I'm just hearing about Olivia Williams from news that she would be in Joss Whedon's new show” Dollhouse". She was apparently in X-men: The Last Stand, Sixth Sense, etc, Well here is a picture of her and her husband.
Nice.I searched for some info on her on google thinking she was american,and surprise surprise she happens to be European. Are there any white american actreses that are married to Black men?
Yeah,shes attractive too I really dont think that its a coincidence that you see many european female celebs with Black men,and you see almost no american white female celebs with none.
I kinda get a kick out of you guys discovering these IR couples. I come here often to learn of some new ones and most of the times I tend to come across postings of couples whom I've known about for years. Its been about five years since I learned of the yummy Olivia Williams hooking up with this guy (who happens to be an African American who moved to England). Maybe one of these days I'll start dropping what I know on the IR celeb front but I don't like doing so if I don't know how to include pics. In the meantime here's a link to a nice youtube showreel of Miss Williams http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZvn8P8TqhE&feature=related
same here honestly..before coming to this site.. did you know James Earl Jones was married to a white broad?
Great info jxsilicon :!: I remember her as the cutie from THE POSTMAN. :wink: Didn't know that she was married to a brotha. :shock: I'm really starting to believe you guys more & more now about how UK/Euro white ladies are lots more open minded about IR than American white ladies are...especially the celebs & models across the pond. Anyway, here are some family pics...
Hell Jamal if you want to drop the info I'll do the pic research no problem bro :!: :wink: And to pettyoj yeah, I knew about James Earl Jones but thanks to this site & some others I'm learning about alot more celeb IR couples. 8)
Alright, though I still wish one of you guys would have taken the time to PM me with instructions on the pictures posting. How many times does a man have to beg? Geez. Here's one I've been holding to myself for months. Chiwtel Ejiofor (Dirty Pretty Things, Four Brothers, Inside Man, American Gnagster, Talk To Me Serenity) and Rahda Mitchell (Feast of Love, Man On Fire, Pitch Black and Silent Hill). Below is an excerpt of one report of their secret relationship: It was not his first crack at the role. At the post-show party at One Aldwych on Tuesday night a shy Ejiofor, seemingly wrung out by the emotion he had invested in the play's climactic murder-suicide scene, was asked if this was the pinnacle of a black actor's career. He politely pointed out that he had played Othello twice before, in his late teens, for the National Youth Theatre. "But I feel I really didn't do it justice," he said, "because I hadn't experienced a memorable jealousy at that time." His girlfriend, Australian film star Radha Mitchell, hovered at a discreet distance, lest the relationship they have kept quiet for three years was suddenly splashed across the newspapers. Check out the whole article on Ejiofor by clicking on this link: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/theat...ails/The+making+of+a+great+Othello/article.do Now it all makes sense. Both of them are extremely private and elusive when talking about their personal lives and are never seen on the redcarpet with a date (which fueled speculation for both by some fans that they were gay). But their dating would answer all those questions since it means they were trying to keep their relationship out of the spotlight and off the tabloid papers. I was suspicious when I saw Rhada on the red carpet for films like "Talk To Me" which she had no part of and you would think she would not have an interest in. But obviously she was there in support of her boyfriend who was a star of the movie. But if you check the photos for that event at WireImage the two of them are never photographed together during the premiere of that movie. Sneaky. Three years ago would mean they started dating around the time that both did the Woody Allen movie "Melinda, Melinda" where in one timeline they play a couple (life imitates art I guess). Anyway, noble, do your magic. Provide some pics of the lady and gentleman. In the meantime here's a youtube link to the trailer of Ejiofor's next movie "Redbelt" which seems to have some IR action in it. The woman who plays his wife in the movie is Alice Braga from "City of God" and "I Am Legend." http://youtube.com/watch?v=Lxco8SoiXc8
Time for a little spin on the crawl, walk, run concept :wink: click the quote tab, as if you were going to quote this post.. read the part of this post that begins with . That is the proper format for directly posting pictures, instead of using links. The web link that you see between the barriers, can be found by right clicking on an image, and then left-clicking on the properties tab. A new box should open up with information related to the picture you are viewing. [b]The only thing you need to be looking for is the URL[/b]. Insert that URL/address the same way as shown within this post.
Chiwetel Ejiofor & Radha Mitchell Alice Braga http://www.whitewomenblackmen.com/forum/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=4284&highlight=alice+braga
that's an old ass thread pimpin I think I seen the one with Mos Def on cable tho... random movies come on all the time you know.. I didn't pick up the name of it..but I think it had Brendan Fraser in it too.
Yeah man, european white women seem to be way more open to dating Black men than american white women.Alot of european women arent brainwashed by the media,parents,firends,etc like alot of american white women.Its less taboo in europe anyway.Alot of american white women are too scared to even admit that they are attracted to Black dudes due to comments from their white male friends and etc
I hope that's not a recent advertisement for the movie :wink: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0454879/ movie came out a couple years ago... he meets her a good way through the movie if I recall correctly I liked him in 16 blocks with Bruce Willis too