Also if I can find a politician that cares about morals over money. Theydeserve a award,because that is rare.
that is sad, i guess because i grew up with business men in the family and lots of family friends, and having worked for good executives, I know alot of good moral men and women in business. I also work with lots of Christians, Jews and Muslims who are very committed to not just making money but making a difference in the lives of ordinary people. I also dont place too high expectations on people, especially not in the entertainment business. I am just saddened everyday, to know that we look to the Kanye wests of the world as black people, when we have had a long list of wonderful, leaders with character and we have to now go to the lowest common denominator for inspiration. I see the men and women of the past and the people today, whom I look up to--perhaps they dont dress as cool as Kanye, or curse as cool as he does but they are out there. Gwen Iffel is one, Thomas Sowell is another, JC Watts is another, Professor Skp Gates and Cornel west are others. Now Cornel WEst, is a far better choice than Kanye West, adn I cant stand Cornels politics but he is a decent, respectful and trident honest worker for the black poor and all people
Rap has lost its used to be the best music out there because it attacked issues of significance....Public Enemy was one group...a lot of Tupac's early music, current rapper Immortal Technique is another in a group of lyricists who spoke about things other than money, cars, clothes, b******, and hos.
Who looks to the Kanye West's of the world? He said some things that needed to be said and by that I'm talking about the views on homophobia and blood diamonds. When it comes to who's voices reach further in the world we have to depend on popular people in entertainment. I respect alot of people such as JC Watts,Kwame Jackson,Madame CJ Walker,etc and everything that they have done. But unfortunately entertainers have the widest spreading voice when it comes to issues. I don't like it but its what it is. Reginald Lewis was one of the people who inspired me to go into business. I wish more people could see all these people but the media doesn't paint that kind of view of black people. Instead they show Donald Trump and other white businessmen but not black leaders who have done alot. I understand you don't like Kanye West but I don't discount others opinions whether I like them or not. Cause discounting each other keeps us fighting and bickering over stupid things. Instead of dealing with the real problems we all face.
Thats what I keep saying to so many people,Thechosenone. When they try and bring up people like 50 cent. Rap did have a message before big corporations decided to take it over and shape it into this crap we see today.
Oh yeah....rap is controlled in large part by WHITE MEN....they will sign any good artist to their label as long as he is not too radical. There are a lot of underground MC's who speak the truth with some of the illest rhymes you'll ever hear but sadly...the only way they can get their name out is to struggle independently...the big labels won't sign you unless you sell out for cash.
yep, and if Kanye will not speak out about the real ills of rap music and only about what is politically correct(the white males love the gay movement and its agenda in hollyweird) then he is just as much of a sell out as the rest. the real ills are the treatment of black men and women in the music and movie industry. they will easily put out a sick movie like Brokeback mountain, but are afraid to make a real love story between a black man and a white woman and have it being sexual but also real. they will put out one where the black woman is getting shagged by a white male lead, but they are not going to make a black male lead make a full on sexual act with a top leading WW. its ok to make black men as bw haters, violent, shoeshine negroes, stepin fetchits, stupid joking side kicks(they know most of the white boys love to see us on stage as Asses) and we are all too happy to oblige and entertain the massa. and you young brothas should be the most angry, but most of your generation thinks its ok now to act like a fool as long as you get a grill, hypersexualizing sistahs and riding around in a car sporting a big change(mental slavery for trinkets is all it is yall).
I absolutely agree. Have you noticed that mainstream hip-hop is mostly supported by white people while the real thing(which is dead) is supported by elderly black folks. And you'd notice that the top-selling rap artists are on overly independent white labels like Interscope and Jive but the guys over at like say Def Jam are the only real acts who actually get noticed. Thats to tell you how much the white man wants to keep the stereotypical images of BM going on. Its like, "50 Cent will sell but he portrays negative images so lets go with it. Public Enemy, on the other hand, dont talk about all that so shelve their projects". Shame isnt it? I have no interest in hip-hop anymore, im sure y'all feel the same way as i do. 8)
Well, I have nothing to add. All 4 of you (tucker, jxsilicon, Chosen, and Cris) said things that I was thinking of saying myself, and I pretty much agree with all of you, because there is one than one dimension to this whole ordeal, and: tuck, If you can reach people in the media, then you can reach someone in the WHITE HOUSE. jxsilicon, With money, you can either do wrong, or do right by it. Whatever you decided to with it is up to you. Chosen, A lot of the rap/hip-hop world has lost it's meaning, and have became more commercialized by the masses, and of course you know it is the masses by the 'massa' who allow this thing to go on, though sadly, along with all of the additional baloney the black American populace is force fed, too many of a percentage of our youth will buy into all of this,not necessarily because they are 'uncivilized', 'indecent', or anything like that, but more because they see as a way of identifying themselves as black people, especially since what they see is all they know about what it is to be black. Cris, You ex is hot. 8)
Wow! That was a huge generalization. For one I don't go around acting like a fool or wearing trinkets and have big rims on my car. You're the one who keep saying blacks should learn from successful,positive blacks. But you come out with this huge generalization. There are plenty of young successful blacks of my generation. Have you heard of Ephren Taylor,Farrah Gray,etc? You will never hear of these type of people in the media.You're thinking exactly what the media wants you to think. That all blacks are gangsta rappers and there aren't any successful young professional blacks. Kanye West said what he wanted to say. He isn't a spokesperson or someone trying to bring people into certain political parties. He says whatever he wants and comes off as an arrogant ass. I agree the music and entertainment industry are full of racist ideologies against blacks. But who has to stand up to this? Nobody in these industries are going to bite the hand that feeds them. I wouldn't say hollywood is PC and liberal. Hollywood is opportunistic and will jump on whatever the current popular trend is, but they do hate president bush.
I actually agree with you, jxsilicon, about Kanye. People are always criticizing him for not being afraid to be controversial, but is that because he's BLACK rapper, who doesn't glorify the black stereotypes in his music? Arrogant ass? Well, look at Eminem, Paris Hilton, and MANY other white stars, that would take the cake on that.
If that is the reason he certainly has given the media enough ammo. Acting like an asshole when he didn't win an award and trashing Bush during a televised charity event didn't help. I respect him to a certain extent. In a world full of bs and people who wear masks(figuratively speaking) its good to see someone who says whatever the hell he wants and don't care about the effects.
Oh im in total agreement with Sardonic and jxsilicon. Many of these industry rats know about the perturbing stereotypes of blacks but are not ready to challenge it because they supposedly dont want to bite the finger that feeds them. Or maybe they themselves are lost in their own ideologies and know that they themselves are perfect representatives of such. People are always ready to call Kanye controversial because he stands up to what he believes in. So what are you going to call people like Feminem who made blatant racist comments and still was upheld by the black community? Thats when i realised that blacks in America were at an all-time low. A guy calls you monkeys, niggers, spear-chuckers and still you support him. Make no mistake, i am not generalising here. Kanye, on the other hand, is one person who is actually controversial for the right reasons which the white man cannot stand. Take for example when he said Bush doesnt care about black people. It was downright controversial but because he was right and they knew that blacks would agree with him, thats why it was totally ignored. What the white man can do :roll: ........... Quite frankly, i think that the people to attack all these stereotypes are the artists and music executives themselves. Look at other musical genres and their indigenes; they dont go around screaming, "Latin power, whatever power". They let their actions speak for themselves. Why cant these blacks in the industry do the same? They're the ones going around yelling black power but i am willing to put up my life to bet you that black power doesnt mean doing anything all in the aim of selling records.
jxsilicon, it is hardly a generalization, i wasnt talking about you. I think people like kanye are disgusting, just like some think pam anderson is. that was the point
Duh, that is the point of the forum, bro. someone made an opinion about Pam anderson, that was their choice, so why cant others have an opinion about Kanye?
i dont know what factual statement you made but I was addressing someone else who attacked her, but whined when someone made a statement about that knuckledragger Kayne. Duh is annoying, I agree, just as is when someone doesnt stay on the topic
I don't whine,I just tell it like it is and thats all. We all went off topic with the Kanye-pam debate.