Pass for white?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, May 30, 2008.

  1. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  2. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    lol, mosk.

    btw, i like your sig. 8)
  3. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Thanks! It's from a book called "Passionate Presence" which I really really liked. Here's the part of the book that made the biggest impression on me:

    "Years ago I was in India when the Shankaracharya, the Hindu equivalent of a pope, died. The Times of India published a number of eulogies about the renowned master, one of which was written by a well-known journalist and friend of India's former prime minister Indira Gandhi. It seems that Mrs. Gandhi would occasionally consult with the Shankaracharya in moments of turmoi during her administration as prime minister. On one visit to the holy man she invited her journalist friend to go with her. They flew by private plane, and upon arrival Mrs. Gandhi was immediately taken to see the Shankaracharya alone. After a couple of hours she returned to the plane, and she and the journalist headed home to New Delhi. The journalist noticed that a deep serenity had come over the prime minister, and after some time he couldn't help but ask, "Mrs. Gandhi, what happened in there?"
    "It was wonderful," the prime minister replied. "I put all my questions to him, and he answered every one of them, but neither of us spoke a word."
    The power of Shankaracharya's presence was so strong that it awakened the prime minster remembrance of her own. She found herself in the quiet understanding wherein questions are either answered or fade away. "The still small voice within" turns out to be silent. It perceives with an intelligence that has not been learned, an intelligence that is innate. (16)
  4. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    that's really beautiful. i love the last two sentences....the last one especially has so much truth to it. that's just, wow! thank you for sharing! :wink:

    i'll have to look into that book. i love to read, just don't always make the time for it like i should. :roll:
  5. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Oh me too, and I have the same challenge. For me, book reading requires more brain engagement than internet browsing, and it evokes feeling, emotion! I don't know why sometimes I prefer to veg out in front of the computer with my brain and heart turned off, rather than read a classic... while my house is full of good books.

    I also think it is because most classics are not fun books... they talk about the beauty of human spirit, yes, but their themes are social and moral issues, events that were often tragic. Maybe that's why I don't want to deal with that at the end of the day... but I know I should. I'm now halfway through Tolstoy's "Resurrection," and yes, I have to make myself keep reading it... a shame.
  6. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member


    i would have to agree that alot of "mixed" folks are beautiful. i think it's just a great combination...white/black. the skin tone is so many different shades. definitely a really great aspect of our culture - all the pretty's what makes the world go 'round. :wink:
  7. HenRocK

    HenRocK Member

    Not so much white, but my grandfather (moms side) is like 1/4 Native American...he looks so chief.. I heart him :)
  8. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i totally agree. i think maybe the reason it's nice to "veg out" in front of the tv or computer is b/c it's just such brainless entertainment. you really don't have to do alot of can just let your mind wander - it's surprisingly relaxing.

    i've tried to read before i go to bed, hoping it will help me relax and fall asleep....but if the book is good, it just keeps me awake - wanting more, lol. :D so, usually, i'll write in a journal before helps clear my mind - that and reading my Bible/praying. :wink: one of my favorite books, though, is the oath by frank peretti. girl, it is so intense!! peretti is like my favorite author. another one of my favorites (not by peretti) is madame bovary. it's a classic, but totally not boring. :D
  9. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i thought grand daddy was 1/2 indian.

    and i totally can't believe you said that you "heart" something, lmao!! :lol: you're so cute, baby.
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    that's native american

  11. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    ::straightens her collar::

    right, right...i forgot...

    how politically incorrect of me!

  12. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    You might have to look elsewhere for the type of mature conversation that fits your idea of it. I've been posting on this board for 3 years and from my experience, posters who speak to people the way you do, don't get very far... because no one engages them after a while. The regulars of this board are poople who are here for intelligent as well as courteous conversation... you seem to be lacking the latter. Even BlackMasterJay who throws out off the wall comments making women go OMG, only jokes around that way and we know it. Manners ARE important, my friend. People who don't exhibit them are not well liked... regardless of their level of knowledge.
  13. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    givin' props to the BMJ....i hope he reads this, lol. :lol:
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    that's pop your collar


  15. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member


    nah, white folks straighten the collar, lol.

    :lol: :lol:
  16. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Because I don't think he's the idiot he plays... I have a new respect for him after reading his post in "White women, bolder and making the first move". What he said was right on point, and sometimes we women need to be told things directly, the man way. And then, there are some things that HE is wrong about... and that's where Malik True straightened him out talking about how being a faithful husband and father is a cut above jumping from pussy to pussy, excuse me. That's how people educate each other... in this sense, the internet is a great educator becuase you become exposed to the opininos of people who probably would have never even met otherwise.
  17. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i agree.
    BMJ seems to be alot of talk, like you indicated. he talks alot of crap, but he's young, i believe there's hope. :wink:
  18. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    "Like I said, WhiteSheDevil, if those kids in the sig are yours (they're very cute, BTW), they do indeed look black."

    I shall find a recent picture of my son. He is lighter than the Italian kid in his class ,has white textured, dirty blond hair, and other "white" people mistake him for white.

    What is the saying, the people can always tell their own. :wink:

    It is funny to me when (white) people express (and that is who we are trying to "pass" for) shock at his father.

    These same white people express shock at my daughter too, they think she is from India and I adopted her :roll:

    She has hair that they cannot conceive would be on a black/white "bi-racial" whatever that means.

    These same people who cannot help themsleves and feel compelled to touch her hair to see if it is real. White texture, very loose curl/wave. They are obsessed with classifying.

    Personally I am teaching my daughter and son that they are a HUMAN BEINGs, biological differences in "races" is minute.

    Please visit this site to see what I mean

    But above that I am teaching her as she gets older that she is a black woman, I have no problems with this, it is the truth, regardless of her genetic makeup. We will discuss why this is true.

    My son will forge his way as a black man in a white world that won't initially or necessarily see him as "black" whatever that is but he will be labeled as such by the virtue of his father.

    If this was the past my son could have left home gone North and passed himself off as a white man easily like that guy whose names escpaes me at the moment who was a famous writer for a major newspaper. His whole life was a lie and he looks more "black" than my son. His white family found out at his death.

    But you know what I AM GLAD MY SON DOESN'T HAVE TO MAKE THAT CHOICE in order to succeed.

    Now I gotta remember his name, as this is going to bug me, then lets look at his picture and see if we can tell :shock:

    edited to add:

    Thank you superchic. Now I'm off to figure out how to change my pics..
  19. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    Aw shucks, Kudos, thanks but unnecessary I am not looking for affirmation.

    This has been and still is a journey of self exploration and awareness for me.

    Don't have any recent pics of my son uploaded on my laptop, and I would have to go to another computer to put them into photobucket.

    The below will have to suffice. You get the idea.

    Yes that was who I was thinking of. He did have a fro' but whites can have some kinky assed hair and broad noses. The Italian kids down the street, the two girls' is very tightly curled (way more tightly curled than my daughters) and the other's is VERY kinky, yet they are "white". Funny.

    Race is subjective.


    I love your sig as well also the bolded text. It fits in with my beliefs. Watching your breathe is a great way to reach that silence where God/the universe speaks. My "bible" is a book called Jhana Yoga by swami vivekananda.
  20. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    But if this mixture continues there wont be any more white women for black men that love white women......aint that ironic??

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