Open Robotics University is a Tuition Free Engineering Degree-Granting University that allows people to further exercise their talents and expand their knowledge into all fields engineering-related. The founder, Dr. Osato Osemwengie, who has completed six Masters software and computer engineering, want to bring the world into a greater light and allow better access for people who want to get some level of education in engineering. It's true that the sciences are growing into a much more critical component in the battle of influences all over the world. Whoever produces the most engineers and successes, that country will hold greater influence into tomorrow's progress. If you are interested in expanding your knowledge and build yourself, this is an opportunity of a lifetime. Share it. Cherish it. Live it.
Thanks. We have an education center here link to NASA research center and Jefferson Labs. The team of young people is called the NASA Knights who work with NASA scientists and engineers. This founder of the open robotics university intrigues me. Multiple masters degrees? I bet he is Nigerian. I have a Christmas surprise for my son a leggo robotics kit. Again, thanks, someday my son will be an engineer. I will pass this on to the instructor who is a brilliant woman who runs the program. She has three masters degrees.