Only black women can relate to black men and not white women

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by SardonicGenie, Aug 4, 2006.

  1. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Well, here I go again with another one of these threads, ( you don't have to say it ) but I just had to put this one out there. This is not to confuse you with my opinions posted in the thread entitled "White women: ONLY GOOD FOR ONE THING???" because the posts written by me in that thread don't influence this topic in any way.

    So, let's get it over with, people.
  2. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I am not sure what you are getting at but personally, no one can understand a black man's life but a black man. However, black women and black women only can relate. We both share the same skin hue and are not immune to the racial discrimination in America; however, with black women, its tamer and much more surrepticiously practised. With us, its overt, in-your-face and is supposedly rationally explicable.

    White women will never and i repeat, never be able to understand what we go through and cannot carry our cross. Its like asking Nicodemus to carry Jesus Christ' cross. White women irrefutably are often victims of sexism and gender-based discrimination practises but that is little compared to over 400 years of total brutality, savagery and morally unjustifiable cruelty. White women have the world, period. At least wherever they co-exist with white men. White women are supposedly the cream of the crop(although i totally disagree) and they're the ripe fruit that cannot and must not be shared with "savages".

    Black women on the other hand, have been violated, raped and had all sorts of immoral acts descended upon them uncalled for of course, but due to the superiority complex of the evil white man. Despite this, they(along with other ethnic minority women)are very strong-willed, determined and courageous. Black women, in my opinion, are the hardest working and determined because despite the fact that they are pushed aside, they still come out on top, sometimes ahead of us brothas and if i remember accurately, i read something about black women at the point of earning more than white women as a whole.

    All the hardships black folks of both genders have experienced in the US makes us understand each other vey much and can relate to our hardships. Of course, we black men are at the top of it all as we've been lynched, beaten to death, burned, maimed, blown up, imprisoned just for the crime of being black. Black women might not had it that tough but they've had their own share like being bundled over to a man as their master/husband and immorally violated in the knowledge of their black male counterparts. For this reason, only a black woman can fully understand the pains of black man and can relate and it is the reason why i believe black men and women should stop pointing the finger and come together. Clearly, the "divide and conquer" method is working fully well and it is a big shame if in 2006, we cannot get on as one. If we do not get our act together, no one will.
  3. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    again, another myth, because then I wouldnt have to date white women, except for my physical attraction to them--since i am also physically attracted to black women. so this is not a fact, making it a myth
  4. Who's The Boss

    Who's The Boss New Member

    SardonicGenie, you are officially a troll for this :p
  5. Miss Jenkins

    Miss Jenkins New Member

    I'm surprised you say that because there's quite a few black men who would beg to differ. Many say that black women have put them down and not understood where they are coming from at all. That they are wrapped up in their own lives/selves and do not give him a shoulder to cry on when he is going through issues in society that try to keep him down.
  6. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I actually agree with MOST of this to an extent, and THIS is where I'm gettin' at:

    You see where I'm getting at now?
  7. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Care to add something relevant to the topic?
  8. Who's The Boss

    Who's The Boss New Member

  9. Miss Jenkins

    Miss Jenkins New Member

    Wake up, foo! :wink:
  10. Who's The Boss

    Who's The Boss New Member

    I'm up hahahaha

    But seriously Sardonic, the thought has crossed my mind. You just can't walk up to any white woman (or man) and start talking about racial injustices and expect her to support you or even sometimes to agree with you. It's not that they're racist or uncaring. They're like any other race not fully understanding the worldwide oppression of Black people. We see it so clearly and quickly, but it might take awhile for them to catch it.

    But on the other hand it's hard for any woman to fully understand you as yourself (as a man) anyways. They say good women are hard to find, so good women who fully understand you must be super hard to find.
  11. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    The same can be said about black women also, and YOU of all people should know that by now.
  12. Who's The Boss

    Who's The Boss New Member

    Yes, sometimes the same can be said about some Black women but not to the same effect.
  13. Miss Jenkins

    Miss Jenkins New Member

    In all honesty, it is very much easier for a black women to understand her balck man much more than it is a white woman (just my opinion don't quote me on it) but black women have become selfish and uncaring when it comes to understanding a black man's feelings and helping him through his hard times. As more black women get an education and more employment options then black men, sometimes it feels like black women are putting out this better than thou air like she is too good to give her man a shoulder to cry on, berating him because he is not on her "level." This is what I've seen. But I believe as black people, we don't even want to understand eachother. smh.

  14. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    That's another factor in what I was saying to Cris earlier, Miss J.
  15. Miss Jenkins

    Miss Jenkins New Member

    Yes, good point. If you are dating a white women, she can see why you're hurt but will she FULLY understand without experiencing racism herself? Probably not. It's not her fault neither, it's just something she's never had to deal with like black men and women have (and she should be damn happy about this too.)

    And true about your last statement also, who'stheboss.

  16. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Keep in mind people that I placed this in the appropriate forum for a reason. If I really believed that either white or black women can or can't relate more to us, then I wouldn't have put it in this part of the site. It's not that I don't get what the people who posted so far in here are saying, or anything like that...

    also, it's an original topic.
  17. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    Unless we can walk in the shoes of another, we can't truly understand what it is like to be them. WW who get in deep relationships/i.e., marriage may get a little window view of some of the things black men face. But it still isn't the same as living it. A BW will be closer, in that she knows that it is like to be Black but it still isn't the same as being a man. He faces different things than a woman does.
  18. designer

    designer New Member

    The one thing that 99% of black Americans can relate to is racism.
    I have talked with black people from different parts o the world and there is not the same connection as with black people from the good old US of A.

    So I think there is something to black women and men understanding the aspect of racism that we have lived.
    Beyond racism [which is a powerful connect] understanding becomes more of a time shared kind of thing and not a natural unspoken connection.

    My two cents.
  19. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    black women maybe as a group and black men as a group have the racism thing in common, but as individuals, which many blacks forget that they ARE, may not have much in common at all.
  20. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    Anyone who's known directly what pain, suffering, humiliation, un-justice or any of the above mentioned are (and you don't have to be black to have gone through that)

    can relate to someone else who's been through it

    even if it hasn't dealt with it in the exact same form or shape.

    The question is if they care to relate, because if they want to, they can.

    my opinion

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