Only "bottom of the barrel" white women like Black

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by malikom, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Whos heard this one?I often here critics of ir relationships say that only 'bottom of the barrel" white women,take a liking to black men."Bottom of the barrel" meaning fat girls,"white trash" looking,girls who "act black",etc;but when they see a slim,good looking white woman with a black man,they assume that something if wrong with her. :roll:
  2. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    While I am quick to dispel this, I have seen brothas with some jacked up white women and I have seen some white women with some jacked up brothas, but hell I hear asians say that about whitemen lol.
  3. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Yeah,its like they will take anything.I know you've heard about brothas hooking up with any white woman JUST because she is white.
    You ever notice when a white man dates a black woman,that the black woman is most of the time, very good looking?
  4. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    Ha, if we were really the bottom of the barrel as they say, then they wouldn't be so bitter to see us with black men would they?

    I would say, if anything the opposite it true. The more generally attractive a woman is, the more free she feels in chosing who to date since more opportunites tend to present themselves. When shite guys see the more desireable women opting for black guys then they have to come up with something to rationalize it.
  5. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Re: Only "bottom of the barrel" white women like B

    That is what you call talk out of racist jealousy, it is the same thing when those critics was saying that heavier set white women and white women with big butts that only a black man would want that, but you see just as much white men with heavy set & big booty ww just as much as bm, the same with whitegirls that act or that are hood, most (well used to be most) be more into brothas, but most of whiteboys that act hood be more into those kind of whitegirls than blackgirls. If anybody ever been to a mostly black club a.k.a. hip hop club, have ya'll ever seen the whiteguys hit on the most ghetto-like whitegirls there.

    Yeah that aint nothing but jealousy talk out of most of the time whiteguys (lets tell it like it is.) They say that and do the opposite because overall they don't want to see us with "their" women, that is why you see the surgence of hood and "hood" whitegirls going back to whitemen along with, fat whitegirls and the ones with big butts because they see them gettin some chocolate ( :lol: ) and decide to want to pull them away from the candy store, if you know what I mean. By changing their mind and deciding they like it like that, they would tell them they aint like other whiteboys they love them some big girls and so on and get them to stay within their race.

    Porn has a good example of it, when all these whitegirls came out with big booties, their was no market for them in white porn, no one wanted to hire them they wanted the jenna jameson's, jenna haze's and taylor rain's....But as soon as they all started to heavily do the brothas all of a sudden there is a market for big booty whitegirls. Nigga Pleeeaze :lol:
    I can along with alot of other brothas could see right through those who hate like that, they be full of shit!
    Those are the ones that lives by that whiteman's world saying, and we all know those type hate seeing a black man enjoying himself, and white women giving it up to him.
  6. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Real talk Kenny. Been seeing that for years.
  7. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Yep...I heard this one before too. And like it has already been said...if that is the case then why do some wm get all bent out of shape about it? There are some bm who have ww I don't think are attractive but there plenty of bm who've have ww I think are smokin' hot. And that is certainly the case here in Southern California.
  8. sexybutcute

    sexybutcute New Member

    jeez...what next!
    so cos im a sucessful, smart and pretty ww that d8s bm it means sum people out there think theres sumthin wrong with me.
    lol. surely not?
  9. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site SBC. How is things in the land of whiskey,bagpipes,and golf?
  10. dudaroosky

    dudaroosky New Member

    I agree. This is why when alot of wm see bm/ww couples they scream bloody murder and accuse bm of "taking their women"
  11. sexybutcute

    sexybutcute New Member

    lol, stereotyping or wot! but thanq 4 the welcome, sweet of u 2 bother.

    things are gd ovr here thanks, tad boring @ times but easy enough 2 spice up! so where u from urself?

    uno, i think im goin 2 like this site tis a genuis idea.

    anyhoo must get goin, as i have my golf lesson in 30mins and then im playin my bagpipes later so heres hopin i stay sober long enough to last the day! hehe :partyman:
  12. miss kiki

    miss kiki New Member

    PMSL I like this gal

    & as for bottom of the barrel...wot a load of sh1t...i'd like to see someone say that to my face!
  13. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I live in North Carolina home of tobacco,basketball,and race car driving. Also because of the Scots-Irish in the western part of the state,they have the Highland Games.
  14. sexybutcute

    sexybutcute New Member

    geography was never my strong subject so goin to check that 1 out. but would swap the bagpipes and golf for tobbaco and car racin anyday, by far more fun!
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Hope you can come to America before the Dollar gets strong. Check out the Nascar racing site when you have the chance.
  16. sexybutcute

    sexybutcute New Member

    considerin comin to america, seems IR is not so 1 sided over there! get 6months of the year off + newly single so im scoping out my options. heard atlanta is fun? any1 enlighten me?
    as for car racin, never done it b4, but its def on top of my to do list.
  17. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

  18. sexybutcute

    sexybutcute New Member

    emmm, on second but omg + thats 4 real?!

    never seekd out others opinions b4, had enuf hassle frm family/friends i didint really care about external opinions! but never read/heard such abuse towards ir ever well @ least not to that extent of hatred.

    never thot mysel as ignorant but wel thats opened my eyes. not that its goin 2 change me, far 2 strong for that kinda bull 2 get 2 me.

    uno wot f*k em. love a challenge me! :partyman:
  19. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Very interesting/scary link.

    Can you believe that one person there even had seen WW with Pakistanis? :lol:

    And it shouldn't matter if it's ugly ww or pretty ww. If we start mixing with BM, it's still precious white genes that's lost forever. :lol:

    Oh, and I learned a whole lot of new offencive words as well. My english teacher would be sooo proud! :lol:
  20. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    I'd like to see their webmaster's face when he is reviewing the referrer log file and sees several hits coming from a site called I don't know if he'd be more confused or pissed off! :)

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