1. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  3. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    1. I think a survey of women might not differ too greatly from this one.
    2. Obviously, promiscuity is relative based on culture.
    3. Personally, the number of previous sex partners is not an issue for me, save for health issues and agreed upon fidelity.
  4. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I've been sexually active since I was 14, so that means one partner every 7-8 years makes me promiscuous?

    Well call me a slut then. And pass the Astroglide, will you? ;-)
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. you can be my personal slut. LOL
  6. nolegal10

    nolegal10 New Member

    Wow, that is ridiculous. If this survey was flipped, I wonder how many partners it would take for women to think men were promiscuous. I can guarantee it wouldn't be 5!
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Double standards and broken labels.

    Couldn't we all just say that people are "sexually healthy human beings" if they engage in sexual intercourse with multiple people? But due to Puritanical and Victorian era conservative mindsets, we create a certain degree of needless guilt.
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I do too though, there are different standards in societyfor men and women you know.


    Sluuuuuttttttttttttt.................... I am there with you then and probably the whole board. I say if you say I had five partners this week then slut fits. Five in your life then you are average and have been single part of that time too.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I thought it was wildly entertaining, that's what I think.
    How the hell is a number all in of itself a measure of promiscuousity?
    It doesn't work, unless your like 14 or so and not even then it can be used as a measure of "looseness". Its not even close to reasonable

    I would LOOOOOVE to know how many partners the men who took the survey have had - 5??? Don't think so. LOLing
  10. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    A survey of women discussing the promiscuity of other women is what I meant. I don't think the numbers would differ that greatly.
  11. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Sorry I misunderstood. I was thinking along the same line as FG.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Personally it depends on how many people on average per year.
    I allow for 1 to 2 guys per year from the time you lost your virginity. So Trixie if its less than 76 you're good boo :D

    My thing is if a woman has a high average of men per year that sets off a red flag for me. Its been my experience that while women love sex just as much as men do they don't usually want it with as many partners.
    Like the old saying go women are looking for one man to have sex with 10,000 times and men are looking for 10,000 women to have sex with once :smt102
  13. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Personally, I dont give a damn about other people's sex lives, and the only time i use the word slut is ironically. I don't think there's any such thing.

    But there's that old trope "A slut is someone who has slept with more men than I have, and a prude is someone who has slept with less." Honestly though, I don't know any women who give a shit about how many other people another woman has slept with. Why would we??
  14. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    OOh! I'm good! I met MrF's standards! For once anyway ;-)

    For me it's been sort of..in waves. I might have a few years where I'm more active than usual either because I don't want to be in a committed relationship for various reasons, and then a long stretch when I'm with one man...or none, for that matter. It all depends on where in my life I am at that point. I prefer monogamy because I think there's a specific *type* of intimacy that can be very hot, but sometimes life just doesnt lend itself to that. I know mine wont again, because monogamy is for love, and that's not in the cards for a woman my age with MS.

    So if I work really hard at it, maybe I can violate those standards of MrF before all is said and done ;-)
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Because women are catty as fuck please don't pretend to be ignorant of that. Women are way quicker to tear others down.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Go for it and have fun beautiful
  17. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I don't know about "way quicker"...I've seen some men do that too, more than you'd think (bearing in mind I worked in all male environments, and was treated like "one of the guys" I overheard a lot of stuff).

    I'm maybe thinking this is a maturity thing. Maybe younger people are quicker to judge others? I posted this same article on my FB account, and among those who responded so far, no one seems to give a fuck how many men a woman sleeps with, and that includes male friends, and my mother's cousin, who is in her mid-70s (that did sorta surprise me, that she responded "Who cares?")
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You might be right because when you're young you're shopping for a mate instead of trying to find a good person if that makes sense.
  19. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I suspect that would depend upon whether the discussion took place publicly, or privately. I believe women often feel that they should be PC on this issue and advocate that the numbers mean nothing, or they view it in light of the double-standard that exists regarding men's partner numbers and that generally prompts them to state a position of across the board tolerance. In private however it might be a different response. I find in general that if several women are talking about women who aren't present, then chances are they get labeled slutty if they have a higher number of partners. While they may be willing to take that on a case-by-case basis with friends, when discussing women they don't consider their friends, they're not as open-minded and forgiving. I'm not saying that's all women, but it does describe most of the women I know personally, outside my family.

    I also think promiscuous isn't the same as slut, or at least not to me. Promiscuous to me simply describes casual sex with many partners, with the number that constitutes 'many' varying according to the individual using the term. Promiscuous applies to both men and women. Slut however typically only gets applied to women and is typically used with a far more negative connotation. To me it seems promiscuous defines, but doesn't judge, whereas slut judges and often condemns.

    Ultimately I don't think what anyone else says on the subject matters. If a man or woman wants to have sex with X number of people, that's their business, and as long as they don't think badly of themselves then more power to them. I think the main thing is to be okay with it yourself and not lie about it. If someone doesn't feel comfortable being involved with someone whose numbers are too high for their liking, that's also their choice to make. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer on this, it's an individual preference. As long as you can look yourself in the mirror at the end of the day and like who you are, who cares what anyone else thinks anyway?

    Okay, no judgments on anyone, but I read that and cringed. I would consider myself overly promiscuous were I to have had sex with 25% that many men in my entire lifetime. Again that's my personal definition as applied to me, and I would not attempt to tell someone else whether that was appropriate for them. I just couldn't do it without being really disappointed in myself. And before someone asks, how many women a man has sex with also does not matter to me, that's their business. The only issue that would concern me there is from a safety standpoint, but I think that should be addressed regardless of numbers with both men and women.

  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    lauryn hill has 6 kids and one on the way and has no idea who the papa is. the other kids....well lets say fathers day look like the macy day parade.

    slut or promiscuous ? Just asking

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