Other races getting mad at i/r relationships?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Some Mexicans to do fantasize about reclaiming what they lost to America. No one is serious. They come for the money, mostly.

    Mexico is a very wealthy country, but there is a real distinction between the classes, and most of the poor people will never have an opportunity like they have here. What they don't realize is that illegals don't really have much opportunity either. There are a lot of stories in Mexico about how easy it is to get money in the US. Most of the stories are made up by family members who live here and want to brag when they go home. They can act rich, and get some "respect" from their people. This only perpetuates the problem.

    Most of the illegals crossing in the desert are doing so out of their poverty. The real criminals usually cross right through the gate with false ID's and such. It isn't hard to get false US birth Certificates and things like that if they really want to live a life of crime. So all the money we spend on the fence and sending the BP to run around in the desert is only catching a bunch of very poor Mexican people who have no harm in mind. It's a huge waste of money and man power, while the real criminals are coming right in through the gates. And the terrorists are coming in from Canada where we don't even have a fence. :smt021
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    I think the only stupid blonds are the ones who think they can get buy on their looks, because that has been ingrained in them for so long.
  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    They are GLADLY playing the role of Uncle Toms as well as cheap labor scabs.
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    My cousin is married to a mexican woman...her brother is in jail for kicking their niece in the side so hard he ruptured her spleen...he overheard her say a Black guy in a video was cute.!

    Mexicans even ally themselves with Aryan/neo-nazi hate groups in prisons all over America.

    That's something the Black intellectuals won't ever mention..Their behavior flies in the face of the dream of a Black-brown love-fest.

    MANY have a CONGENITAL hatred for Black people..especially BM...hell...they dissown their daughters faster than a southern redneck for dating a Brother.

    The Black elites are nowhere to be found when they attack and kill us...or even when their politicians insult us.it's as if they only see racism if it comes from whites.

    Just think..Blacks are being replaced in their own communites by some of the most vehement racists the latin world has to offer..

    They are quick to call us "changos" and "mayates"..yet they SURE DON'T MIND RIDING OUR COAT-TAILS..they sure don't mind moving into our chango communities or sending their kids to our mayate schools.

    I tell Black people all the time.."if you want to see what our future is like under a Latino majority..look no further than the Dominican Republic or Cuba."

    Mexicans are LUCKY Black people don't hate them the way they hate us.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2008
  5. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    That really makes me sad. There is a special place in Hell for those people.
  6. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I agree 100%.Black politicians and activist seem to turn a blind eye to the problems in the Black/mexican communities and only focus on black and white relations.
    But about that last bit

    that is certainly changing

    the more media coverage the "race wars" get out on the west coast,the more hatred towards mexicans that will foment in the black community
  7. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Do you ever think it will get as much press though. Mexicans are still a minority. Even when black people do terrible things to other black people (read Sudan and stuff) there is never as much outrage as what there is/was over what the white community has done to other nations.

    And, its become a "thing", in my mind....black vs white...
    Because, at the end of the day, white people also discrimated against mexicans...so, it's kind of like two minorities fighting. I just don't see that it will ever get as much press or interest as what the white/black thing does.

    Just my opinion.

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