Pam Anderson & Kanye West

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Kid Rasta, Feb 4, 2006.

  1. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I agree w/ you. Kanye is breaking many barriers on many different levels. Whether it's speaking the truth about the President, making songs that aren't about gunbusting and are actually something most ppl can relate to, to receiving more grammys than any hip hop artist in history, to having a famous blondie in his video kissing him. I can't wait to see what he does next.
  2. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Although I agree with you, I believe that Pam Anderson's status as a bimbo with an STD may have something to do with how they were allowed to pair up altogether. Imagine if it were some OTHER actress, who was MORE attractive, had a better reputation than Pam, and no STD. Would Kanye still be able to do the kissing scene with her?
  3. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted


    Also keep in mind that Kanye asked Pam to be in the video. He could have asked Scarlett Johansson, Charlize Theron, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, ect., but for some reason only known to Kanye, he chose Pam.

    The Kid Rasta 8)
  4. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    I think it's great that some barriers have been broken, however I do wish Kanye chose a more classy woman (me perhaps!) to star in his video.

    There are already out there (mostly wm and bw) who think that the kind of ww bm go with are wm fat and ugly so wm don't want them, or cheap and nasty so every wm has already had her. Pammie doesn't really dispel those myths! But I think she has a worse reputation than she deserves, as she does a lot of good charity work and seems like quite a nice person - shame about the sex tape and STD though!
  5. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    They are not dating. I just saw Kanye's MTV Diary from this month's Grammy's. He has a black girlfriend named Brooke and she is in it quite a bit. They show them in the studio playing around, going Go-Karting, and on the red carpet.
  6. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    OK, Kid, you cleared some of it up for me, and truthfully, I don't really have anything against Pam, it's just that, well, like Tash already said...
  7. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    I wished Pam would choose a less ghetto man next time, she is always hunting the garbage heaps for guys and this is the lowest yet
  8. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I wouldn't call Kanye West garbage. 50 cent is garbage but Kanye West is someone that actually speaks his mind even if he comes of as an arrogant asshole.
  9. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    that is true, but i have listened to the guy speak and his english and what he is saying is no different than anyone else trying to get press by attacking the president. I could care less what he thought of the President or what happened in New Orleans, he is a rapper, not a politician and hasnt a credential "one" to gain some instant spokensman status. you would think he was Martin Luther King,Jr. the way folks build him up, and yet he hasnt said jack! If that is what the black community calls a leader and prophet, thank goodness I am an Oreo, cause I couldnt disagree with that shufflin' shyster more.''

    Pam Anderson might be a bimbo, but at least she claims it, this guy is a loser trying to pawn himself off as "impotent"!!!
  10. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I don't think anyone thinks he is a leader or prophet. Nobody has to be a politician or have spokesperson credentials to express their opinions.Even 50 cent disagreed with him. Should he have used a televised charity to bad mouth the president? No, there is a time and a place for that and many black leaders agreed. I do have some respect for him by denouncing the homosexual bashing in rap music and also bringing some attention to blood diamonds. He does have good points but sometimes he needs to just watch what he does.
  11. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    his opinions about so called anti conservative stances i find hilarious--he talks about materialism and i saw him eating fried chicken for a KFC on a program and we all know, if we travel, that these fast food companies are the biggest multinational corps which are environmentally destroying the rainforests, changing the native eating habits of thirdworlds and malling of the rest of the world.

    so him preaching about blood diamonds or racism is a crock--bush is hardly a racist--if he is, coretta scott king is head of the National Rifle Association. He has no proof so he spouts off, thats not an opinion, thats a flapping of those soup coolers for press
  12. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I haven't heard him talk about materialism. But that would be hypocritical for someone who goes around with gold chains and has alot of money. But it did take someone with balls to speak out against homphobia in the rap industry. Blood diamonds are different then kfc multinationals. I don't think president bush is racist but he is like other politicians who just support people who can get them elected. Politicians and bs just naturally fit together.
  13. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    so, if a democrat gets elected and helps the people who got him elected, His constituents--thats wrong?? why??

    I wouldnt fault John Kerry for supporting the causes which he promised in his election campaign, I would think he was a liar if he didnt.

    I didnt see kanye or anyone say a damn thing about New Orleans, or the poverty of the people in any of the areas that got hit or other major places--before the hurricane. I knew there were many many poor people in New Orleans before Katrina adn not one person, Bush or Kanye or anyone else did a damn t hing about that either. He is an opportunist just trying to benefit from a horrible situation.

    Bush made some serious mistakes, I am very critical of many of the issues, but to call him a racist is just ridiculous.
  14. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I never said that a politician shouldn't support their constituents. But how many politicians actually keep their word? President Bush talked about fixing education among other things. But so far all he has done is get us caught up in these wars. And all we really have is wait it out. I don't fault him for New Orleans. But he does need to take a part of the blame considering he put an inexperienced horse breeder/trainer in charge of an important agency. I'm an independent and don't really support democrats or republicans. I will call out Bill Clinton's bs as much as any other politicians bs.

    You're right,nobody talked about the New Orleans poverty. But what does that have to do with saving people in an emergency situation?
  15. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i wsh he would address the mysogyny of rap music instead of the little bit of homobia. there is so much sexism going on there it is sickening, as well as the materialism, the immorality!! he was able to overlook all of that and find homophia though, ha, what a hack
  16. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I agree alot of that stuff should stop. But thats the industry and it does sell. Who would speak out against the main parts of an industry that make them alot of money?
  17. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i would speak out against any injustice I dont have a problem with fighting the industry, i have given up plenty of money for my principles--thats what I support and he is lacking them when he attacks one person or doesnt speak against the bigger problem in the room and just jumps on the popular bandwagon.

    just calling someone racist or something homophobic doesnt mean it is.
  18. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    Its good that you have morals over money. But unfortunately many people don't.
  19. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    thats the point, that we need to have them, or we will see alot more New Orleans. If they are not, then that is not a good thing and we should be supporting the ones that do, I dont care if they hate or love George Bush, I just want them to support principles of caring about people over money, morals or "me"ism.

    things are mother taught us
  20. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    Its not easy finding people who have morals over money. Alot of people will just lie. I haven't met an executive to this day that will sacrifice money over morals.I will be surprised to meet one that doesn't have a someone on the side,even though they are married. Alot of people want to have their cake and eat it too.

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