Does anyone here live in or has lived in Orlando? What do you think about the city, what did you like, dislike (not in terms of IR dating but in general)? Just doing a little research
LOL Bryant you are kidding, right??? Why are you moving there? Well then I might just stalk you down there in Floridaaaaaa ha ha. No, our manager in Orlando is really offering up a nice job and wants me to move there... very tempting job, very dull city (I think). I mean Chicago to Orlando??? :shock: brother wants me to move down there near him. yeah, hey, if we're finally in the same city, i just might be doing all the stalking :lol: i've never been there...what makes it dull??
I don't know I just have this "idea" about Orlando... I've been to Disney that's all I've seen. But it's small, landlocked albeit close to the ocean, hot and humid and I envision something of a subdivision nirvana. You know what I mean? No real downtown, not walkable and one subdivision with generic looking houses next to the other... damn I just bashed Orlando didn't I?? ?LOL It's funny how one has a certain idea about a city. I've never been to Denver but would move there in a heartbeat. I would move to Boston (with a few reservations), Baltimore and DC area but Orlando just doesn't sound one bit tempting to me... on the other hand if you are there :yawinkle:
Yeah, i see what you mean. My brother described it to be kind of like that actually. and yeah, you did bash Orlando! hahaha...kidding. :wink: i feel the same way about Seattle. have never been there, but have this idea in my mind about it. would love to live there. sooo Chi, ummm....what are we waiting for? lets go there and get the stalking started already!
I dont live in Orlando, but pretty close. Its no Chicago, but it is pretty nice. There is quite a bit to do. Only one hour from Tampa and Daytona is nice and close, also. Dispite what people think, the winters are cold (but not Chi-Town cold). Now here is the BUT! Home prices, taxes, and insurance are OUTRAGEOUS! Monthly taxes and insurance on a $200K home will run you about $550. Thats if you can find a $200K home that you like in a decent area. Alot of people have turned down good jobs in in Florida because of the housing situation.
He he seems other than screwing Mickey that is the only thing left to do stalk each other.. LMAOOO. So are you seriously thinking about leaving the Land of Da Bears??? I thought about it but naaaaaaaaaa I can't at least not to move to Orlando despite me having this crush on you... sigh...
I know but remember I vowed to only mess with younger men once I turn 40. Bryant is to sweet to be corrupted by dirrrty me :wink:
Although I live in London, my parents have got a house outside Orlando so I've been there a lot of times. It's alright for a holiday, but I couldn't imagine living there, the place seems kinda boring to me... ...Love the Florida women though
hey, how did i forget this thread?? :smt017 oh, well. i have been thinking about it, and i just can't make any type of decision yet. i've lived in Illinois my whole life, and even though i'd like to see some diff. places, and see some new things, i dunno that Orlando is necessarily that place. and yeah, leaving the Bears just might be toooo hard to do, even though they suck right now!! lol
I agree 100% with you Bryant, if you want to venture out Orlando is prolly not the city to get excited about... Well I dodged the Orlando thingy, I will definitely stay in Chicagoooooooooo
lol...if i decide to stay in Illinois, and if i don't get a call from you on your 40th birthday, i'm gonna be HIGHLY upset about it Chi!! :lol: