to convince them I am black. What makes it more interesting is I grew up in an upper class neighborhood so even my speech patterns sound white and upperclass to most whites. I just gave up worrying about race a few years ago and try to be fair to everyone. I have a bent towards black friends who find it interesting that I am so nice to them, seeing as how they believe I am white.

    Living like this makes me realize how ridiculous race divisions are and how they are far from absolute.
  12. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    KSP it started with slavery and it has not ended since.
  13. KSP

    KSP New Member

    It is heartbreaking to see how racism consumes black people in the USA. How their everyday reolves around it. It consumes white people too, they just dont see it as much. It is such a waste of resources.

    I live in some weird grey area. I always feel like I have a secret.

    White women go out with me because they like my looks and just think Im a white guy with a healthy tan. I wish I could show you their eye popping reactions when a couple of them met my father.
  14. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Racism doesnt consume us, its inflicted upon us.

    I wouldnt think about race, color, or racism if I wasnt constantly reminded of it by the country I live in and its some of its racist ways.
  15. KSP

    KSP New Member

  16. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    this post reminds me of an artist from the early 90's(i think) who looks very white but has a black father and identifies herself as black. She printed up a set of cards that said something of the effect of "pardon me, but I am in fact black. Our interaction provided some insight into the way you look at the world...." The idea was that she was constantly reacting to the things white people would say when it is assumed a door is closed and no one else is around. I have to look her up, its been a while......(she's in the history books)
  17. alli

    alli New Member

    Yes. I've been told that about my children from friends. Family wouldn't dwell on such a silly thing, but a few ex-coworkers of mine were very interested in the "whiteness" of my children. They were all black, so what's up with that?

    Most of the comments are about their hair. My oldest has hair with more curl and texture and my youngest two have hair like mine. People who have dared to comment or ask have usually assumed their father is Italian, Jewish, or Cuban.
  18. KSP

    KSP New Member

    I do hear a lot of stuff said about black people because I appear white. I don't feel like arguing with people about my color any more but a lot of the people who don't believe me are black. They often think I am making fun of them. Having said that, they are more comfortable around me because they sense I am not bigoted.

    I have actually had sex with white women I later found out disliked blacks, which was both alarming and stimulating..if you know what I mean?

    Although some of the comments made about blacks when I am alone with whites can be disappointing some of it is just programming and doesn't always mean the speaker cant like and respect black people. Bottom line is people say all sorts of things they dont mean (Even if it does hurt my feelings and scare me a little); judge them on their actions.

    I should say that though I look white, I dont look WHITE. I look sort of universal. I believe it is my speech pattern that throws me into the white category.

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