1. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Handjobs: If I wanted to get my ish jerked I could do it myself. I swear I hate when girls offer them.
  2. SO TRUE! Love this.
    Noted; thanks for the tip.
  3. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Reality exist no matter how individual it may be.
  4. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Individual "reality" exists, but there is no universal reality, thus no reality. I've decided reality can't be what it is because what it is, it isn't. :smt017

    Something like that. I know what I mean.
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Can you truly say that reality is purely subjective? What is, is as oppose to what is, isn't?
  6. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    I understood what you were saying, all I was saying is even if individual reality is the only thing that exist, then reality still exist. If reality truly didnt exist, then you couldnt have "individual reality".
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Of course there's universal reality. If you and I were in a building that was collapsed we would both share a fearful experience. That would be our universal reality.
  8. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator



  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    A friend & I were talking about this very subject a couple of hours ago. :D
  10. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I have no idea what you just said, heh.

    K, I'll try to put it this way. When someone tells someone else to, "Face reality." Well, whose reality are they talking about? Then because they have to be talking about the individual reality of one of them, then just reality not individual to anyone can't exist. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

    Nobody experiences fear the same way though.
    I had dream about you last night btw. Weird.
  11. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I can appreciate that Britty, I've had multiple dreams about various forum members and sometimes I wake up thinking 'where the hell did that come from?'. But then I have weird dreams all the time anyway. Last week I was parachuting out of an airplane that was about to crash, I landed in a polygamist compound in Utah and the next thing I know I'm having pancakes with Sean Connery & the polygamist leader... Sean had some good advice for me & though I don't like pancakes much that syrup was fantastic. :smt045
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    :smt005 at least the syrup was fantastic!! I've had dreams so far about Saty, Jaisee, The End, and maybe others I don't remember. Now Andrae. But in my dream about him, he was making fun of me and I cussed him out. :smt079
    I do have a thread I dedicated to having dreams about forum members, but I don't know where it is and am too lazy to search for it.
  13. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Don't bother looking, I'm not sharing anything I dream on here. Some of it confuses the hell outta me, I don't think I need to share the confusion with the masses.
  14. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Thats fair to say... But at the same time universal reality does exist but not in one huge lump sum so to speak. Theres certain things everybody experiences the same way, sooner or later, or better yet, certain emotions regardless of what issue is happening in your own individual reality that are experienced by all.
    Ps I like your confidence, definitely a turn on.
  15. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Aww, okay then. I wish someone would invent something that records our dreams as we sleep, then when we wake up we could watch them like a movie. That's me though. I like dreams and what people try to say about them, like how to interpret them and what they're supposed to symbolize. I think it's fun. Sometimes my dreams turn out precognitive too. :grin:
  16. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I've had a couple of those, but they're typically most accurate when they deal with potential threat of life to me. The two times my life was in danger I dreamed about it in pretty amazing detail 2 weeks prior too, though at the time I thought nothing of it so it really wasn't helpful. But I often have intense all night back to back dreams about people when they're in trouble, or sick, or upset. I've learned to just call whoever it is when I wake up to see what's up.

    I can also generally remember my dreams well after I wake up, the less sense they make the better I remember them, which is completely asinine since they don't make any damn sense. I've also tried looking mine up in the dream dictionaries and such and they never have anything to tell me. There are some recurrent themes, I see snakes a lot, and I'm almost always saving someone and killing lots of somethings in the process with a variety of unconventional weapons, like massive glue guns that can completely vaporize people... that was a really cool gun, but the downside was it had to be plugged in which limited where you could fire from, but if they ever work out a cordless model I want one. :cool:
  17. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I'm saying because it doesn't exist in one huge lump sum, then it doesn't exist in one huge lump sum. :)
    Only little individual sums. Yea, heh.
    Sometimes my ability to articulate just fails to match up to my unparalleled genius, so things like this happen. :smt095

    I think the only way anyone could ever come any kinds of close to experiencing something the same way as someone else, is if the person is a psychic hybrid or Empath.

    :smt047 Well, thank you very much! I feel all warm and fuzzy and bigheaded now.
  18. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Wow! That is interesting and hopefully always beneficial. Dreams I've had that came true were little trivial things.

    LoL! I got a funny visual in my head about the massive glue guns and the downside of them having to be plugged in. :smt081
    Last night all I remember about the dreams I had besides the one about Andrae, was another one where there was a black widow spider in a window and I was freaking out. I've got a spider phobia. I've also scanned through dream dictionaries. I own two dream dictionary books. Just for entertainment purposes. :cool:
  19. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    It depends on how deep you look into it. If you take it based on face value then it is definitely possible.

    Btw your welcome.
  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I've always wished there was a way to record my dreams, because I have some crazy ones. I tend to remember them when I wake up, so I try to write everything down so I don't lose any details. I've written a lot of poems & stories based on my dreams. My dreams are also precognitive at times; it's freaky when the deja vu hits (I used to have seizures sometimes when it happened--usually petit mal).

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